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Hitler’s acts of aggression-generally know order of actions.
Spanish civil war
League of Nations response to aggression. Why?
sudeten crisis
munich conference
Neville chamberlain
Why did Britain and France adopt a policy of appeasement?
nazi party
Third Reich
Invasion of Poland: why did this start WWII?
what was new about this strategy?
how is it a continuation of older German strategy?
what type of war were Britain and France expecting?
what nations fell to nazi aggression 1939-41?
why was Britain not conquered?
Atlantic Charter
Four Freedoms
Mejii dynasty
key reforms made
foreign policy goals
Japanese aggression: Manchuria and China. Why?
Japanese atrocities: Rape of Nanking
Why did U.S. and Japanese feud in the late 1930’s?
Pearl Harbor? Why attacked?
Overall strategic decisions made by allies: who to defeat first
Operation Torch
El Alamein
What steps did allies make to retake lands from Hitler
D-Day: where, how were German’s deceived? Why is it considered one of the greatest
military operations ever?
Omaha, Utah beaches
What reasons explain why Germany lost WWII?
VE Day
Island Hopping
Battle of Midway
Key Battles in Pacific: Iwo Jima, Okinawa
Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer, Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Why did U.S. use “the bomb?”
VJ Day
How did governments mobilize for war?
military measures
economic measures
victory gardens, rationing,
war production board
liberty bonds
women’s roles in WWII
executive order 9066
Japanese internment: Why? Effects