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Townsend Harris High School
Imperialism and World War I p.642-731
A.P. European History
Mr. Stonehill
HOMEWORK 1: Read pages 642-650, 653-654, and answer the questions below.
1) How did the “New Imperialism” differ from the “Old Imperialism”?
2) Compare “colonies”, “protectorates”, and “spheres of influence” and cite examples of
3) How did British imperialism differ from other European powers?
4) Describe Russia’s role in imperialism.
5) Who were the new powers after the 1860s?
Terms: Imperialism, sheltered markets, surplus capital, Joseph Chamberlain, imperial
preference, White Man’s Burden, Kultur, yellow press, Roosevelt Corollary, dollar
diplomacy, Platt Amendment
HOMEWORK 2: Read pages 654-669 and answer the questions below.
1) How did the Ottoman Empire differ from Europe?
2) Why did the Ottomans try to reform from 1856-1876 and why were these reforms
3) What were the causes, results, and effects of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 and
the subsequent Treaty of Berlin?
4) What was the Eastern Question and why was it important to England in particular?
5) How did Egypt become a British protectorate?
6) What did the Berlin Conference attempt to do?
7) What conflicts over Africa did the European powers have (east and west belts)?
8) What were the causes and results of the Boer War?
Terms: Terms: raya, “capitulations”, Hatt-i Humayun, Abdul Hamid, Young Turks, The
Congress of Berlin, “jingoism”, Khedive of Egypt, Colonel Arabi, Tewfik, Evelyn Baring
Stanley and Livingston, International Congo Association, Karl Peters, Brazza, King
Leopold of Belgium, Cecil Rhodes, Fashoda Crisis
HOMEWORK #3: Read pages 669-681 and answer the questions below.
1) How did the Dutch maintain an empire in the East Indies despite not having a
dominating military?
2) What was India’s economic relationship with Great Britain?
3) What were Russian goals in Asia and how did these goals conflict with British goals?
4) What happened to Persia and why?
5) What was European policy in China after 1840?
6) What were the results of the Treaty of Nanking (1842) and the Treaty of Tientsin
7) What brought about the Open Door Policy?
Terms: Java, culture system, Sepoy Rebellion of 1857, Hindu Indian National Congress,
All India Muslim League, French Indochina, Open Door Policy, Order of Literary
Patriotic Harmonious Fists (Boxers)
HOMEWORK #4: Read pages 681-683 and 695-706 and answer the questions below.
1) How did Japan defeat Russia in the Russo-Japanese War?
2) What were the results and significance of the war?
3) How had armies changed by the start of the 20th century?
4) What were the differences between Serbians, Bosnians, Croats, and Slovenes?
5) Why did Germany and France enter World War I? Why did Great Britain join World
War I?
6) What were the overriding causes of World War I?
Terms: battle of Mukden Triple Alliance, Franco-Russian Alliance of 1894, Triple
Entente, Admiral Mahan, Black Hand, Archduke Francis Ferdinand, Sir Edward Grey
HOMEWORK #5: Read pages 706-717 and answer the questions below.
1) What were the expectations of the war by the different power in 1914?
2) Describe the Western Front. Describe the Eastern Front.
3) What technology affected how World War I was fought?
4) What were the causes of the Armenian Holocaust during WWI?
5) What caused the Russian Revolution?
6) How did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk help the Bolsheviks?
7) How did the U.S. involvement in WWI decisive despite a lack of military success?
8) What were the costs of WWI?
Terms: Schlieffen Plan, Central Power, Allies, British Grand Fleet, irrendeta, secret treaty
of London 1915, Easter Rebellion of 1916, Zimmerman telegraph, T.E. Lawrence,
Balfour Declaration of 1917
V.I. Lenin, Hindenburg, Ludendorff, convoy, Pershing
HOMEWORK #6: Read pages 717-722 and answer the questions below.
1) What happened to the Austrian Empire after WWI? Why?
2) How was the German Empire reinvented? Why was it reinvented this way?
3) How did WWI affect capitalism (Labor, factories, free enterprise, foreign trade)?
4) How did the role of women change during WWI?
5) What caused Europe’s economic decline (Great Britain) after WWI?
Terms: Weimar Republic, Military conscription, War Companies
HOMEWORK #7: Read pages 722-731 and answer the questions below.
1) What were Wilson’s 14 Points?
2) Why were Wilson’s 14 Points not achieved? What did France and Britain hope to
3) Whose point of view did the Treaty of Versailles pervade?
4) Why were Germans, Japanese, and Chinese dissatisfied with the Treaty of Versailles?
5) Why didn’t the U.S. ratify the Treaty of Versailles?
Terms: Peace of Paris 1919, Anglo-French-American Guarantee Treaty, cordon
sanitaire, Big Four