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«Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения»
В.И. Котлярова, Л.А. Свиридова
Учебное пособие
по грамматике для студентов II курсов всех факультетов
УДК 42(07)+06
Котлярова, В.И.
Неличные формы глагола и сослагательные наклонения : учеб. пособие
по грамматике для студентов II курсов всех факультетов / В.И. Котлярова, Л.А.
Свиридова; Рост. гос. ун-т путей сообщения. – Ростов н/Д, 2007. – 40 с.
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 2-х курсов всех
факультетов и может быть использовано как на занятиях в аудитории, так и для
самостоятельной работы.
Рецензент ст. преп. Л.Е. Григорьянц (РГУПС)
Учебное издание
Котлярова Виктория Ивановна
Свиридова Людмила Аниновна
Учебное пособие по грамматике
для студентов всех факультетов
Редактор А.И. Гончаров
Техническое редактирование и корректура А.В. Артамонов
Подписано к печати 26.02.07. Формат 60х84/16.
Бумага офсетная. Ризография. Усл. печ. л. 2, 32.
Уч.-изд. л. 2,33. Тираж 60 экз. Изд. № 9. Заказ № .
Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения.
Ризография РГУПС.
Адрес университета: 344038, г. Ростов н/Д, пл. им. Ростовского Стрелкового
Полка Народного Ополчения, 2
© Ростовский государственный университет
путей сообщения, 2007
Part I Infinitive……………………………………………………………………….4
Part II Gerund……………………………………………………………………….15
Part III Participle……………………………………………………………………21
Part IV Subjenctive I, II…………………………………………………………….32
Grammar Reference
Verbals (Non-Finite Forms of the verb) Verbals are three in number:
1 the Infinitive,
2 the Gerund,
3 the Participle.
They are intermediate between 'verb' on the one hand and 'noun' (the Infinitive and
the Gerund) or "verb" and "adjective" (the Participle) on the other.
Verb-characteristics of the Infinitive
It has tense, aspect and voice distinctions:
to write
to be written
Continuous Perfect
to be writing to have written
--------------to have been written
Perfect Continuous
to have been writing
The Indefinite Infinitive indicates that the action expressed by the infinitive is
simultaneous with the action of the finite verb in the sentence.
I know him to be a good student.
The perfect Infinitive shows that the action expressed by the infinitive precedes the
action indicated by the finite verb:
I am glad to have taken your advice.
The Infinitive has several functions. It can be used as a subject, a predicative, an
object, an attribute:
To read books is pleasant.
His hobby is to travel.
The son promised to behave well.
The book to be published will be about computer technologies.
It can have tense distinctions:
He was glad to have bought a new book.
She must be working in the library.
He may have been studying here for two years.
She was glad to be seen off by her friends.
He was glad to have been given an interesting book.
The Infinitive of the transitive verbs has forms for the Active and the Passive voices:
He is glad to be sent to the conference. They decided to send her to Moscow. He is
glad to have been sent to Moscow. There is nothing to fear.
Remember: the following verbs require an infinitive
Avoid using an-ing form after the verbs listed.
Constructions with the Infinitive
1 The Objective Infinitive Construction
a) a) It is used after the verbs denoting sense perception (to hear, to see, to watch, to
feel, to notice, to observe, etc.) I didn't see her come into the room.
b) b) After the verbs of mental activity (to know, to think, to believe, to suppose, to
trust) They expected her to marry Pete.
c) After the verbs denoting "feeling "and "emotion" (to like, to hate, to dislike, to
I dislike you to talk like that.
d) d) After the verbs denoting "order "and "permission" (to order, to allow, to have) I
won't have you speak like it.
2 The Subjective Infinitive Construction (or the Nominativewith-the- Infinitive Construction)
It is a construction in which the infinitive is in predicative relation to a noun in the
common case or a pronoun in the nominative case.
a) It is used with verbs denoting sense perception: to see, to hear, etc. He was heard
to laugh loudly.
b) It is used with the verbs denoting mental activity (to think. to consider, to know, to
suppose, etc.) He was thought to be a good man.
c) It is used with the verbs: to say, to report He is said to have come.
Note: after the first three groups of verbs Passive Voice is used.
d) It is used with word-groups: to be likely, to be sure, to be certain.
He is sure to marry her.
e) It is used with the following verbs: to seem, to appear, to happen, to prove, to turn
out. Her eyes appeared always to gaze beyond.
3 The For-to-Infinitive Construction
It has different functions in the sentence.
1 He was waiting for her to speak (complex object).
2 He stepped aside for me to pass (adverbial modifier of purpose).
Grammar Practice
Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.
1 He is difficult to do business with.
2 It is impossible to write an essay in so a short time.
3 He didn't know whether to go there or not.
4 He was the first to leave the room.
5 It was impossible to explain what he meant.
6 To make a choice between these two proposals was quite difficult.
7 It takes him nearly an hour to get to work.
8 He needs a place to live in.
9 The President was the first to confirm this information.
10 His desire was to make a career in politics.
Exercise 2. Use the Infinitive.
1 It gives me pleasure...
2 It will take you ten minutes...
3 It does people a lot of good...
4 It won't do you any harm...
5 It was natural to ...
6 It must be very nice to...
7 Our plan was ...
8 The first thing he did was...
9 The main problem was...
10 I pretended not to ...
Exercise 3. Use the Infinitive.
To remember, to be contradicted, to speak about, to do, to be done, to follow, to
worry about, to be erected, to read, to laugh at, to be answered, to answer
1 He is just the man...
2 Packing was the first thing ...
3 Here are some instructions...
4 The monument ... on the square will add beauty to the place.
5 The book leaves much...
6 There was nothing ...
7 There are the letters ...
8 He was not the man…
9 Have you got anything ...?
10 She will find something ...
Exercise 4. Finish the sentences using the Infinitive.
1 I was too astonished ...
2 The boy is clever enough ...
3 The problem was too complicated ...
4 She was woman enough ...
Exercise 5. Translate into Russian.
1 He seems to be writing something.
2 He seemed to have been writing all day.
3 The doctor told me not to go out for a walk.
4 We never expected you to do so much work.
5 What made him give up his hobby?
6 The first woman to enter was Mrs. Evans
7 He must be satisfied to be doing nothing.
8 I could not help but tell him everything about the past two months.
9 It is said that the best way to see London is from the top of the bus.
Exercise 6. Transform the sentences. Look at the model.
The task is easy. It can be translated without a dictionary.
The text is easy enough to be translated without a dictionary.
1 The student is clever. He can solve the problem quickly.
2 They are careful. They can take part in this dangerous enterprise.
3 The subject is fascinating. It must be discussed.
4 Professor Jones is experienced. He can supervise the work of the most gifted
5 This factor is important. It should be taken into considerations.
Exercise 7 Memorize the following expressions and use them in examples of your
1 He is hard to please.
2 He is difficult to deal with.
3 The book is difficult to translate.
4 She is pleasant (beautiful, pretty) to look at.
5 I have something to tell you.
6 There is nothing to be gained by it.
7 There is nothing to be done.
8 There are many things to be done.
9 The house is to be cleaned.
10 Who is to blame?
11 He is sure to come.
12 There is nothing left for him to do but wait.
Exercise 8. Finish the sentences.
1 It is necessary for her ...
2 It is desirable for them ...
3 They waited for us ...
4 It was important for them ...
5 There was no reason for him ...
Exercise 9. Translate into Russian.
1 He heard them discuss their plan.
2 I heard him mention my name.
3 They do not expect the President to cut taxes as he had promised.
4 They find the experience of this conference to have been a remarkable event.
5 He knew the work to have been made properly.
6 He supposes his discovery not to be accidental.
7 He is not likely to arrive tomorrow.
8 The Earth is said to be part of the Sun.
9 Moral perfection is considered to be one of the ideals of mankind.
10 They are sure to inform us about their plans.
11 She is sure to be late.
12 The students are not likely to succeed.
13 The discussion proved to be too long.
14 He turned out to be a hard worker.
Exercise 10. Open the brackets and use the Infinitive in the required form.
1 The boy pretended (to listen) to the music.
2 The spaceship (to launch) at 9 o'clock tomorrow.
3 He hopes (to give) assistance.
4 She is too weak after her illness (to work) at such a late hour.
5 That turned out (to be true).
6 I am happy (to be) of some help.
Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1 It doesn't seem to do her any harm.
2 I don't happen to see any difference between them.
3 She was not expected to reply, but she did.
4 He seemed to be taken aback.
5 The Crimea was known to be visited by numerous hikers last summer.
6 She seems to speak English with ease.
7 You are supposed to have finished the work.
8 They are likely to come.
9 They are sure to marry.
10 This is for you to decide.
Exercise 12. Paraphrase the following sentences using the For-to- Infinitive
Model: There are many books that I can read
There are many books for me to read.
1 I bought some magazines that you can read on the train.
2 This trunk is so heavy that I cannot take it upstairs.
3 The film was so boring that I couldn't stay to the end.
4 That question is so personal. She can't answer it.
5 I have bought my souvenirs so that you may see them.
Exercise 13. Translate the proverbs into Russian.
1 The best way to learn something is to teach it.
2 Better to do well than to say well.
3 Better a little fire to warm us, than a great one to burn us.
4 Fish begins to stink at the head.
5 It is enough to make a cat laugh.
6 Learn to creep before you leap.
7 Live not to eat, but eat to live.
8 Never offer to teach fish to swim.
9 Never try to prove what nobody doubts.
10 Be slow to promise and quick to perform.
Exercise 14. Convert the sentences using the Nominative-with-the Infinitive
Construction and translate them into Russian.
1 It is known that he is a great book-lover.
2 It was reported that many buildings had been damaged by the fire.
3 It is expected that many people will attend the meeting.
4 It is said that the expedition has reached Murmansk.
5 It seems that this film is very popular with children.
6 It happened that he was at home at that time.
7 It is not likely that they will return soon.
8 It is certain that they will be here on Tuesday.
9 It is sure that they will come to Moscow.
10 It was not likely that the letter would reach him.
Exercise 15. Define the form and function of the Infinitive. Translate into Russian.
1 The air must be compressed to occupy a smaller volume.
2 One must know beforehand whether sufficient current will flow through the circuit
in order to perform the work to be done.
3 If the field winding is in series with armature, all the current to be generated must
pass through it.
4 The problems of jet propulsion and gas dynamics to have been discussed in detail
were only mentioned.
5 This model needs to be constructed by placing on a horizontal surface portions of
cylinders whose directions are similar to those of the electrodes under
6 The time required for lifting this weight does not depend on the amount of work to
be done.
7 The activity of a radioactive sample may readily be estimated at any time by the
use of a Geiger counter.
8 Drawings are made to various scales depending upon the size and complexity of
the object to be shown.
9 Some force should be applied to the control surfaces to overcome the stability of
the airplane.
10 The scientist is sorry not to have found another solution to that problem.
11 To be properly understood, the rule of safe work is to be explained once more.
12 Quite unexpectedly the engine which was to have gained tremendous power
failed to work.
Exercise 16. Choose the sentences with the Objective Infinitive Construction.
Translate into Russian.
1 They supposed a beam of ions in that device to be produced in the way as in
cathode-ray tube.
2 A step-rocket is known to consist of two or more separate stages.
3 We assume the gas to be not a continuous fluid, but an enormous number of tiny
4 Real water vapor and steam are known to be completely invisible.
5 We know pressure to be required for forcing water through a pipe.
6 Young engineers are now expected to use high-speed digital computers.
7 All metals are known to consist of minute parcels called molecules.
8 When the state or condition of a body is such that it can do work, we know the
body to possess energy.
9 We know the tests of satellites Soyuz 6, 7 and 8 to have included checkout of a
multiple-launch capability.
10 One knows a cosmic ray telescope to measure energy, direction, charge and
distribution through interplanetary space of atomic nuclei.
Exercise 17. Choose the sentences with the Objective Infinitive Construction.
Translate into Russian.
1 A computer center is expected to be installed at the School of Mines and
Metallurgy next year.
2 The system is expected to have wide application in intelligence data handling.
3 Improvements in decision making are expected to result from new development in
data processing and management science.
4 Business applications of computers may not appear to be as difficult as scientific
problems, although some people consider them to be more intricate.
5 More limitations are likely to exist on the freedom to change the input and output,
than on the freedom to modify processing methods.
6 The versatility of a new digital computer is reported to make it useful in small
offices and laboratories, as well as in large data processing centers.
7 Desk machines are said to be equipped with “automatic multiplication.”
8 We expect a computer to work for at least several hours without a fault.
9 A machine which carried out its internal arithmetic in binary notation is likely to
be especially suitable for scientific and mathematical applications.
10 We know an alternating current to be continuously changing by rising, falling and
changing direction.
Exercise 18. Underline the Infinitive Construction with “for” Translate into Russian.
1 It is difficult for many underdeveloped countries to achieve higher standards of
2 For large industries to plan a year’s work in advance became quite usual
3 All the necessary instructions for that computer to work properly have been given.
4 In the course of time some better methods may be found for the determination of
velocity to be made more accurately.
5 The forces needed for the inertia of a ship to be overcome are great indeed at such
6 At that time no method was available for nuclear power to be used for driving a
7 The time taken for a spaceship to reach escape velocity under a constant
acceleration may readily be computed.
8 It takes time and practice for their control movements to be guided solely by what
their eyes can see on the instrument panel.
9 The time taken for air to rush out through the hole of the cabin made by a meteorite
has been calculated by American scientists.
Exercise 19. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1 To lubricate friction units properly means to prolong their life.
2 One of the ways to increase speeds is to introduce electric traction.
3 The first steam locomotive to haul a load along a railway came in 1804.
4 The power stations to be erected in the region will increase its rapid development.
5 The amount of energy to be taken from the catenary is unlimited.
6 There are technical principles for the designers to follow.
Grammar Reference
The forms of the Gerund
Being done
Having done
Having been done
The Gerund and the Verbal Noun(the difference between them)
The Gerund
The Verbal Noun
1 It has no plural
It has the plural
All his comings and goings disturb me.
2 It has no article
It may have an article
She gave the room a good dusting
3 The Gerund of a transitive verb has a A verbal noun formed from a transitive
direct object
verb takes an object proceeded by the
preposition of
We should avoid injuring the feelings of Ex.
The reading of the proofs took him
about two hours
4 It has tense and voice forms
It has neither tense nor voice forms
We learnt of his having been decorated
5 It is modified by an adverb
It is modified by an adjective
Writing quickly tires my hand.
Quick thinking was required
Grammar Practice
Exercise 1. Paraphrase the following using the Gerund (with the preposition).
1 He doesn’t like to complain. He is against …
2 When you have listened to that report , you will give up smoking. After…
3 I kept you waiting and I apologize for it. I apologize...
4 I am not exaggerating , but this is the best novel I have ever read. Without...
5 She would never envy your success . She is above...
6 He didn’t pay the bill and left the restaurant. He left...
7 I often walk. I’m used to...
8 They studied hard and soon mastered the fundamentals of the English language.
Exercise 2. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the model.
It is dangerous to do such a thing.
Doing such things is dangerous.
1 It is foolish to hope for their help.
2 It is good for you to laugh.
3 It is pleasure to work with him.
4 It was wonderful to climb in the mountains.
5 It is a bad habit to lie.
6 It made us study all day.
Exercise 3. Translate the proverbs into Russian.
1 Seeing is not beleiving. – beleiving is seeing.
2 Clean hands want no washing.
3 Appetite comes with eating.
4 Doing is better than saying.
5 Fools grow without watering.
6 No flying from fate.
7 Saying and doing are two things
8 There is no use crying over split milk.
9 What is worth doing at all is worth doing well.
Exercise 4. Open the brackets. Use the appropriate form of the Gerund.
Note: The Gerund is used in the active form (though passive in meaning) after the
verbs: to deserve, to want, need, to require and the objective worth
1 She suspected me of (to read) her diary.
2 He doesn’t like (to remind) of his mistakes.
3 He apologized for (to come) late
4 I have come apologize for (to cause) all that trouble.
5 I’m looking forward to (to see) him.
6 Stop (to prevent) me from (to do) my housework.
7 The film is worth (to see) it.
8 Ann was accused of (to sell) secret information in rival firms.
9 Are you used (to speak to) like that by your parents?
10 Your clothes require (to clean, to press).
Exercise 5. Use the nessesary prepositions before the Gerunds.
1 Why don’t you do the work properly... being reminded?
2 Who is responsible ... keeping the place in order?
3 What do you mean ... saying this?
4 I object ... going there at such a late hour.
5 The negotiations resulted ... signing the agreement.
6 I didn’t think ... going to the Crimea in summer.
7 I’m not used ... walking long distances.
8 I apologized ... having caused all the trouble.
Exercise 6. Translate into Russian. Mind the difference between the Gerund and the
1 We can’t help criticizing him for such extreme views.
2 They couldn’t help getting interested in the given problem.
3 The developing science raises more issues in the question of life longevity.
4 When being studied from all the aspects the event becomes understandable.
5 Explaining the main aim of psychology one must not frorget of its ties with other
6 The computer can give a simple yes-no response on a question without having
been subjected to some relevant experience.
7 Learning what a computer says means being informed about some simple facts.
8 He paid much attention to the conclusions, they having undergone a variety of
9 The problem being of great importance, they analyzed it from all the key aspects.
Exercise 7. Choose the sentences with 1)the Gerund and 2)Participle. Translate the
sentences into Russian.
1 Numbers can be multipled by repeated addition, by adding and shifting or by using
multiplication tables.
2 A steam engine uses steam made by the fuel having been burnt outside the engine.
3 Most of nuclear reactors are installations usually consisting of the following
elementary parts.
4 The next question of the discussion is making a programme for the computer.
5 Of course we are limited today by computer size and especially by our
understanding of what we try to model.
6 Adding numbers is the easiest process in the system of calculation.
7 A new computer will be used for all types of data processing and scientific data
8 Having made a great number of experiments with different devices the research
group chose the best one for practical work.
9 Having more input units reduces the number of sorting passes but increases the
number of computer comparisons and other operations on each pass.
Exercise 8. Define the form and the function of the Gerund.Translate the sentences
into Russian.
1 Charging by induction will be discussed in the next article.
2 The chain reaction releases great quantities of γ-radiation and neutrons which must
be prevented from escaping into the atmosphere.
3 He remembered once having read that at very low temperatures some metals
becoming super-conducting, having practically zero specific resistance.
4 These electrons are attracted by the positive charge which the plate has as a result
of having been connected to the plus terminal of a battery.
5 Discussing the term “work” in detail is the subject of our next article, for we know
of its being often misused.
6 In spite of its having been compressed, the gas returns to its original volume as
soon as the applied force is removed.
7 Acquiring knowledge is not in itself sufficient, you must also practice the art of
applying this knowledge to problems you meet with.
8 In making Bessemer steel, molten iron direct from the blast furnace is poured into
the converter.
9 We know of the electric furnace being an ideal melting and refining unit for the
steel industry.
Exercise 9. Underline the Gerundial Constructions. Translate the sentences into
1 We heard of different experiments having beeng carried out by our students.
2 Computer’s being used for solving many business problems makes its use almost
3 We know of the computer centre being equipped with most up-to-date means of
4 His having developed a very complicated piece of apparatus made him well-known
among the scientists of his country.
5 They insisted on the experiment being made to study single stars in detail.
6 The article informed us of the first in-space exchange of crews between Soyuz 2
and 3 having taken place in January 1969.
7 It is reported of the spacecraft including a 40-watt primary transmitter, a receiver
and two directional parabolic antennas.
8 It is known of their working at the problem under discussion.
9 His having carried out investigation of the substances of organic origin which
could be used to stimulate plant growth is a well-known fact.
Exercise 10. Translate the text. Define the form and the function of the Gerund.
Applied science is directly concerned with the application of the working laws of
pure science to the practical affairs of life and to increasing man’s control over his
environment, thus leading to the development of new techniques , processes and
mashines. Such activities as investigating the strength and uses of materials,
extending the findings of pure mathematics to improve the sampling procedures used
in agriculture or the social sciences, and developing the potentialities of atomic
energy, are all examples of the work of the applied scientist or tehnologist. It is
evident that many branches of applied science are practical extensions of purely
theoretical or experimental work. Conversely, work in applied science and tehnology
frequently acts as a direct stimulus to the development of pure science. For example,
in applying a particular concept of pure science to a practical problem the
technologist reveals a gap or limitation in the theoretical model, thus pointing the
way for further basic research.
Grammar Reference
There are two participles: Participle I (the Present Participle) and Participle II (the
Past Participle). Participle I is formed by adding the suffix 'ing' to the stem of the
Participle II is formed by adding – ‘ed’ to the stem of the verb if the verb is regular.
As a verb the Participle has distinctions of voice and tense.
Transitive verbs.
--------having written
being written
having been written
Intransitive Verbs
having come
The Present Participle denotes that the action of the Participle is simultaneous with
the action of the finite verb.
Example: We looked at the playing children.
The Perfect Participle denotes that the action of the Participle precedes the action of
the finite verb.
Example: Having written the letter I went to post it.
Functions of the Participle in the sentence.
1) as a predicative
The story was amusing.
The children were neatly dressed.
2) as an attribute:
Nothing broke the blinding blue calm of the sea.
The ground was carpeted with lately fallen leaves.
3) when connected with the verb, the participle expresses relations:
-of time
Hearing a noise we stopped talking.
Having arrived at this decision she felt more cheerful
-of cause
Not having received an answer I wrote again.
Hawing plenty of time I didn’t hurry.
-manner of attending circumstances
He sat in the armchair reading a newspaper.
Constructions with the Participle
I The Objective Participial Construction
This construction has the function of a Complex Object. It is used after the verbs:
a) denoting sense perception (to see, to hear, to feel, to find and so on)
b) after the verbs of mental activity (to consider, to understand)
c) after the verbs denoting wish (to want, to wish, to desire)
I could hear her breathing heavily.
I consider myself engaged to him.
I want it done by 5 o’clock.
After the verbs “to have”, “to get” only Participle II is used
I have the piano tuned (it means that I made someone tune the piano)
Why don’t you have your hair waved?
II The Subjective Participial Construction is used after the verbs of perception
He was heard talking to him.
The horse was seen descending the hill.
III The Nominative Absolute Participal Construction
Participle I or Participle II is used in this construction.
The lamp having been lit, he began to read a letter.
It being now pretty late, he took a candle and went upstairs.
He stood in front of the window, his nose almost pressed to the glass.
Weather permitting, we shall start tomorrow.
IV The Prepositional Absolute Participial Construction
She sat quite silent and still, with her eyes fixed on the ground
Remember: the following verbs require an-ing form in the compliment:
Avoid using an infinitive after the verbs listed.
Grammar Practice
Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.
1 Being shown this document, he said that it belonged to the 15th century.
2 Being asked to show the way to the theatre, the woman gave the necessary
3 Having been typed the report was handed to the engineer.
4 Having written the translation, I gave it to the teacher.
5 The student asked by the teacher answered that he had already understood the text.
6 Reading the English novel I understood nearly everything.
7 When read the novel it will be returned to the library.
8 Having been produced, these parts were sent to various factories.
Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1 It being late, mother told the children to go to bed.
2 The children laughing, the young teacher was confused.
3 The headmaster entered the classroom, all the teachers following him.
4 Weather permitted, we shall go on a boating trip at the weekend.
5 They began to walk slowly together, she swinging the bag.
6 Having heard the news, he decided to make a start.
Exercise 3. State the function of Participles and translate into Russian.
1 The danger foreseen is half avoided.
2 A fault confessed is half redressed.
3 A watched pot never boils.
4 Barking dogs never bite.
5 Better die standing that live kneeling.
6 Easier said than done.
7 First came, first served.
8 Forbidden fruit is sweet.
Exercise 4. Combine the sentences using the Participle instead of one of them.
1 He left. He said nothing.
2 The children were playing in the garden. They were paying no attention to what
was going on around them.
3 She watched TV. She listened to the noise outside.
4 The man lay motionless. He stared at the wall in front of him.
5 He stayed in bed for a week. He did nothing but thought of his disease.
6 Mother was laying the table in the next room. All the time she was singing
something gaily.
7 I pretended to be reading. I desperately tried to understand what she was going to
do next.
Exercise 5. Combine the following sentences using the necessary form of the
1 I knew that the mountains were dangerous. I took a guide.
2 The driver lost control of his car. He hit a tree.
3 I was sleeping on the first floor. I heard them quarrel downstairs.
4 I stood in front of the mirror. I could see what was going on behind my back.
5 I had been to this place before. I didn’t wish to go there again.
6 Brian planted the flowers. Then he watered them.
7 I had heard that Ron was fond of tennis. I bought Ron a pair of tennis shoes.
Exercise 6. Use Participles instead of the subordinate clauses of cause.
1 As he had discovered that he was seriously ill, he went to the doctor.
2 Since they had come to Regent Park, they decided to make a trip on a river-bus.
3 As mother was good at decorating the house, she did it this time too.
4 As father was fond of fishing, he bought new fishing-rods.
5 As they wanted to see as many sights of London as possible, they decided to start
with the Tower.
6 Thousands of tourists attend the British Museum, because they want to see its
magnificent collection of fine and applied arts.
7 As she heard some strange noise in the corridor she opened the door and looked
out of the bedroom.
8 As I had so much work to do I couldn’t go to the party.
9 When I felt the ladder slip, I seized a branch.
10 As I was constantly interrupted, I refused to go on reading.
11 When he found that all his money was gone, he had a nervous breakdown.
12 When mother entered the room unexpectedly she found her boy smoking.
13 As we wished to see as much of the bill, I found that I had been cheated.
Exercise 7. Translate into Russian paying attention to Absolute Participle
1 He having felt lonely, feeling of depression and anxiety overcame him.
2 There are many people throughout the country experiencing loneliness, teenagers
and young adults comprising a larger group among them.
3 This problem should be solved immediately, specific techniques having applied.
4 There are many ways of expressing our emotions, the body language being one of
5 The definite decision having been taken, they started discussing the details.
6 She is considered to be rather friendly, with many interesting people surrounding
her almost all the time.
7 He is fond of making new friends and acquaintances, all these people representing
different circles of society.
8 He being very sociable, it is easy for him to get along with different people.
9 The question of his departure having been solved, he ordered a ticket by telepfone.
Exercise 8. Explain the use of the Participle.Translate into Russian.
1 The engineer making that experiment took a lot of measurements.
2 The scientist chooses between several procedures mentioned above.
3 Having solved that equation the student found the ratio between the numbers.
4 If not examined carefully the hot-water system looses a lot of heat.
5 We give the results of the made calculations in decimals.
6 While working with the microorganisms we found that they produced a variety of
7 Being too expensive the project could not be approved.
8 The scientific worker planning a series of experiments must be aware of the
general nature of the problem under investigation.
9 Prepare a diagram of your solution and give a clear explanation to all the people
working at this problem.
Exercise 9. Define the form and function of the Participle. Translate the sentences
into Russian.
1 Much of the data collected will be fed into machines and computers during the
coming months.
2 While working with a map, make sure that you know whether your map is marked
in feet or in meters.
3 The electric current passing through a wire will heat that wire.
4 Electrons being negative move from lower to higher potential, that is, more
negative to less negative.
5 It must be borne in mind when working on transmitters that very dangerous
voltages will exist.
6 Radio waves are emitted from a conductor carrying the alternating current.
7 The weight of a body is defined as the force of gravitational attraction exerted on
the body by the earth.
8 Built some hundred years ago, the house stood still intact.
9 The latest calculations sent for arrived just in time.
Exercise 10. Define the function of the words ending in-“ing.” Translate the
sentences into Russian.
1 Every conducting circuit has a certain propety called its electric resistance.
2 It was Lenz who proved that the heat produced in a given time is proportional to
the square of the current.
3 Ice placed in a kettle over a fire expanded a little and melted.
4 The power expended on a circuit is measured by the product of the amperes
generated in it and the potential difference in volts at the ends of that circuit.
5 Everybody knows that the sun is the origin source of all the energy stored in fuels.
6 The Centigrade scale is the official scale of temperature used in the Soviet Union.
7 The atmospheric effects are partially responsible for a new field often referred to as
microwave meteorology.
8 All the tests made on the prototype model showed what improvements could be
made which lead to the design of the devise described here.
9 The experiments were conducted in the orbital module with control panel located
in the new cabin.
Exercise 11. Translate the sentences. Underline the Absolute Participle Construction.
Define the form of the Participle.
1 The speed being higher, the degree of ionization along the track increases.
2 The speed of the particle is also a factor affecting the ionization density.
3 On an average night a single observer probably sees about eight meteors every
hour, the hourly rate depending somewhat upon the time of night and the season of
the year.
4 It was calculated that for a considerable part of its orbit the first satellite would be
traveling at the altitude up to 800 miles, with the air resistance being completely
5 Many servomechanisms and regulators are composed essentially of a number of
control elements connected in series, the output of one used as the input to the
6 The code output of the computer is fed to a set of electromagnets, each pair of
output wires connected to a separate magnet.
7 If a stream consisting of particles had both signs of charge in equal quantity the
electrical repulsion effect is neutralized.
8 Charged particles like electromagnetic waves are also affected by magnetic fields,
the magnetic field of the Earth having a marked influence on a stream approaching
9 The particle has just sufficient speed to escape from the Earth, with its path being a
Exercise 12. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1 There being no other traffic, the driver can maintain a constant speed of, say, 60
km/hr (kilometers per hour).
2 Part of the energy being changed into heat, not all the chemical energy of the cell
battery is transformed into electric energy.
3 The water leaves the wheel with a large relative velocity but a small absolute
velocity, practically all its original energy having been given to the wheel.
4 The cyclotron may be regarded as a modification of the linear accelerator, the
particles being transferred from one to the other at the proper instants by the action
of a magnetic field.
5 The positive pole having been brought near the negative pole, the latter attracts it.
6 Two bodies having potentials of 100 volts and 50 volts, a potential difference
exists between them of 50 volts.
7 The current distribution over the cross section of the conductor being non-uniform,
the resistance increases.
8 The traveled distance having been given in meters and the time in seconds, speed
was measured in m.p.s., that is, in meters per second.
Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1 The constructed railway was 15 miles long.
2 The railway constructed carried heavy traffic.
3 The speeds developed by electric locomotives are enormous.
4 The railways must meet the growing needs of national economy.
5 The people living in the 18th century travelled in carriages.
6 (While) laying down the track the builders use powerful machines.
7 The vehicles being built are made largely of steel.
8 Having used plastics we reduced the weight of the car.
9 Being widely introduced at power plants the automatic control will increase their
10 Having been completed, the project was submitted to the commission.
Отглагольное существительное
(The Verbal Noun)
В английском языке отглагольное существительное по форме совпадает с
Participle I и простой формой герундия. Отглагольное существительное
обладает только признаками существительного. Оно может иметь артикль,
окончание множественного числа, левое определение, обычно выраженное
прилагательным, и правое определение. На русский язык отглагольное
существительное всегда переводится существительным.
Пример: The splitting of an atom or molecule into two oppositely charged parts is a
well-known fact.
Перевод: Расщепление атома или молекулы на две противоположно
заряженные частицы является хорошо известным фактом.
Примечание: Нужно иметь в виду, что в английском языке имеются также
обычные существительные с суффиксом –ing, например, building здание,
meaning значение.
Exercise 1. Choose the sentences with the verbal nouns. Translate the sentences into
1 At the beginning of the century, however, the situation was quite different.
2 Any scientist working for such organizations will have a plan or programme
designed beforehand.
3 The meaning of this word is the same as “applied science”.
4 The using of mathematics in almost all branches of science causes the students to
know it thoroughly well.
5 The engineer found a new method of testing metal fatigue.
6 The rising of water in the pump was noticed by everybody present.
7 The rapid falling of pressure has its drawbacks.
8 One of the most striking characteristics of modern science has been the increasing
trend towards closer co-operation between scientists and scientific institutions all
over the world.
9 The purpose of these readings is to consolidate and extend the knowledge the
students have acquired for these years.
Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into Russian, underline the Verbal Nouns.
1 The common automobile speedometer is a tachometer whose readings are
proportional to the instantaneous angular velocity of the drive shaft to which it is
2 This splitting of the hydrogen molecule is attended by the absorption of a large
amount of energy.
3 The effect of this shaping of the duct is to build up the pressure of the air whilst
decreasing its velocity.
4 The breaking of the circuit causes the magnetic field to disappear.
5 We know that the conversion of heat into chemical energy is reversed when the
burning of coal converts chemical energy into heat.
6 Inductance is provided by the silver coating had capacitance by the inner and outer
surfaces of the silver with the porcelain as dielectric.
7 The original reactor worked successfully at 200 watts and the shielding was not
sufficient to allow a higher power level.
8 The burning of fuel is really a chemical process since it changes the fuel into heat,
light, gases and ashes.
Subjunctive I, II
Grammar Reference
Subjunctive I
Сослагательное наклонение
Would + Infinitive
Would + Perfect Infinitive
1 To lose a moment would
be fatal
1 В простом предложении
2 That would have been his
2 В сложносочиненном
own cruelty, and he didn't
like to be cruel
3 В главном предложении
3 What would you do if
you were me? I wouldn't
have believed it unless I saw
it with my own eyes.
4 В придаточных:
4 a) There are not many
а) определительных
men who would have taken
the whole thing so carefully
б) сравнения, после союза as
b) He forgot all about it as
he would have forgotten
about the Central Bank
с) в дополнительных после
c) I fear, Jane, that your
речи, умственной
at school any longer would
be useless
Subjunctive II употребляется
Past Indefinite
в придаточных:
Past Perfect
1 a) If I were you, I'd wait
1 а) условия (“if”)
until your lab was finished
b) Even if it were so, what
б) уступительных (“even”, “if”)
would it matter?
c) Let's begin again, as if
с) сопоставления (“as if”, “as
nothing had happen
2 a) I wish I were fifteen
2 а) после глагола “wish” для
выражения сожаления,
чего нет, и не было
b) I wish you had known
your grandfather
Note: a) I wish she hadn't
done it
b) I wish she had done it
3 It's high time you had
3 После конструкции: “it's
done with it
high time”
4 If only his father were
4 В восклицательных
If she had only known!
Conjunctive (Конъюнктив)
Как и сослагательное наклонение II (Subjunctive) конъюнктив употребляется в
придаточных предложениях, но с определенной лексикой и служебными словами
(союзами). Существует 2 формы: синтетическая (простая) и аналитическая.
Формы употребляются в действительном и страдательном залоге.
Простая форма: I, he, we, you, they = go, have, be
Аналитическая форма: I, you, he = should do, should have
шествование. В отличие от сослагательного наклонения, она не связана с
выражением нереальности сообщаемого.
Употребляется в предложениях, где выражается мнение, суждение, допущение,
оценка чего-либо, требование, сомнение, недоумение и т.д.
1 It is better that I leave
1 В предложениях-подлежащих
с “it is pity”, “it is necessary”, “it is
curious”, “it is impossible”.
2 I suggest, Pete, that you
should go to bed
2 В придаточных дополнительных после
“recommend”, “demand”, “require”, “insist”.
Эти глаголы могут стоять в сослагательном
наклонении и изъявительном.
3 She repeated her request
3 В определительных после
that he join them
существительных со значением:
предложения, желания, требования и т.д.
4 Не wondered that he
4 В придаточных дополнительных,
should ever have been
выражающих недоумение
hungry in his life
после глаголов: “to wonder”, “to puzzle”
5...he is afraid to tell me
5 В придаточных цели,
for fear I should be jealous.
причины для выражения
I am afraid I should bore
опасения: “for fear”
6 If he should say anything
6 В придаточных условия
at any time, let me know
после союзов “if”, “in case”
7 Whether it be Latin!
7 После союзов “unless”
(если только не), “whether”
(будь то)
8 She averted her face so
8 В придаточных обстоятельственных:
that the child should not see
уступки, времени, цели (“even”,
her tears
“though”, “though”, “so that”, “until”)
9 В восклицательных предложениях,
9 Be it so! Success attends
выражающих призыв, пожелание,
Grammar Practice
Exercise 1 Transform the sentences according to the model. Pay attention to the
difference of the forms expressing real and unreal conditions.
Model 1.
If I see him, I shall tell him about it.
If I saw him. I should tell him about it.
If I had seen him, I should have told him about it.
1 If you give me a dictionary 1 shall translate the text.
2 If it is hot in summer I shall spend my holiday in the Crimea.
3 If he is not at home I shall wait for him.
4 If she practices more she will make more progress.
5 If they have more money they will buy a new house.
Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1 If I have time I shall watch TV in the evening.
2 If we have money we shall travel.
3 If I am in town I shall visit you.
4. If you work hard during the academic year you will not fail in the exam.
5 If you had worked hard during the academic year you would have never failed at
the exam.
6 If she were not busy she would come and see us.
7 Had you warned me, nothing would have happened.
8 I wish we were in Minsk now.
9 Nobody demands that you should do it immediately.
10 I'll put down your address lest I should forget it.
Exercise 3. Translate into Russian.
1 I wish I were young.
2 It is necessary that you should read the text twice.
3 He insisted that I should read the text twice.
4 We demanded that the money should be paid at once,
5 It was necessary that he attend the meeting.
6 It is necessary that the apparatus should be operated at maximum efficiency.
7 It was important that a new instrument were used instead of the old one.
8 He suggested that we should repeat the experiment.
Exercise 4. Use Subjunctive I.
1 He will come if you ring him up.
2 I shall read this book if you give it to me.
3 They will invite him if they see him.
4 She will buy this dress if she has money.
5 If the water is not cold, we shall swim.
Exercise 5. Use Subjunctive II.
1 You will not be late if you get up earlier.
2 I shall go with you if it doesn't rain.
3 If you send him a telegram, he will return in time,
4 If they work hard, they will pass all the exams well.
5 If I have my leave in August, I shall go to the sea.
Exercise 6. Rewrite the sentences using if - clauses Турe 3.
It rained all the most of the morning, so it wasn't a very pleasant walk.
If it hadn't rained most of the morning, it would have been a pleasant walk.
1 They decided to go because the forecast wasn't bad.
2 They forgot to bring a map, and they lost the way.
3 They were late because they didn't go the right way.
4 He wasn't able to eat because the cafe was closed.
5 The boss gave her much job, and she had to stay late at the office.
6 The office was such a long way from here, and I spent so much time on the bus.
7 There were no cafes nearby, and she had to take sandwiches.
Exercise 7. Omit the conjunctions in the conditional clauses.
If I had free time I should visit you.
Had I free time I should visit you.
1 If he had a dictionary, he would translate the article.
2 If she were not ill she would go to the concert with me.
3 If he could find this book, he would bring it to me.
4 If Ann could speak English she would understand them.
5 If they were not tired, they would continue their way.
Exercise 8. Use the complex sentences instead of the simple ones.
You must stay at home. The doctor recommended it.
The doctor recommended that you should stay at home.
1 I must revise the rule. The teacher insists on it.
2 They must come to an agreement. It is very important.
3 The manager must sign the document. It is necessary for us.
4 You must read this hook. I recommend it.
5 The boy must go in for sport. He suggested it.
Exercise 9. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1 If he goes to university he will study foreign languages
2 If I change my job I shall earn more money.
3 If the taxi arrives late they will miss their train
4 If you drive fast we shall catch the plane.
5 If the weather were fine we would go to the country. If she weather had been fine we
would have gone to the country.
6 You would not make mistakes if you knew the rule. You would not have made
mistakes if you had known the rule.
7 If you take a taxi you would get to the airport in time. If you had taken a taxi you would
have got to the airport in time.
8 It is necessary that, you should train more.
9 It is desirable that he should apologize.
10 I suggest that we should go to the picture gallery.
11 I wish it didn't rain.
12 I wish you didn't ask me so many questions.
13 I wish you could forgive me.
14 I wish you had come to the party.
15 If I were you I would explain my position to her.
Exercise 10. Translate the answers to the following questions.
Why did you close the window?
(Чтобы ветер не разбил его)
Lest the wind should break it.
1 Why did you take a taxi? (Чтобы не опоздать)
2 Why did you mark this place in the book? (Чтобы не тратить напрасно времени,
разыскивая его)
3 What do you want to leave her a message for? (Чтобы она не забыла позвонить мне)
4 Why do you want to ring her up? (Чтобы она нe волновалась)
5 Why is he running? (Чтобы нe опоздать на автобус)
Exercise 11. Use the correct form of the Subjunctive.
1 If I (know) his language, I would speak to him.
2 If you (like) coffee I would make you some.
3 If you (see) him today, he would have told you the news.
4 If he (not work) hard, he wouldn't have made progress.
5 If I (be) you, I should act differently.
6 If you (speak) louder he would hear you.
7 If it (snow) tomorrow we shall go skiing.
8 It is important that you (know) this.
Exercise 12. Use the correct form of the Subjunctive.
1 If I were free tomorrow, I (go) to the concert.
2 If I knew that I (go) there immediately.
3 If I were in the Crimea now I (swim) in the sea.
4 If she had come to town yesterday, she (take) part in the conference.
5 If you had apologized, she (forgive) von.
6 If I knew the answer I (tell) you.
7 If I (be) you. I wouldn’t marry that awful girl.
8 I would have hit him, if he (not apologize).
9 If you (invite) them to the party, they'd be very pleased.
10 Your mother wouldn't have been angry, if you (stay) out late.
Exercise 13. Translate into English.
1 Если бы вчера была хорошая погода, мы бы поехали на прогулку.
2 Если бы он не был гак занят вчера вечером, он бы обсудил с нами план
3 Если бы я увидела ее завтра, я бы спросила ее об этом.
4 Если бы он пришел, я был бы рад.
5 Я предлагаю, чтобы они обсудили эту книгу.
6 Никто не настаивает, чтобы вы участвовали в этих соревнованиях.
7 Мне хотелось бы знать этот язык.
8 Необходимо, чтобы он сдал экзамен.
9 Важно, чтобы студенты участвовали в научной работе
10 Жаль, что ее нет сейчас дома.
11 Олег говорил по-английски так, как будто жил в Вeликобритании.
Exercise 14. Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.
1 If you took more exercises, ...
2 I'd feel very angry if ...
3 If I didn't go to work tomorrow, ...
4 Would you go to the party if ...
5 If you bought some new clothes, ...
6 Would you mind if...
Exercise 15. Write sentences beginning with “I wish”…
1 I don’t know many people (and I’m lonely).
2 I don’t have a key (and I need one).
3 Ann isn’t there (and I need to see her).
4 It’s cold (and I hate cold weather).
5 I live in a big city (and I don’t like it).
6 I can’t go to the party (and I’d like to).