Download Describe what happens in the heart just after detection of the P wave

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Due 3-14
Questions: Blood, Lymph, Immunity
1. What are four functions of blood? (2)
2. Where are red and white blood cells created/formed? What is the job of red blood cells? The
jobs of white blood cells? (4)
3. I cut my finger on a knife. Briefly describe the steps that will eventually lead to plug/clot
formation (include the cells and cell components involved, as well as the chemicals they release
and their effects on other cells or chemicals). (6)
4. Name a chemical, a mechanical, and a cell-mediated mechanism of innate immunity. How does
each one work? (6)
5. Name two Lymphatic organs and tell me what each one does. (2)
6. By what mechanism are blood and lymph moved through both the venous and lymphatic
systems, respectively? (1)
7. What type of cells are B cells and what do they do? How are they stimulated (activated), why
two types of daughter cells do they produce and what does each daughter cell do? (4)
8. Name the two varieties of T-cells. How is each one stimulated, what type of daughter cells do
they produce, and what does each of these cells do? (6)