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Bacteria and Viruses Study Guide (Test on 1.27.11)
1. Which shape describes some bacterial cells?
a. threadlike
c. rodlike
b. bulletlike
d. bricklike
2. Which of the following is found in the cytoplasm of bacterial cells?
a. cell membrane
c. genetic material
b. nucleus
d. flagella
3. What is a characteristic of archaebacteria?
a. Most are disease-causing.
c. They use sun to produce food and energy.
b. They live just about everywhere.
d. They thrive in extreme environments.
4. What process results in genetically different bacteria?
a. binary fission
c. conjugation
b. respiration
d. asexual reproduction
5. The process of breaking down food to release its energy is called
a. conjugation.
c. binary fission.
b. respiration.
d. nutrition.
6. Endospores form during
a. binary fission.
c. respiration.
b. sunlight hours.
d. harsh environmental conditions.
7. What important role do bacteria called decomposers play?
a. They return basic chemicals to the
c. They kill harmful bacteria.
b. They slow down food spoilage.
d. They produce vitamins.
8. Which of the following is NOT a role of bacteria that live in human bodies?
a. digesting food
c. making vitamins
b. preventing disease-causing bacteria from d. preventing diabetes
entering body systems
9. Viruses are considered to be nonliving because they
a. cannot multiply.
c. produce wastes.
b. are not cells.
d. use energy to grow.
10. Why are viruses like parasites?
a. They destroy the cells they enter.
c. They use energy to develop.
b. They multiply.
d. They make their own food.
11. Which phrase describes the size of virus particles?
a. smaller than cells
c. the same size as cells
b. slightly larger than cells
d. much larger than cells
12. The genetic material of a virus is found in its
a. coat.
c. coat and core.
b. core.
d. nucleus.
13. A hidden virus
a. cannot attach to a host cell.
c. immediately takes over the cell's function.
b. becomes part of the host cell's genetic
d. attaches to but does not enter the cell.
14. Some bacteria move by using a long, whiplike structure called a(n) ____________________.
15. Bacteria are called ____________________ because their genetic material is not contained in nuclei.
16. When bacteria reproduce by ____________________, one cell divides to form two identical cells.
17. A virus can multiply only when it is inside a(n) ____________________.
18. A virus that begins to multiply immediately after it enters a cell is called a(n) ____________________ virus.
19. When a(n) ____________________ virus enters a cell, the virus's genetic material becomes part of the cell's
genetic material.
20. Identify the structure labeled A in the diagram, and describe its function.
21. Identify the structure labeled C in the diagram, and describe its function.
22. How does the diagram show that bacterial cells are different from the cells of eukaryotes?
23. A space probe finds no signs of life on another planet. Is it likely that there are viruses on that planet? Explain
your reasoning.
24. What is an endospore and what is its role in a bacterium?
25. Some people believe that taking antibiotics will help them recover more quickly when they have the flu.
Explain what is wrong with this reasoning.