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SCH4C – Organic Chemistry
Date: ___________________________
Fractional Distillation and Cracking
Where do Hydrocarbons come from?
We extract carbon as __________________ (a liquid), which comes from petroleum
(a mix of gases, liquids, and solids containing C atoms of different sizes)
Petroleum comes from ____________________ due to the breakdown of organisms
over ______________ of years
What do we do with crude oil?
We use _____________________________ to
separate crude oil into ___________________
These hydrocarbons are used for a variety of
things essential to life
Heat the mixture at a ____________________
_______________________ in a tower
Turns to _______________
Gas cools as it rises
Each component ___________________ at
their own _____________________
Smallest hydrocarbons at the ___________
(lowest BP) and largest hydrocarbons at the ___________ (highest BP)
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SCH4C – Organic Chemistry
The resulting fractions have ____________ uses depending on their ____________
Some fractions are more useful than others
Shorter hydrocarbons are more useful than longer chains because they
Hydrocarbons are mixed with a catalyst and heated up to a temperature of upwards
of 500 C, which breaks the longer chains into shorter chains
Environmental Concerns
Oil is in demand and it is a ________________________ resource
Oil fields and stations have the ability to harm the environment should there be an
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