Download I have to disagree with this, Jim

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I have to disagree with this, Jim. I believe Argyria is very rare but it does happen. I belong
to an Argyria list and there are a few people who do have it and share their photos. Those
that do have it, used a silver machine similar to yours and no salt.
Here is some information regarding Silver usage. What do you think?
first, I want to show, how much of silver you maximum get perday if you follow Bob Beck
Beck talks about up to 8 ounces of CS, which must be made by distilled water. But you can read as
well, he speaks about CS with 5-6ppm
Let us calculate the maximum amount of silver per day, Bob Beck talks about
8 ounces = 224 grams with 5ppm = 1,12 mg
8 ounces = 224 grams with 6ppm = 1,34 mg
This is, what the SOTA BT5 produces.
But others are announced to produce easily 20 - 25ppm
so let us calculate, how much silver someone consume, if he drinks 1l = 36 ounces 20ppm CS /
1000grams with 20ppm = 20 mg
I can really imagine, that 20 mg can course real problems.
If you look at the Altman study, which I have uploaded, you can see, that the amount, the body
excretes via different ways is on a level of 1 - 10mg/day, dependent on the amount of water you
The consumption in this study was 1 mg to 2.34 mg silver per day.
I really can imagine, that the silver must accumulate in a body, if the consumption is 20mg/day,
because the possibility of excretion of this amount needs - roughly estimated - about 10 or more
liters / day to drink. Who will do so ???
If the silver can not be transported out of the body, it will be stored anywhere in the body, and the
person will get Argyria after a time.
If you consume the amount of CS as Bob Beck told us, I believe, nobody will get Argyria, because
it is on the level of consumption via all other food.
second, we should look on the quality and the rules of consumption
If CS is not made with distilled water, you will get silver salts instead of colloidal silver - which
will not help and some of the silver salts are poisoning the body. The very known blue man made
his CS water with normal potable water - and drunk up to 4 liter/day for years. I don't wonder,
that he got Argyria.
Bob Beck tells us, we shall drink CS water earliest 2 hours after we have eaten and drunk
anything, as well we shall wait with drinking minimum half an hour after use of CS water.
The reason for this instruction is, that the CS shall be absorbed in the stomach, not mixed with
food and transported to the intestinal, where silver can course problems for the intestinal flora.
If someone drinks 1 - 4 l/day, how can he follow such an instruction ???
In a German book about CS, they say, the maximum allowable amount of CS is 3 times 2ml of
25ppm CS per kg of the weight of the person for a short time.
Standard use for acute disease is, the first 3 days 3 times 100 - 150ml 25ppm per day, afterwards 1
- 2 times 100 - 150ml 25ppm per day until the illness is gone.
For longterm use, they tell us to use CS not more than 50ml 25ppm once per day = 1,25mg/day which meets the information of Bob Beck
I hope, this helps somebody, to get a clear view to CS and agyria.
I thought this information would be useful to the group.
From: jpmeissner [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2009 5:19 AM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: RE: [DougPlus] diet + CS
Dear Deb:
The blue man is a marketing ploy by the pharmaceutical industry to keep you from trying CS
which is safer and more effective than any of the antibiotics they are selling at billions of dollars of
I have used CS for 20 years and am not grey or blue. Carol was using as much as 32 ounces per
day for many months and is not grey or blue. A normal dosage is one teaspoon per day. .
This is an un-retouched picture of Carol. She is not blue after drinking massive amounts of CS.
It is possible to get Argyria if you make the CS wrong and create physically large particles that get
lodged in the capillaries of the skin. Sunlight will turn the silver black just like in a photograph
negative. We who have studied CS for years do not know how to turn someone blue.
There are several ways to make bad CS. Not using distilled water, adding salt to speed up the
process and using a 27 volt uncontrolled generator.
The CS we make produces 2-3 nanometer size particles that are too small to lodge in the
capillaries. A red blood cell is 7,000 nanometers.
There are other opinions and there is a remote possibility that in extremely rare situations a
person might develop Argyria. Kenda and I have had this discussion so talk to her. She has
even joined a group that claims that all CS will turn you blue. Most or all these claims seem to be
related to a rare condition where the body cannot properly eliminate.
Almost all the documented evidence against CS is actually based on silver nitrate that was used
by doctors for many years and that is know to cause Argyria. Also high PPM colloidal silver which
is not colloidal silver but a mild silver protein suspension is known to cause Argyria.
If you are really worried about this and need “quality control” then you should purchase
MesoSilver that is made by a very fine reputable company run by Frank Key who is a good friend.
Where to buy MesoSilver .
Comparisons of different colloidal silver products .
Jim Meissner