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The Circulatory System – Microviewer Activity
Introduction – Read the bit before #1 together. It helps to read aloud.
1 A) All living cells need to solve problems. They are
______________, ______________ and ______________.
B) The circulatory system helps by ? (ie: what does it do?)
C) What are the 3 major parts of circulatory system AND what do
they do?
_________________ its job is to _______________________
_________________ its job is to _______________________
_________________ its job is to _______________________
Slide 1 - Blood Cells
The wording for slide 1 is tricky. ‘Corpuscles’ is another word for ‘blood
cell’. There are 3 kinds of blood cell. Try to fill in.
1) _______ blood cells – they carry ___________
2) ________ blood cells – which can be platelets - they clot blood
- Which can be phagocytes – they ‘eat’ bacteria
3) Plasma – is mostly water plus dissolved ________________
Slide 2 - Phagocyte
This is a phagocyte (which is a _________ blood cell).
‘phago’ means __________ ‘cyte’ means _____________
Slide 3 – Artery & Vein
Arteries always carry blood __________________
Veins always carry blood ____________________
Slide 4 – Capillaries
Capillaries are very small. How much blood can go through a capillary?
Slide 6 – Rat Heart . Why are we looking at a rat heart and not a human?