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World War II Test Study Guide
Which invasion in the late 1930s was followed by the mass murder of civilians?
The German, Italian, and Japanese drive to empire during the 1930s had roots in what?
What form of government dominated Germany, Italy, and Japan in the 1930’s?
Why did Great Britain and France followed a policy of appeasement toward Germany and Italy?
Another reason why Great Britain, France and the United States did not respond immediately to German and Italian aggression
in the 1930s is that all three were having problems themselves due to what crisis?
What was Mussolini’s main goal in the 1930’s?
What resulted from Hitler’s military occupation of the Rhineland in 1936?
What was the first full country Hitler claimed for Germany with the ​
in March, 1938?
At the Munich Conference of September, 1938, Great Britain and France agreed to let Germany have what territory?
10. What impact did the official terms of the Hitler-Stalin pact of August, 1939 have on Germany?
11. France and Britain declared war on Germany, officially beginning World War II, two days after Germany invaded what country?
12. The German blitzkrieg was a military strategy that depended on what advantage?
13. What was the U.S. response to Japanese aggression in Southeast Asia in mid-1941?
14. What event, described by FDR as “a date that will live in infamy” was the immediate cause of U.S. entry into World War II?
15. Early in World War II, Allied leaders decided that the enemy they had to defeat first was who?
16. What was the Allies' plan for victory over the Nazis?
17. What crucial lesson was learned in the Battle of Britain?
18. Which of the following is a correct description of the two sides during WWII?
19. What was a decisive factor in the German defeat at the Battle of Stalingrad?
20. Which battle turned the tide of the war in the Pacific against Japan and allowed the Allies to begin taking the offensive?
21. What did the General MacArthur’s strategy of "island hopping" in the Pacific involve?
22. Why were thousands of U.S. citizens put in internment camps during the war?
23. What occurred on D-Day?
24. From D-day (June 6, 1944) until the end of WWII in Europe (May, 1945), Germany was being attacked by what countries and from
which direction did each country attack?
25. In what way were the Soviet Union and the other Allied countries in competition with each other at the end of the war even
though they were allies?
26. Why did President Truman decide to use the atomic bomb?
27. What was the purpose of the Yalta Conference in 1945?
28. Whose stance against appeasement and Hitler was most significant in mobilizing the Allied powers?
29. Who was the supreme commander of the Western Allied forces in Europe?
30. Who was commander of the Allied forces in the Pacific?
31. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during WWII?
32. Nazi ideology was based on ideas about what?
33. The Nuremberg Laws can be seen as a step toward the Holocaust because they did what?
34. The term Lebensraum translates roughly as what?
35. What and when was Kristallnacht?
36. Where were most of the Nazi death camps located?
37. What was the goal of the Nazi’s "Final Solution"?
38. Who was on trial at the Nuremberg Trials?
39. What impact did the Holocaust have on the Jewish population of Europe?