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This sheet should be used only as a study aid. Remember that it is your responsibility to reread
the chapter and to know all the ideas covered in it.
Test Date: Monday, February 29th
The test will cover information from the following sources:
All graphic organizers showing the structure of Rome’s government
Twelve Tables handout
“Patrician & Plebeian” handout
Brain Pop video on Roman Republic
Class notes and text book tamers
While studying for your test, make sure to know the answers to the following questions.
Why did the Romans change their form of government? What did they change their
government to? How does this new form of government work? How is it similar to our
What are the branches of Rome’s Republic? What is the function of each branch?
What changes were made to Rome’s new government? Why were these changes made?
What does this teach us?
What is life like for patricians versus plebeians? Did these differences cause conflict? Were
these conflicts resolved? If so, how?
What did Rome do to ensure that all citizens were aware of the republic’s laws?
Big Ideas to focus on:
Absolute power is dangerous in the wrong person’s hands.
Class struggle will always bring about conflict between classes.
Knowledge of the past will help me understand the present, and it will dictate the future.
Vocabulary to know: republic, patrician, plebeian, consuls, veto, dictator, senate, assembly,
praetor, Twelve Tables, forum