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Bellringers for World History - Week of March 4-8, 2013
Monday - What was Sparta best known for throughout Ancient Greece?
a. Slavery
c. Democratic Government
b. Oligarchy
d. Military Power
Tuesday - Much of the territory conquered by Alexander the Great was
Previously part of which empire?
a. Macedonian
c. Athenian
b. Egyptian
d. Persian
Wednesday - Which development eventually led to the Peloponnesian War?
a. Creation of the Peloponnesian and Delian Leagues
b. Rivalry between Athens and Sparta for power in Greece
c. Athens's jealousy over Persian support of Sparta
d. Persian attacks on Greek colonies in Ionia
Thursday - Which group resented Athens's growing power after winning the
Second Persian War?
a. Sparta, members of the Peloponnesian and Delian leagues
b. Only Sparta and member of the Peloponnesian League
c. Only Sparta and members of the Delian league
d. Only Sparta
According the ancient Greeks' beliefs, where did most of their major gods live?
a. In caves deep underground
b. In the sea
On mount Olympus
d. At Delphi on Mount Parnassus
Alexandria became an important center for the study
a. Medicine and Mathematics
b. Weapons and warfare
Which structure is considered to be the finest example of classical Greek architecture?
a. The temple of Apoiro
b. The stadlurret Olympia
c. The Great Library at Alexandria
d. The Parthenon
Which \5reek philosopher's method of teaching his followers is still used by teachers toda,.?
a. Aristotle
b. Plato
d. Zeno
The Greek author
a. Sophocles/tragedy
b. Pindar/lyric poetry
d. Aesop/fable
used the story form known as a
to teach moral lessons.
Friday - Which ruler was MOST responsible for uniting Greece?
a. Alexander the Great
c. Pericles
b. King Phillip
d. Xerxes
Bellringers Week of March 18 - 21, 2013
,1. Each of the following ancient Greeks valued observation and knowledge
gained through the senses in reaching scientific conclusions except:
a. Aristotle
c. Plato
b. Hippocrates
d. Thales
\, 2. Why did the ancient Greeks study and write about the past?
a. They wanted a record of their accomplishments to look back on.
b. They believed it was important to pass knowledge on to future
c. They thought that learning why past events took place would help make
them wise.
d. They wanted more information about the gods for use in religious
3. The defeat of which city-states was key to the Macedonians' conquest of
a. Athens and Sparta
c. Thebes and Athens
b. Sparta and Thebes
d. Only Sparta
Bellringers Week of April 1-5
1. Much of the territory conquered by Alexander the Great was previously part of which
a. Macedonian
c. Athenian
b. Egyptian
d. Persian
2. How did Alexander keep control of Greece after his iather King Philip died?
A .He allowed city-states to have their own government.
b. He united the city-states in a great was against Persia.
c. He destroyed a rebellious city-state as a warning to the others.
d. He introduced Hellenistic culture to the city-states.
3. About how long did Alexander's the Great's empire remain united?
a. About 10 years
c. about 500 years
b. About 100 years
d. about 1000 years
4. Which event best shows the spread of Hellenistic culture?
a. The division of Alexander's empire into kingdoms.
b. Alexander's last major battle in what is now Pakistan.
c. Alexander's destruction of the city-state of Thebes.
d. The creation of a new city in Egypt called Alexandria.
5. Alexander's army was said to have numbered in the tens of thousands. What might the
impact of such a massive army as it passed through the countryside?
a. The army brought its own resources and never demanded extra food from locals.
b. The army's need for food was so large that it might have resulted in a shortage for
the local people's needs.
c. The army captured enough food for its needs from the enemy's supplies.
d. The army was able to purchse all of the food it needed from merchants along the