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Similarities and Differences
Prewriting Notes
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________________ are verb forms, not verbs. They look like
verbs but act like another part of speech. “This is
_______________,” you say.
However, these 3 types of verbals make super sentence
1. ________________. A gerund is a verb form used as a noun. This verbal
ends in ing.
a. What is the gerund’s (noun’s) function in the following sentence?
Ex. Singing is my best talent.
 Does the underlined word act like a noun? _______
 Does it end in ing? _______
b. What is the gerund’s function in the following sentence?
Ex. I cannot stop her from speaking.
____________ of the _____________________ phrase (from speaking)
c. What is the gerund’s function in the following sentence?_____________
Ex. The kids love running outside. (kids love what?)
d. You will sometimes come across a gerund phrase.
Ex. Watching the football game is one of my favorite pastimes.
2. ______________________. An infinitive is a verb form that begins with to
followed by a verb. It is used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb.
a. Noun Example:
To succeed was his goal.
How do you know the infinitive is acting like a noun?
b. Adjective Example:
That is a big question to answer.
How do you know the infinitive is acting like an adjective?
c. Adverb Example:
She ran to catch the bus.
How do you know that the infinitive is acting like an adverb?
d. Here is an infinitive phrase: Ex. Does he want to grill some fish?
 This infinitive phrase acts like a _______________ and more
specifically a direct object.
3. _____________________. A participle is a verb form that is used as an adjective.
A participle may end in ing, ed, en, t, or n.
Ex. The starving hikers gobbled up Mom’s baked beans.
Ex. Frozen meat takes only 7 minutes to thaw in the microwave.
Ex. The bent bicycle wheel wobbled when Jake rode his bike.
Ex. He knew that the worn path would be safer.
a. Participle phrases make great sentence beginnings.
Ex. Flying low, the plane circled the airport.
b. Participle or Gerund?
Ex. (1) I think I’ll take a sewing class.
Ex. (2) She earns money by sewing.
c. Participle or Verb?
Ex. (1) Olivia is running for class treasurer.
Ex. (2) Students running for class officer should come to the meeting.