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The Preamble to the United States Constitution
What do the words “We the People of the United States. . .” mean?
The phrase was used to express the republican nature of this new government--that
the authority to govern came from the people. This was very different from the beginnings of
the Articles of Confederation. In that document the word ”people” was not used.
Using “we the people” was necessary because The Constitutional Convention had decided
that the people would choose (by election) ratifying conventions. And when nine of these
ratifying conventions approved the Constitution, it would go into effect for those states.
This opening phrase establishes the idea of popular sovereignty. Popular sovereignty
means that the government’s authority comes from the people. The government receives its
power from the people and can govern only with their consent. In the word sovereignty you
can find the word “reign.” Popular means the people, so the principle of popular
sovereignty means that the “people reign.”
What does “in order to form a more perfect union” mean?
How can something be “more perfect”? To the founding fathers a “more perfect union” was
simply a better and stronger government than the one that existed before the Constitution—
the Articles of Confederation. The words “more perfect union” showed that this new
government would fix the problems that existed under the Articles of Confederation by the
establishment of a stronger national government with power and authority of its own.
Thirteen states were to be bound together, not in a loose confederation, but in a strong
union, with the national government having precise powers. Among these powers were the
powers to impose and collect taxes, regulate foreign and interstate commerce, raise an
army, establish courts, have a chief executive and pass and enforce its own laws. The
Constitution was to be the supreme law of the nation.
What does “establish justice” mean?
Under The Articles of Confederation the American states and local governments had
functioning court systems with independent judges and trial by jury. However, there was no
national court system to settle disputes between the states and to insure that the states were
not trampling on the citizen’s natural rights.
The new government—the Constitution--gives the authority to create a system of federal
courts, headed by a Supreme Court. These courts interpret the Constitution and laws made
by the federal government, settle disputes between the states and between private parties
and try people accused of breaking the law.
What does “insure domestic tranquility” mean?
Domestic tranquility was the framers’ phrase for “law and order.” Domestic means “at
home.” Tranquility means “peace.” This phrase refers to the use of the authority of
government ot keep the peace inside our nation with law enforcement. The Constitution
gave Congress the power to call out the state militia to keep the peace in the event of an
uprising, riot, or natural disaster. The framers of the Constitution remembered Shays’
Rebellion where the government under the Articles of Confederation had no power to stop
Daniel Shays from storming the courthouse. The phrase means also that Congress and the
President have the responsibility to run the government so the people can live peacefully
and in reasonable contentment.
What does “provide for the common defense” mean?
Under the Articles of Confederation, the Congress could operate a navy but needed to
request troops from the states. This states that the new government would be responsible to
protect its citizens from attacks by other countries. Under the Constitution, the Congress
could raise and support armies and maintain a navy to protect the United States and its
interests. Today, the United States has a large military establishment—the Army, Navy,
Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast guard complemented by a system of defensive treaties
with other nations and an intelligence-gathering network around the world—all to provide
for the common defense.
What does “promote the general welfare” mean?
Under the Articles of Confederation, the states controlled the general welfare of the people.
Under the Constitution, the federal government will try to create conditions that benefit all
people. The new Congress can levy and collect taxes to mount programs to improve
conditions in the country (remember, they couldn’t collect taxes under the Articles of
Confederation.). Beginning with harbor improvements and navigation, our national
government has expanded to all sorts of things that are based upon its concern for the
general welfare. Aid to cities, programs to help fight poverty, promote good health, disaster
relief (like money for hurricanes) , programs to increase jobs and aid to education have
sought to improve the well-being of American citizens across the country.
What does “and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” mean?
This serves notice that it is the responsibility of this new government to insure that the hardwon freedoms of Americans will be protected by the authority of government, and that
these freedoms will be protected from government power under this new Constitution. The
power and authority of this new government is limited—not total. People will be free to act
as they please, to choose where they work, where they live, what they believe, and who
shall represent them in government. However, our liberty does not leave us free to do
whatever we want. Our actions may not violate the rights of others. These guarantees are
extended not only to the citizens at the time but to posterity (all citizens yet to come in the
future) so long as the Constitution remains in authority.
What does ”do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America” mean?
Since “ordain” means to order or to decree and “establish” means to set up, this phrase
simply means that the people now decree that this Constitution will set up the new
government for the United States.