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Spelling Menu
1.Pyramid Spelling -Make
word pyramids with each of
your spelling words.
2.Sort all of your spelling words into
groups and label each group (noun,
adjectives, syllables, verbs, vowel
3. Prefix/Suffix – Write all
words once. Add prefixes
and suffixes to as many
words as you can.
5. Division- Divide each
word into syllables and
identify its part of speech.
4. Letter- Write a letter to a friend
using your spelling words. Use as
many words as possible and
underline the words. (minimum of 10
7.Word Search – create a
word search using all of
your spelling words. Find
each of your spelling words.
Write each spelling word once. Write
a synonym and antonym for as many
spelling words you can.
Example: cold-hot
8. Spelling Measurement-Draw a line
to the nearest inch and then write
your spelling word on top of the line.
car – 1 inch
9. Alphabetical Order -
10.Money-Write each word once
Write all of your words in
ABC order
and find out how much each word is
Consonants=$1.10 and Vowels =
Example – love = $2.70
Directions: Choose 1 activity to complete each week. Your activity is due the next
day which is Tuesday. Color in the box as you complete each assignment. Once the
box is shaded, you may not use that activity again for the month. Be sure to write
down the activity number on your homework assignment. Ex; Activity 4
11.x-words – write your
words that have a letter in
common so they criss-cross.
Only two words at a time.
Example : c
13. Rainbow Writing –
Write all of your words in
rainbow writing. Use at
least 3 different colors.
12. Ladder words – write all words in
a ladder
15. Choo-Choo Train Wordswrite all of your spelling
words end to end as one
long word. Use different
colors of crayon for
different words.
17. Consonants vs. Vowelswrite all vowels in one color
and all the consonants in
another color.
19. Acrostic Poem- Choose 5
16.Telephone Words – translate your
words into numbers from a
telephone keypad.
Example: cat = 228
of your spelling words and
write a poem.
Example : Cuddly
14. Squiggle Write – Write all of your
spelling words in squiggle writing.
18. Dictionary – Look up each
spelling word and write the 1st
definition for each word.
20. Sentence Structure- Use your
spelling words to write two
sentences each that are declarative,
interrogative, command,
exclamatory (8 sentences total)