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Exam IV Study Guide Part II
Urinary system
Which side of the kidney is convex? (lat or med)
Which is concave? (lat or med)
What is the function of the renal fat?
List the three outer layers of the kidney from
internal to external:
The more superficial layer of the kidney is called
The deeper layer is called…
What are columns?
What does each lobe of the kidney consist of?
Where does the urine go after it enters the
collecting tubules?
What is the renal sinus?
Fill in the renal vascular flow chart below:
Renal Artery
caps and
vasa recta
Renal Vein
Describe the innervation of the kidneys:
What’s the structural functional unit of the
What are it’s 2 components?
2) _______________________________________________
Define the 3 mechanisms of Urine Production:
2) _______________________________________________
Which of the 3 above is an active process?
What structures make up the nephron?
What occurs in the renal corpuscle?
What structures lie only in the renal cortex?
Most nephrons are cortical/juxtamedullary (circle).
What is in glomerular filtrate?
What does not come out?
Peritubular capillaries are associated with what
part of the nephron? What do they do?
The Vasa Recta is associated with what part? Fnxn
What is the function of juxtaglomerular cells?
What do the macula densa do? Where are they?
Which hormone stimulates the DCTs and the
collecting tubules to reclaim more water from the
Which hormone stimulates the kidney to resorb
sodium into the blood stream so water flows?
What vertebrae do the ureters begin around?
The ________________ entry of the ureters into the
bladder prevents backflow.
T or F transit of urine from the ureters to the
bladder is accomplished purely through gravity.
The ____________ is described as a collapsible
muscular sac.
Describe the location of the bladder…
In Males:_________________________________________
In Females:_______________________________________
What muscle squeezes urine from bladder?
Describe what is at each of the following angles of
the bladder:
Posterolateral angle=
Inferior angle=
Describe the shape of the bladder when it is empty.
For the two Urethral sphincters below, indicate
which it is composed of smooth or skeletal muscle
or if it is controlled voluntarily or involuntarily:
- internal urethral sphincter:
- external urethral sphincter:
What are the 3 regions of the urethra in males:
Describe how Micturation is controlled by the
In what 2 ways is micturation inhibited?
Reproductive system
Gonads = _________________
Which muscle causes the scrotum to wrinkle? (like
fishies darting from a shark)
Which muscle draws the testes up like a “master of
the puppets” (little metallica for ya)
Describe the origin of the testes and how they
ended up in the inguinal region…
The testes are held “outside” the core body because
sperm can only survive at _______ degrees less than
37 degrees Celsius.
Explain countercurrent heat exchange:
Define the following terms:
Spermatogenic cells:
Sustenacular cells:
Where would you find the least differentiated
When does spermatogenesis begin?
What is the name for the sperm that are the stars
in reproduction in the woman’s vagina?
Explain Spermatogenesis
What is the enzyme that degrades the egg?
What are some functions of the sustenacular cells?
Why is it necessary to have a blood-testes barrier?
What is the male gamete?
Define the following:
What hormones are involved with
Interstitial cells secrete:
What are myoid cells?
Label the diagram below and draw arrows to track
the route of sperm: (don’t forget the seminal
vesicles, ejaculatory duct, ductus deferens,
epididymus, urethra etc)
Where does the spermatozoa and the semen mix?
What is the ampulla?
What nourishes the sperm?
What does prostaglandin do?
What do seminal vessels secrete?
What does the prostate gland secrete?
What about the bulbourethral gland?
Describe the Male sexual response:
1) erection
2) ejaculation
Ovarian cycle (hormones, structures involved)
Uterine cycle (hormones, structures involved)
Both testes and ovaries lie RETROPERITONEAL!