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World History Final Exam Fall 2009
Know the following terms/people and significance for each: They will appear in multiple
choice, true/false or matching format. To study, review the powerpoint slide
presentations from each chapter. The questions and items are taken DIRECTLY from the
powerpoint in the order that they appear. Make sure to define and provide the
significance of all people and items listed below. Show up to the review on Tuesday and
ask questions. Good luck.
Chapter 9: Princes and Popes
1. What was the lay investiture controversy?
2. Why did the church become morally corrupt in the Middle Ages?
3. Simony
4. What were the Clunaic reforms?
5. What was the College of Cardinals and what is their 2 part present day
6. How did Gregory VII attempt to reform the church?
7. Henry IV
8. What was the Concordat of Worms? What were its outcomes?
9. Be familiar with the conflict between Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII over
lay investiture. Who won?
10. What were the two mendicant orders and who established them?
11. Who was Innocent III
12. What weapons were at a pope’s disposal to “bring” someone back into the
fold of the Roman Catholic Church?
13. Henry I of Germany
14. Otto I
15. What were the challenges within the Holy Roman Empire?
16. Frederick I
17. Frederick II
18. Alfred the Great
19. What was the significance of the Battle of Hastings in 1066?
20. Who was William the Conqueror and why is he significant?
21. Domesday Book.
22. How did the Norman invasion change the course of English history?
23. What was the relationship between Henry II and Thomas a Becket? What
happened to Thomas a Becket? Why?
24. What is the significance of the Magna Carta?
25. Parliament
26. What is the importance of the “power of the purse”?
27. How did the Capetian dynasty gain control of France?
28. What did Philip II do to increase his power?
29. Philip IV and the legacy of the Estates-General.
30. Who went on crusade?
31. What were the results of the crusade?
Chapter 10: The Reshaping of Medieval Europe
1. What were the three trade routes from Europe to Asia?
2. Credit
3. What three services could a moneychanger perform?
4. Who became the prominent money lenders and issuers of credit in Europe?
5. “just price”
6. Charter
7. What were the two types of guilds?
8. What were the three classes of credit guild members?
9. What was Scholasticism? What was their process of argumentation? What were
they trying to accomplish (goals)?
10. Why scholasticism? (see slide entitled Why Scholasticism)
11. Anselm
12. Peter Abelard
13. St. Thomas Aquinas
14. What were the characteristics of medieval universities?
15. What comprised a liberal arts curriculum? (Quadrivium, Trivium)
16. Know the differences between Romanesque and Gothic archchitecture?
17. Who established the Tudor dynasty?
18. What was the conflict about between Pope Boniface VII and Philip the Fair?
Who won?
19. Unam Sanctam
20. What was the Babylonian Captivity? Why was it significant?
21. What was the Great Schism of 1377?
22. What was the Council of Constance?
Chapter 11: The Renaissance
1. What was the Renaissance and why was it significant?
2. What were its characteristics? What did it do?
3. When was the Renaissance?
4. How did it start? Why did it start?
5. What were the characteristics of the Renaissance?
6. Humanities
7. What was the need for education during this time period?
8. What were the differences between the Middle Ages and the Renaisance?
9. What was the symbol of Florence? Why?
10. Lorenzo de Medici
11. Who were the Italian Humanist writers? (Petrarch, Castiglione, Machiavelli)
What did they write?
12. Who were the Northern Humanist writers? (Erasmus, Sir Thomas More,
Cervantes, Shakespeare) What did they write and why?
13. What was the significance of Gutenberg’s printing press?
14. What are the characteristics of Renaissance art?
15. Bondone
16. Brunelleschi and the Florence Duomo?]
17. Da Vinci and his inventions, paintings, etc. (most important works)
18. Michelangelo and most important works?
19. Raphael and his most important works?
20. What was the definition of a “Renaissance Man”?
21. Who were the Northern European Artists (Durer, Hans Holbein, Van Eyck, and
Pieter Bruegel). Major works?
22. What were the consequences of the Renaissance? Positives? Negatives?
23. How was Renaissance art different from the medieval period?
The Reformation: Chapter 12
1. What were the 4 characteristics of the Reformation?
2. What were the problems of the Catholic church prior to the Reformation?
3. Indulgences
4. Transubstantiation
5. John Wycliffe. Why is he considered the morning star of the Reformation?
6. John Huss
7. How and Why did the Reformation begin? Why in Germany (Holy Roman
8. Martin Luther
9. Johann Tetzel
10. 95 Theses
11. Who protected Martin Luther after the meeting of the Diet at Worms? Why did
he protect Luther?
12. What was the Edict of Worms?
13. What was the doctrinal statement of the Lutheran church?
14. Ulrich Zwingli
15. John Calvin
16. What is predestination?
17. What were the reasons behind the English Reformation?
18. What was the Act of Supremacy?
19. King Henry VIII and why did he separate England from the Catholic Church?
20. Thomas Cranmer
21. Elizabeth I
22. Elizabethan Settlement and via media
23. What was the outcome of the Spanish Armada’s defeat?
24. Henry IV of France? Why was it significant that he convert to Roman
25. Edict of Nantes
26. Society of Jesus
27. What was the significance of the Council of Trent?
Exploration and Discovery: Chapter 13
1. What were motives for Europe’s exploration to Asia?
2. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? Results?
3. What was significant about the compass, astrolabe, and cross-staff?
4. Carvel: Square and Lateen sails
5. Prince Henry the Navigator and his navigational school at Sagres, Portugal
6. Bartholomeu Dias
7. Vasco de Gama
8. Christopher Columbus
9. Ferdinand Magellan and circumnavigation of the world
10. Hernando Cortes and the conquest of the Aztecs
11. Francisco Pizarro and the conquest of the Incas.
12. Vasco Nunez de Balboa
13. Columbian Exchange. Why was it significant?
14. Identify 4 Ameri-Indian Civilizations and specific characteristics of each.
15. Chinampas
16. Quipu
17. What two European countries were prominent in trading in SE Asia?
18. Why was the Portuguese empire weak?
19. Mercantilism. Under Mercantilism, what were the goals of the mother
20. Capitalism
The Pursuit of Power: Chapter 14
1. What was absolutism and what were the goals of an absolutist state?
2. Divine Right of Kings
3. Cardinal Richelieu and what were his policies?
4. Cardinal Mazarin and what were his policies?
5. Henry IV
6. Gustavus Adolphus
7. Significance of Peace of Westphalia
8. Louis XIV
9. Versailles
10. What was significant about the state of Prussia?
11. Junkers
12. Frederick William
13. Frederick the Great
14. What was the family name who provided the rulers of Prussia until World War I?
15. Why was it difficult to create an absolutist state in Austria?
16. What were characteristics of an “Enlightened absolutist?”
17. What was the ruling family of Austria?
18. What was the ruling family of Russia?
19. Peter the Great. What were his contributions in pushing Russia to modernize?
20. Why wasn’t England an absolutist state?
21. Petition of Right
22. Glorious Revolution of 1688
23. Bill of Rights of 1688
24. Act of Settlement of 1701
Age of Reason: Chapter 15
1. Know the characteristics of the Age of Reason and the Middle Ages
2. Scientific Method
3. Nicolaus Copernicus
4. Johannes Kepler
5. Galileo Galilei
6. Sir Issac Newton
7. Antoine Lavoisier
8. What were the intellectual attitudes of the Enlightenment?
9. Inductive Reasoning: Francis Bacon
10. Deductive Reasoning: Rene Descartes
11. Philosophes
12. Voltaire: “Wisdom III”
13. Diderot: Encyclopedie
14. Jean Jacques Rousseau
15. What were the legacies of the Enlightenment?