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NAME: Anthony Tommasiello
Warring City-States
How did Sparta treat the Messenians?
They reduced them to Serfs and had seven of them to each Spartan work for them.
What was the primary cause of conflict between rich and poor in Athens?
Peisistrate wanted to be dictator-played poor against rich.
What type of society did Sparta create in response to the revolt?
Military state
What economic and political reforms did Solon initiate?
Many of his reforms had to do with encouraging fathers to find their trades for
sons and cultivate. Outlawed debt slavery, more people are involved in
How did Pisistratus gain the support of the poor?
He increased state involvement in social matters, sponsored religious festivals and
public games, and moved to protect. Gave money to them to buy farm equipment.
What steps did Cleisthenes take to create a limited democracy in Athens?
Introduced laws, created Council of 500
What advantages did the Greek soldiers have over the Persians?
Greek long spears had a big advantage over Persian short spears and swords.
Discipline, training, heavy armor, home field advantage (Delian League)
What were the consequences of the Persian wars?
They ended Persians expanded to the west and led to its loss control of the western
coast of the Asia Minor. GOLDEN AGE OF ATHENS