Download Pollutant Bacteria on Milk Can be Filtered using Nano

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Pollutant Bacteria on Milk Can be
Filtered using Nano-Based Technology
Submit by prasetyaFPon June 08, 2015| Comment(s) : 0| View : 2126
The students of FP make the filter for pollutant bacteria on milk
Milk is a nutrient-rich beverage which is needed by our body to grow and develop. In fact,
the nutritionists strongly recommend drinking milk because it has many benefits. Especially
to assist the development of bone cells and to minimize the impact of poisoned by heavy
metals which enter to our body. No wonder if over the years the demand for milk
continuously rising. However, lately there is a problem of consuming whole cow's milk, such
as, poisoning and the shelf life of milk that can not last long.
It is caused by the bacterial contamination, such as, pathogenic bacteria (cause disease)
and spoilage bacteria which contaminate the milk. The existence of these bacteria because
of the poor processing and less hygiene. Therefore, started from an idea which is hatched by
Ahmad Muhidin (the team leader) from Faculty of Agriculture-Brawijaya University (FP-UB)
and four of his friends; Verayunita Febriani (FP), Sulthon Nurur Rizki (FKH), M. Arief
Biamrillah (FP), and Fajrin Anwar Hidayat (FPT), under the supervisor of Dr. agr. Nunun
Barunawati, S.P., M.P., create a tool for processing milk mainly to remove bacteria. The tool
which is called "Milky Fit" utilizes nano filtration technology of bagasse wastes, making it
more environmentally friendly.
The making of Milky Fit has received the funding from Directorate General of Higher
Education (DIKTI) for Student Creativity Program of Cipta Karsa 2015. In addition, several
awards from this idea have also been achieved, including the first winner in LKTI of National
Innovation Animal Science Competition in Brawijaya University and second winner in The
Innovations of Appropriate Technology in National Modern Era in Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember (ITS) Surabaya.
The team and the supervisor lecturer wish that this innovation can be applied directly to the
public and can be useful to the society especially farmers who have medium scale dairies.
Therefore, milk will be produced higher in quality and farmers can increase their income.
[ahmad/waw/Humas UB/translated by uswatun-agung]