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The Battle of Tippecanoe
Ch. 9 Test on Thursday (this week)
Quia (80% of grade): 8 ?’s from chapter 9 & 2 from previous tests
Ch. 9 Written Response (20% of overall test grade)
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and John Marshall were
important leaders in Chapter 9:
List one best example of their leadership in Chapter 9 and describe
the role of the leader.
List one worst example of their leadership in Chapter 9 and describe
the role of the leader.
Your response should provide evidence that you understand the
example used in your response, as well as the role of the individual
leader. (include at least 2 related facts along with your analysis)
What we will be doing today.
We will be using the computers to learn
more about the Battle of Tippecanoe.
You and a partner will answer questions
about Tippecanoe using a website.
Use will use this website, to answer the
You and a partner may work together to
answer these questions.
Each of you need to write out and hand in
your own answers.
We will collect the papers, and review
some of the questions at the end of class.
Native American Settlement
1. What were the names of the two brothers
who built Prophet Town?
The Protagonist
2. What did Tecumseh and the Prophet plan
to do?
3. How did the white settlers of the Indian
Territory feel?
4. Who was General William Henry
Harrison, and what did he do in the
summer of 1811?
The Battle
5. What did the Native American troops do
after the battle?
6. What did General Harrison and his troops
do to Prophet Town?
The Aftermath
7. What did Tecumseh do with his
remaining troops?
8. Why do you think the Native American
troops joined forces with the British?
Harrison for President
Using information from The Aftermath,
and The Rally sections of the website:
Create a campaign poster for Andrew
Harrison that includes:
a slogan he may have used
 a description of his leadership style
 reference to his military experience
 something he might promise to do for voters