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3. Place where most earthquake and
volcanic activity occurs on Earth
1. Rock formed by great heat and
5. Fastest, push-pull seismic waves
2. Collision between plates that can
form mountains, island arcs or
7. Boundary where sea-floor spreading
occurs; mid-ocean ridge is formed
9. Volcanoes made of only rock and ash
11. Process of changing rocks
from one type to another
14. Inorganic, solid, naturally occurring
substance with a definite chemical and
crystal composition
15. Point under the surface where the
earthquake begins
16. Moving small fragments of rock to
new places
4. Idea that Earth’s continents were
once joined and have moved over
6. Process of returning crust to the
mantle; at convergent boundaries
8. How scientists study the layers of
the Earth
9. Made of layers of rock and lava
10. Structure on Earth that can be
constructive and destructive
12. Forces that move the crust
18. Rock formed from crystallized magma
19. How a mineral reflects light; metallic or
20. Breaking rock into small pieces
21. Founder of the Theory of Continental
23. Volcanoes made of quiet flows of runny
24. Rock that can be clastic, organic or
25. Place where plates slide past each other
13. Point where seismic waves are first
17. Area where mantle is very active
and may form volcanic islands
22. Color powder scraped off a
mineral; better than color for
In the space below, construct a graphic organizer that shows relationships between the following topics: Formation of the Earth, Interior of the Earth, Plate Tectonics, Continental Drift,
Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Minerals, and Rocks. This organizer can be a brief outline, a chart that defines and gives some supporting facts for each, a series of Venn Diagrams, or any other
format you choose that will demonstrate what you have learned about this unit. Use the front and back of this page if necessary.
You will need this chart to help you with the writing prompt that you will complete to conclude this unit,