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Study Guide
18 Viruses, Prions, Archaebacteria, Eubacteria
Rev. 07-15-15
Online Textbook: Viruses and Bacteria
Name __________________________
Period __________________________
Write the complete correct definition for each term. -25 for incomplete, blank, or silly answers.
A. archaebacteria _____________________________________________________________________
B. bacteria __________________________________________________________________________
C. binary fission ______________________________________________________________________
D. capsid ___________________________________________________________________________
E. capsule ___________________________________________________________________________
F. conjugation _______________________________________________________________________
G. endospore ________________________________________________________________________
H. eubacteria ________________________________________________________________________
I. lysogenic cycle _____________________________________________________________________
J. lytic cycle _________________________________________________________________________
K. nucleoid __________________________________________________________________________
L. pilus _____________________________________________________________________________
M. prion ____________________________________________________________________________
N. retrovirus _________________________________________________________________________
O. virus _____________________________________________________________________________
Also know:
Viruses have three different patterns of replication.
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the root nodules of legumes (peas, peanuts, etc.) are able to remove inert
diatomic nitrogen from the air and convert it into a form that plants can use.
Mutations may cause normal proteins to change shape, and to become disease-causing prions.
Viruses are classified by their genetic material.
Antibiotics may work to control bacterial infections, but are useless against viruses.
Most scientists do not consider a virus to be a living organism because a virus is a protein capsule with
genetic material, either DNA or RNA, and it has no cell of its own. A virus has to invade the
cells of a living organism to replicate itself.