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Cognitive Views of Learning
Woolfolk, Chapter 7
The Cognitive Perspective
Information Processing
Becoming Knowledgeable
Concept Map for Chapter 7
Comparing Perspectives
Behavioral Psych
Cognitive Psych
Reinforcement strengthens behavior
Reinforcement is a source of feedback
Learners respond to environmental stimuli Learners initiate learning experiences
Knowledge is acquired
Knowledge is constructed
Study done on animals
Study done on animals and people
The Cognitive Perspective
Kinds of Knowledge
 General
 Domain specific
 Declarative
 Procedural
 Conditional or structural
Types of Knowledge & Examples
Information Processing Model
Sensory memory
Short term memory
Long term memory
Executive Control
Sensory memory
Short term memory
Long term memory
Sensory Memory
The five senses
Sensory register
Large capacity
Short duration
Roles of attention and perception
Gestalt Psychology: Study of Perception
Gestalt Terminology
 Bottom-up processing
 Top-down processing
 The role of attention
 Automaticity
 Lesson for teachers
 See Guidelines, Woolfolk, p. 247
Working Memory
Capacity: 5 to 9 separate items
Articulatory loop rehearsal system
Duration: 5 to 20 seconds
Rehearsal can increase duration
– Maintenance rehearsal
– Elaborative rehearsal
– Chunking
 Forgetting
– Interference
– Decay
Long Term Memory
Storage takes more time & effort
Unlimited capacity
Unlimited duration
Contains visual or verbal or a combination of codes
Retrieval may be troublesome
Comparison of Short- & Long Term Memory
Short Term
Very fast input
Limited capacity
5 – 20 seconds duration
Contains words, images, ideas, sentences
Immediate retrieval
Long Term
Relatively slow input
Practically unlimited capacity
Practically unlimited duration
Contains networks, schemata
Retrieval depends on connections
Contents of Memory
Semantic Memory
– Propositions & propositional networks
– Images
– Story grammar
– Event schema / script
 Images
 Schemas (schemata)
Contents of Memory
 Story grammar
 Script
 Episodic memory
 Procedural memory
Types of Memory
LTM Storage Strategies
 Elaboration
 Organization
 Context
 Levels of processing
Retrieval & Forgetting
 Spread of activation
 Reconstruction
 Decay
 Interference
 See Guidelines, Woolfolk p. 259
Reflection Questions
 What you are thinking right now… which level of memory is it being held?
 How is information stored in long term memory?
 Why do people forget? What are the possible causes?
Metacognition, Regulation, &
Individual Differences
Metacognitive Knowledge
 Awareness of your own thinking processes
– Knowing what you know (declarative knowledge)
– Knowing how to use what you know (procedural knowledge)
– Knowing when and why to use what you know (conditional knowledge)
 Planning
 Monitoring
 Evaluation
Differences in Metacognition
 Developmental differences
– Capacity
– Strategy
– Organization
 Individual differences
– Efficiency
– Differences in ability
Differences in Long-Term Memory
 Domain-specific declarative knowledge
 Procedural knowledge
 Personal interest
Becoming Knowledgeable:
Some Basic Principles
Learning Declarative Knowledge
 Rote memorization
 Serial position effect
 Part learning
 Distributed practice
 Massed practice
 Loci method
 Peg type: keyword, peg word, acronyms
 Chaining
 Making it meaningful : Single best method for aiding memory
Making It Meaningful
 Relating to previous knowledge
 Relating to students’ experiences
 Clarifying unfamiliar terms
 Give examples, illustrations, analogies from students’ view
 Use humor, emotion, novelty
Procedural & Conditional Knowledge
 Automated basic skills
– Cognitive
– Associative
– Autonomous
 Prerequisite knowledge
 Practice with feedback
– Leads to condition-action rules (productions)
 Domain-specific strategies
Learning Outside School
 Encouraging family and community support
 See Family and Community Partnerships, Woolfolk, p. 270
Reflection Questions
 Contrast cognitive and behavioral views of learning. What is learned? What is the role of
 How does knowledge affect learning?
 Compare declarative, procedural, and conditional knowledge.
 Give two explanations for perception.
 How is information retained in working memory?
Reflection Questions
How is information represented in long-term memory? What role do schemas play?
What learning processes improve long-term memory?
Why do we forget?
What are the three metacognitive skills?
Describe some individual differences in metacognition.
Reflection Questions
 How can using better metacognitive strategies improve children’s memories?
 Describe three ways to develop declarative knowledge.
 Describe some procedures for developing procedural knowledge.
 The Cognitive Perspective
 Information Processing
 Metacognition
 Becoming Knowledgeable
End Chapter 7