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Class _______________ Date _____________
Study Guide – HBS Lessons 10, 11, 14, 15, & 16
Respiration and Circulation
1. Describe the steps involved inhalation and exhalation.
2. Trace a molecule of oxygen from the air we breathe to our bloodstream.
3. Analyze a model of breathing and list its strengths and limitations.
4. Explain the difference between total lung capacity, vital capacity, and residual volume.
5. Describe the difference between arteries, veins, and capillaries.
6. Explain the function of valves in the circulatory system. Where are they likely to be found?
7. Explain why the heart can be called a double pump.
8. Name the two most important things the blood carries to the body cells and the waste gases
that blood carries away from these cells.
9. Trace the path of blood through the heart to the body and lungs and back again.
10. Analyze a model of the circulatory system and list its strengths and limitations.
11. List at least five factors that could affect a person’s heart rate. Tell whether each factor
would be more likely to raise or lower heart rate and why.
12. Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems adjust to meet the demands of the body
under different conditions, such as exercising or carrying a heavy weight.
13. List the four main components of blood and the major function of each component.
14. Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems help one another do their jobs.
15. Explain what blood pressure is and list at least four factors that can influence it.