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Cell Division – Explore Learning Activity
Phases of the Cell Cycle:
1.a.Cells present? _______________ How does it change? ______________________
b. Sketch below as many different appearances you see. How many different cell
appearances do you observe? _______
2. a. Stage: ______________ What happens? ________________________________
Stage: ________________ What happens? ____________________________
Stage: ________________ What happens? ____________________________
b. What process relating to the cell’s DNA occurs during interphase? Why is this
3. a. What structures appear during this phase? ____________________ What
structures disappear? _____________________________
b. Three parts: _____________________ ____________________ ______________
4. What events occur during metaphase? ______________________________________
5. a. Describe events of anaphase.
b. At completion, how many chromatids are there at each pole? _______ How do the
chromatids at one pole compare to those at the other? ____________________________
6. a. How many cells has the original cell turned into at the completion of cytokinesis? _
b. What is true about the DNA contained in these two cells? _______________________
c. If human cells, how many chromatids are contained in each cell? ______
Relative Duration of the Phases
1. a. How many of the cells were in each of the phases at that time?
b. Which phase had the largest number of cells? ________________________
2. Phase with largest number of cells? ____________________ Smallest number of
cells? _________________________
3. Calculate the average number of cells in each of the five phases:
interphase: _____
prophase: _____
metaphase: _____
anaphase: ______
telophase: ______
a. Phase with largest number of cells? ______________________ What does this
mean about the amount of time that cells spend in this phase?
b. Phase with smaller number of cells? ______________________ What can you
conclude about the amount of time that cells spend in this phase compared to the
other phases? ______________________________________________________
4. a. How long does the average cell spend in each of the six stages?
Interphase: __________
Prophase: ___________
Metaphase: __________
Anaphase: ___________
Telophase: __________
b. What part of mitosis takes the longest amount of time? ________________ Shortest
amount of time? _______________ Why do you think this is?
c. What do you think would happen if cell division occurred in an uncontrolled way?
**Discuss your ideas with your classmates if there is time at the end of the period!**