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William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Religious Studies and History
1847 Winston Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903-1651
(434) 979-8592
CELL (434) 242-8592
E-Mail: [email protected]
POB 400126, University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4126
(434) 924-6707
FAX (434) 924-1467
Born: January 7, 1939, Baltimore, Maryland.
Ordained Catholic Priest: June 6, 1970
I. Education, with institutions, dates attended, major, and degrees:
Loyola College, Baltimore, 1956-1958, Chemistry.
St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, 1958-1959, Philosophy.
St. Isaac Jogues Novitiate, Wernersville, Pa., 1959-1962, Classics.
Fordham University, College of Philosophy & Letters,* 1962-1965, History, B.A.
*(Pontifical Faculty of Philosophy of Woodstock College), 1962-1965, Philosophy,
Ph.L. (1965).
Fordham University, Graduate School, 1964-1966, History, M.A. (1966).
Yale University, 1965-1969, History, M.Phil. (1967), Ph.D. (1969).
Woodstock College, 1968-1971, Theology, M.Div. (1971).
Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1971-1972, Theology, S.T.M. (1972).
II. Fellowships, Awards, and Prizes:
Yale University Fellowship, 1966-1967
Sterling Junior Fellowship, Yale, 1967-1968
Bates Junior Fellowship, Jonathan Edwards College, Yale, 1967-1968
George Washington Egleston Prize for best essay in American History, Yale, 1969
Theron Rockwell Field Prize for the best dissertation in religion, literature, and poetry,
Yale, 1969
Brewer Prize of the American Society of Church History, 1972 for The Vatican and the
Americanist Crisis
Fellowship, American Council of Learned Societies, 1979-1980
Sesquicentennial Grant, University of Virginia, 1982-1983
Research Grant, Diocese of Richmond, 1989-1990
Sesquicentennial Grant, University of Virginia, 1993-1994
Doctorate in Religious Studies, honoris causa, Marquette University, 2001
III. Academic Positions:
Fordham University Graduate School, Theology Department, Adjunct Assistant
Professor, 1971-1972.
Woodstock College, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Historical Theology, 1970-1972,
Assistant Professor, 1972-1974
Union Theological Seminary, New York, Lecturer, 1971-1974.
Fordham University, Theology Department, Assistant Professor, 1974-1975.
University of Virginia, Department of Religious Studies, Associate Professor, 1975-1986;
Professor, 1986-1994.
University of Virginia, William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Religious Studies, 1994University of Virginia, Department of History, Professor, 1992The Catholic University of America, Catholic Daughters of the Americas Visiting
Professor of American Catholic History, Spring, 1985.
Boston College, Gasson Chair for a Distinguished Jesuit Scholar, History Department,
Fordham University, Loyola Chair, History department, 2008-2009.
IV. Professional Activities:
Board of Trustees, Loyola College, Baltimore, 1971-1977
Secretary, Theological Studies, Inc. 1971-1974
Archivist, Maryland Province of the Society of Jesus, 1971-2015
Executive Council of the American Catholic Historical Association, 1977-1979
1991, made permanent member
Board of Trustees, Fairfield University, 1983-1989
Board of Trustees, Loyola High School, Towson, Md., 1983-1989
Permanent Participant, Istituto Paolo VI, an international group of scholars that meets
triennially, 1980-present
First Vice President, American Catholic Historical Association, 1991
President, American Catholic Historical Association, 1992
Board of Advisers on Church History, Concilium, Revue internationale de théologie,
Nijmegen, Holland, 1994-1996
Board of Trustees, University of Scranton, 1998-2004
One of three Vatican appointees to Vatican-Jewish committee on the Vatican and World
War II, 1999-2001
Member of:
American Catholic Historical Association
American Society of Church History
American Historical Association
American Catholic Historical Society
United States Catholic Historical Society
Catholic Commission on Intellectual and Cultural Affairs
Catholic Theological Society of America
Pastoral Work, Diocese of Richmond, 1975-present
V. Publications:
A. Books:
The Vatican and the Americanist Crisis: Denis J. O'Connell, American Agent in Rome, 18851903. Vol. 36 of Miscellanea Historiae Pontificiae. Rome Università Gregoriana
Editrice, 1974.
The Vatican and the American Hierarchy from 1870 to 1965, Vol. 21 of Päpste und Papsttum.
Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1982.
Paperback of The Vatican and the American Hierarchy from 1870 to 1965. Wilmington Del.:
Michael Glazier, Inc., 1985.
Nova et Vetera: The Theology of Tradition in American Catholicism. Milwaukee: Marquette
University Press, 1987.
Editor of Patterns of Episcopal Leadership. New York: Macmillan & Co., 1989; author of
"Introduction," pp. xxi-xlvi and "Francis J. Spellman: American and Roman," pp. 216234.
American Catholic Biblical Scholarship: A History from the Early Republic to Vatican II. San
Francisco: Harper & Row, 1989.
Commonwealth Catholicism: A History of the Catholic Church in Virginia. Notre Dame IN:
University of Notre Dame Press, 2001.
B. Articles and Contributions to Books:
"Historical Note: The Geographical Location of the American [Jesuit] Novitiate," Woodstock
Letters, 96 (1968), 113-119.
"Catholicism and American Culture," Catholic Mind, 71 (1973), 12-18.
"American Conciliar Legislation, Hierarchical Structure, and Priest-Bishop Tension, "The Jurist,
32 (1972), 400-409.
"Church Councils in the United States and American Legal Institutions," Annuarium Historiae
Conciliorum, 4 (1972), 83-105.
"The American Hierarchy and Oriental Rite Catholics, 1890-1907," Records of the American
Catholic Historical Society, 85 (1974), 17-28. Reprinted in Dolores Liptak, R.S.M., A
Church of Many Cultures: Selected Historical Essays on Ethnic American Catholicism
(New York: Garland, 1988).
"The Bishops versus Religious Orders: The Suppressed Decrees of the Third Plenary Council of
Baltimore," The Jurist, 33 (1973), 384-398. Reprinted in Joseph M. White (ed.),
American Catholic Religious Life: Selected Historical Essays (New York: Garland,
"Estados Unidos de America del Norte," V: "Historia de la Iglesia," Gran Enciclopedia Rialp
(Madrid, 1972), IX, 316-321.
"Paul VI," Catholic Encyclopedia for School and Home, Supplement.
"Slaves, Quakers, and Catholic Marriage in Colonial Maryland," The Jurist, 35 (1975), 142-161.
With R. Emmett Curran and Joseph Durkin, The Jesuits in Maryland: 1634-1833 (Baltimore,
"Archbishop Peter Kenrick's Submission to Papal Infallibility," Archivum Historiae Pontificiae,
16 (1978), 205-222.
"The Historical Origin of the Excommunication of Divorced and Remarried Catholics Imposed
by the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore," The Jurist, 38 (1978), 426-433.
"The Quest for a Catholic Vernacular Bible in America," in Nathan O. Hatch and Mark Noll
(eds.), The Bible in America: Essays in Cultural History (New York: Oxford University
Press, 1982), pp. 163-180.
"Intervention: `Ecclesiam Suam,'" Pubblicazioni dell' Istituto Paolo VI, 2 (1982), 225-236.
"Foreword" to microfilm edition of the Archbishop John Ireland Papers, Minnesota Historical
Society, 1984.
"Peter Attwood," George Hunter," "Andrew White," and "Edward Knott," in Douglas Wilmes
and James A. Levernier (eds.), American Writers Before 1800: A Biographical and
Critical Reference Guide (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1984).
"Public Patriotism and Private Politics: The Tradition of American Catholicism," The United
States Catholic Historian, 4 (1984), 1-48.
"Vatican-American Diplomacy from 1940 to 1984," American Catholic Studies Seminar,
Working Paper Series, University of Notre Dame.
"The United States and the Vatican: From Personal Representative to Ambassador," in Herbert
Schambeck (ed.), Pro Fide et Justitia: Festschrift für Agostino Kardinal Casaroli
(Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1984), pp. 577-589.
"Priests in Public Office: An Historical Overview," in: Madonna Kolbenschlag (ed.), Between
God and Ceasar: Priests, Sisters and Political Office in the United States (New York:
Paulist Press, 1985), pp. 21-40.
"American Catholic Approaches to the Sacred Scripture," Studies in Catholic History in honor of
John Tracy Ellis (Wilmington, Del.: Michael Glazier, Inc., 1985), 91-126.
"The Parish and Community at the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore," U.S. Catholic Historian,
4 (1985), 233-257. Reprinted in Brian Mitchell (ed.), Building the American Catholic
City: Parishes and Institutions (New York: Garland, 1988).
"Property and Religious Liberty in Colonial Maryland Catholic Thought," in: Catholic Historical
Review, 72 (1986), 573-600. Reprinted in Timothy Walch (ed.), Early American
Catholicism, 1634-1920: Selected Historical Essays (New York: Garland, 1988).
"Diocesan Structure and Governance in the United States," in James K. Mallet (ed.), The
Ministry of Governance (Washington: The Canon Law Society of America, 1986), 21-55.
"Theologians and the Magisterium," Seminaries in Dialogue, no., 16 (Sept., 1987), 10-24.
"Academic Freedom and American Catholic Higher Education: An Historical Analysis," New
Catholic World, 231 (Oct., 1988), 220-225.
"American Catholic Translations of the Bible," in: Ernest S. Frerichs (ed.). The Bible and Bibles
in America. Atlanta. GA: Scholars Press, 1988, pp. 117-143.
"Rome and the U.S. Bishops, Contending Ecclesiologies: A Historical Perspective," Church, 4
(Fall, 1988), 3-9.
"Spellman, Francis Joseph," Dictionary of American Biography: Supplement Eight: 1966-1970
(New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1988), 612-615.
"Canon Law in American History and the History of American Canon Law," Proceedings of the
Canon Law Society of America, 1988, 1-23.
"American Catholic Biblical Scholarship," Altered Landscapes: Christianity in America, 19351985: Essays in Honor of Robert T. Handy. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company, 1989.
"Catholicism, American Culture, and the Bible," New Theology Review, 2 (Feb., 1989), 16-38.
"American Catholic Biblical Scholarship: A Review of its Past," Theological Studies, 50 (June,
1989), 219-243.
"Universal Doctrine and Local Theology: The American Experience," Church, 5 (Summer,
1989), 10-16.
"The Authority of the National Catholic Welfare Conference," in Thomas J. Reese, S.J. (ed.),
Episcopal Conferences: Historical, Canonical, and Theological Studies (Washington,
D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 1989), pp. 85-103.
"Walter J. Burghardt, S.J.: An Appreciation," in David G. Hunter (ed.), Preaching in the
Patristic Age: Studies in Honor of Walter J. Burghardt, (New York: Paulist Press, 1989),
pp. 3-18.
"The Vatican and the American Church since World War II," in Bernard Cooke (ed., The Papacy
and the Church in the United States (New York: Paulist Press, 1989), pp. 119-140.
"American Catholic Influence on Church-State Relations," in Leslie Griffin (ed.), Religion and
Politics in the American Milieu (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press,
1989), pp. 27-50.
"Biblical Scholarship at the Catholic University of America," Catholic Historical Review, 75
(Oct., 1989), 628-657.
"American Journals and Paul VI at Vatican II," Paolo VI e i problemi ecclesiologici al concilio:
colloquio internazionale di studio Brescia 19-20-21 settembre 1986. Brescia:
Pubblicazioni dell'istituto Paolo VI, 1989, pp. 547-559.
"The American Hierarchy: A Retrospect of Two Hundred Years," U.S. Catholic Historian, 8
(Fall, 1989), 37-45.
"North America," Modern Catholicism: Vatican II and After, edited by Adrian Hastings.
London: Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge, and New York: Oxford
University Press, 1991, pp. 326-333.
"Two Hundred Years of the American Hierarchy in Relation to the Holy See," The American
Catholic Heritage: Reflections on the Growth and Influence of the Catholic Church in the
United States. Rome: Pontifical North American College, 1992, 37-70.
"Relaciones entre la Iglesia de los Estados Unidos y la Santa Sede," Hervé Legrand, Julio
Manzanares y Antonio García y García (eds.), Iglesias Locales y Catolicidad.
Salamanca: Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 1992, pp. 303-326.
"Relations between the Church in the United States and the Holy See," The Jurist, 52 (1992),
"Passaggi e svolte al Vaticano II," Cristianesimo nella storia, 13 (1992), 559-583.
"The Catholic Hierarchy in the United States between the Third Plenary Council and the
Condemnation of Americanism," The U.S. Catholic Historian, 11 (Summer, 1993), 1935.
"1892 and 1992: From Celebration of Discovery to Encounter of Cultures," Catholic Historical
Review, 79 (Oct., 1993), 621-647.
"The Holy See, Apostolic Delegates, and the Question of Church-State Relations in the United
States," The U.S. Catholic Historian, 12 (Spring, 1994), 69-89.
"The United States and the Vatican: 1939-1984," in Peter Kent and John Pollard (eds.), Papal
Diplomacy in the Modern Age (Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1994), pp. 221-244.
"America del Nord: I. Stati Uniti," Chiesa del Vaticano II (Milan: Edizioni San Paolo, 1994), pp.
"American Catholic Higher Education: An Historical Overview," in Thomas C. Hunt and James
C. Carper (eds.), Religious Higher Education in the United States: A Source Book. New
York and London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1996, pp. 305-352.
"American Catholic Historical Association," "John Tracy Ellis," "Testem Benevolentiae,"
"Longinqua Oceani," "Americanism," "Denis J. O'Connell," "Francisco Satolli," "Francis
Cardinal Spellman," in: The Harper Collins Encyclopedia of Catholicism. San Francisco:
Harper, 1995.
"L'avvio dell' assemblea," Storia del concilio Vaticano II, edited by Giuseppe Alberigo, Vol. 2:
La formazione della coscienza conciliare, Il primo periodo e la prima intersessione,
ottobre 1962-settembre 1963. Bologna: Società editrice Il Mulino, 1996, pp. 87-128.
English translation, 1997.
"The Theology of Tradition in the American Church," U.S. Catholic Historian, 14, no. 4 (Fall,
1996), 63-82.
"Francis P. Kenrick," in Mark G. Toulouse and James O. Duke (eds.), Makers of Christian
Theology in America. Nashville: Abington Press, 1997, pp. 167-170.
"Biblical Authority in Roman Catholicism," Anchor Bible Dictionary.
"The Catholic Church in the United States, 1865-1908," "The Catholic Church in Virginia,"
"Bishop John McGill," "Bishop Denis J. O'Connell," "Archbishop John Ireland," and
"American Cardinals," in Michael Glazier and Thomas J. Shelley (eds.), The
Encyclopedia of American Catholicism. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 1997.
"William Henry Cardinal O'Connell: Ultramontanism in the American Style," in Jeffrey van Arx,
S.J. (ed), Ultramontanism. Washington: The Catholic University of America Press, 1997,
pp. 118-146.
"Reflections on the Centennial of Testem Benevolentiae," U.S. Catholic Historian, 17 (Winter,
1999), 1-12.
"Two Virginia Priests in Contention with their Bishop: The Problem of Incorporation of Church
Property," in Building the Church in America. Washington: The Catholic University of
America Press, 1999, pp. 50-75.
"Virginia," and "Francis Joseph Spellman," in: Michael Glazier (ed.), Encyclopedia of the Irish
in America. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1999.
"The Papacy: From Low Regard to High Esteem," in John Deedy (ed.), The Catholic Church in
the Twentieth Century. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2000, 1-20.
"Modernism in the United States," in Alfonso Botti and Rocco Cerrato (ed.), Il Modernismo tra
Cristianità e Secolarizzazione: Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Urbino, 1-4 ottobre
1997. Urbino: Quattro venti, 2000, 463-485.
"The United States Bishops at Vatican II," in Gilles Routhier (ed.), Vatican II au Canada
enracinement et réception, Quebec: Fides, 2001, 225-242.
"Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, in Erwin Gatz (ed.), Kirche und Katholizismus seit 1945
(Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2002), IV, 90-143.
“Roosevelt and the American Catholic Hierarchy,” in David B. Woolner and Richard G. Kurial
(eds.), FDR, The Vatican, and the Roman Catholic Church in America, 1933-1945 (New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), 11-43.
“La chiesa negli Stati Uniti nella Grande Guerra e a Versailles,” in Antonio Scottà (ed.), La
Conferenza di pace di Parigi fra ieri e domain (1919-1920) (Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino,
2003), 211-227.
“Church-State/Church-Culture, The Survival of Catholic Schools,” in John Augenstein,
Christopher J. Kauffman, and Robert J. Wister (eds.), One Hundred Years of Catholic
Education: Historical Essays in Honor of the Centennial of the National Catholic Educational
Association (Washington: NCEA, 2003), pp. 133-154.
“Episcopal Governance in the American Church,” in Francis Oakley and Bruce Russett (eds.),
Governance, Accountability, and the Future of the Catholic Church (New York: Continuum,
2003), 103-118.
“Amerikanische Religionsfreheit und Spannungen mit dem Heiligen Stuhl,” in Werner Kremp
(ed.), Katholizismus im atlantischen Raum (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2004), 1-20.
“Reflexionen eines Historikers über den gegenwärtige Krise der Kirche in USA,”ibid., 135-142.
“Leo XIII and the Church in the United States,” Le pontificat de Léon XIII: renaissances du
saint-siege? (Rome: École français de Rome, 2006), 351-368.
With Sabine Schratz, “Americanism: Luther Reborn or Modernism Anticipated,” in Hubert Wolf
und Judith Schepers ( Hg.) “In wilder Zügelloser Jagd nach Neuem,” 100 Jahre Modernisismus
und Antimodernismus in der katholischen Kirchen (Paderborn, Műnchen, Wien, Zürich:
Ferdinand Schöningh, 2009), pp. 213-237.
“The Vatican and the United States: Rapprochement in Time of War,” , in: Margaret Monahan
Hogan and James M. Lies, C.S.C. (eds), History (1933-1948): What We Choose to Remember,”
(Portland: University of Portland, 2011), 39-60/
“The Kennedy Election: The Church-State Question and its Legacy,” Stephen J. Stein (ed.), The
Cambridge History of Religions in America Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012) III,
“The Case of Charles Coughlin: The View from Rome,” Charles R. Gallagher, David I. Kertzer,
and Alberto Melloni (eds.), Pius XI and America: Prceedings of the Brown University
Conference (Providence, October 2010) (Vienna, Berlin, Münster, LIT Verlag, 2012), pp. 107128.
“The Catholic Church in the United States since 1960: From Triumph to Turmoil,” in Saskia
Hertlein and Hermann Josef Schnackertz (eds.), The Culture of Catholicism in the United States
(Heidellberg: Universitätsverlag, 2012), pp. 15-39.
The Catholic Church and Historical Criticism of the Old Testament,” in Magne Saeboe (ed.),
Hebrew Bible/Old Testament: The History of Its Interpretation (Oslo: Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 2013), III, .pp. 244-261
“Archbishop Spellman’s Wartime Visit to the Vatican and Britain,” Catholic Historical Review,
100 (2014), 72-96.
“American Theologians at Vatican II,”in: Philippe Chenaus (ed.), Il concilio Vaticano II alla luce
degli archivi dei padre conciliari (Rome: UniversitàLateranense, 2015), pp. 325-342.
The following are forthcoming:
“The Vatican and the Soviet Union during Vatican II: Wellspring for Peace,” Piotr Kosicki,
Vatican II and Eastern Europe, CUA Press.
“The Shifting Attitude of the Vatican Toward the United States in the Period prior to World
War,” Luigini Rossi (ed.), Proceedings of SISSCO Conference, Università degli Studi di
Salerno, September 10-12, 2013.
"Vereinigte Staaten, I-IV," Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche.
"Thomas Copley," "John Altham," "Joseph Moseley," "Anthony Maas," "Roger T. O'Callaghan,"
"Luigi Sabetti," "Benedict Sestini," "Charles Sewall," "Lawrence Graessel," and
"Theodore Schneider," Encyclopedia of Jesuit History.
PIERRE" in: The Dictionary of Christian Missions.
C. Popular articles:
"Lay Trusteeism: Yesterday and Today," America, 115 (Nov. 19, 1966), 656-659.
"The Question of Catholic Schools: Past and Future," America, 119 (Sept. 28, 1968), 354-357.
"Independence: The `Anomaly' of the American Church," America, 130 (June 1, 1974), 430-434.
"John Carroll: Guiding an Infant Church," America, 134 (June 26, 1976), 560-562.
Consultant to and author of Part I: "Catholics/Americans," (New York: Paulist Press, 1975),
film-strip and cassette.
"Why the Pastoral is Shocking," Commonweal, 110 (June 3, 1983), 335-338.
"A Jesuit Looks at Luther in 1983," Missouri Synod Lutheran Southeastern District News, Oct.,
"The Maryland Province at 150 Years Old--An Historical Overview," National Jesuit News, 13
(Oct., 1983), 12-13, 18.
"To Their Wished-for Country," in "On the Day of the Annunciation," supplement for Maryland
Catholic newspapers published by the Paul VI Institute of the Arts, March 25, 1984.
"350 Years of Jesuits in Maryland," Yearbook of the Society of Jesus, 1985 (Rome, 1985).
"Dissent at Catholic University: The Case of Henry Poels," America, 156 (Oct. 11, 1986), 180184.
Articles in World Book Encyclopedia (Chicago, 1989): "Benedict XV," II, 247; "John
XXIII", XI, 130; "John Paul I," XI, 132; "John Paul II," XI, 132; "Leo XIII," XII, 200; "Paul
VI," XV, 200.; "Pius VII," 512; "Pius IX," 512; "Pius X, Saint," 512; "Pius XI," 512; "Pius XII,"
"Vatican-American Relations: Cooperation or Conspiracy?" America, 166 (April 11, 1992), 289193.
"Americanism," pp. 39-42, "Leo XIII," pp. 546-548, in Judith A. Dwyer (ed.), The New
Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought, (Collegeville, Minn.: The Liturgical Press, 1994).
"The English Used in our Country's Bible Translations for U.S. Catholics," America, 172 (Mar.
4, 1995), 10-16.
"The American Catholic Tradition of Dialogue," America, 175 (Oct. 26, 1996), pp. 9-14.
“A Pope in Wartime: Why did Pius XII act as he did?,” America, 199 (Dec. 15, 2008), 12-14
“On Their Shoulders: The Pallium in American Catholic History,” America, Sept. 28, 2015.
D. Newspaper Articles:
"John Tracy Ellis: An Obituary," The Tablet (London), 246 (Dec. 12, 1992), 1585-1586.
The following appeared in The Catholic Virginian under the general title "From the Beginning:
The faith in Virginia":
"The Spanish Jesuit Mission," Jan. 20, 1992, p. 5.
"Catholics in Colonial Virginia," Feb. 3, 1992, p. 5.
"The French Connection," Feb. 17, 1992, p. 5.
"Trusteeism in Norfolk," Mar. 2, 1992, p. 5.
"Richmond becomes a Diocese," Mar. 16, 1992, p. 5.
"Richmond gets a Pastor and a Bishop," Mar. 30, 1992, p. 5.
"Searching for the Irish," Apr. 13, 1992, p. 5.
"Norfolk's Father O'Keefe," Apr. 27, 1992, p. 5.
"Anthony Keiley of Petersburg: A Virginia Catholic Layman," May 11, 1992, p. 5.
"Uncommon Service: The Daughters of Charity in Virginia," May 25, 1992, p. 5.
"The Civil War and the Church in Richmond," June 8, 1992, p. 5.
"Louvain in Richmond: Belgian and Dutch Priests," June 22, 1992, p. 5.
"Converts in Service to the Church," July 6, 1992, p. 5.
"Richmond: Seedbed of Americanism and Religious Liberty," July 20, 1992, p. 5.
"Denis J. O'Connell: The Man Who would be Bishop," Aug. 3, 1992, p. 5.
"Mrs. Post Builds a Church at Virginia Beach," Aug. 17, 1992, p. 5.
"The Church Comes to Northern Virginia," Aug. 31, 1992, p. 5.
"Anti-Catholicism and the Virginia Style," Sept. 14, 1992, p. 5.
"Benefactors of the Diocese of Richmond," Sept. 28, 1992, p. 5.
"Virginia's Black Catholics: The Beginning," Oct. 12, 1992, p. 5.
"Richmond Bishops and Columbus Day, 1892," Oct. 26, 1992, p. 5.
"Richmond's Eastern and Southern European Immigrants and Some Others," Nov. 9, 1992, p. 5.
"Railroads and Religion," Nov. 23, 1992, p. 5.
"The Paulists, Bishop Keane, and Parish Missions," Dec. 7, 1992, p. 5.
"Richmond's Apologist Bishops," Dec. 21, 1992, p. 5.
"Church History and Evangelization," Jan. 4, 1992, p. 5.
"U.S.-Vatican `alliance' has Precedents in Church History," National Catholic Reporter, 28 (Feb.
28, 1992), 7.
"Venerable but rocky history of U.S. collegiality," National Catholic Reporter, 31 (Nov. 11,
1994), 14-15.
VI. Research in Progress:
The United States and the Vatican in World War II;
The Holy See and American Catholicism: 1789-1870.
VII. Courses taught:
A. Undergraduate:
History of American Catholicism
Spirit of Catholicism (Aspects of the Catholic Tradition): an introduction to Catholic
doctrine in the light of the Second Vatican Council
History of the Catholic Church in the American city
Introduction to Christianity
History of Christian Thought from 1200
The Legacy of Columbus: 500 years of Spanish Catholicism in North America
Themes in Irish Catholic History
B. Graduate:
History of 19th and 20th-century Catholic theology
History of Vatican-American relations
History of American Catholic Biblical Scholarship
History of the Counter-Reformation
Catholic Social Thought