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Unit 1 Test: History of the Health Care System
Name ______________
1. Pick 3 scientists discussed in this unit and explain how they influenced the field of medicine.
2. Who were the first people to splint fractures?
3. Who were the first to use acupuncture?
4. How was anatomy studied before cadaver dissection?
5. Why was the time between 400 and 800 a.d. called the Dark Ages?
6. What is the term for a tribal doctor removing part of the cranium so evil spirits could escape?
7. Describe the state of medicine during the Dark Ages.
8. Which drug is derived from the opium poppy?
9. What ancient plant derivative is still used today to treat heart patients?
10. What drug relieves muscle spasms?
11. What drug prevents malaria?
12. Who paid physicians in the ancient Roman Empire?
13. Explain the influence and effect of religious entities on the field of medicine throughout the Dark Ages, Middle
Ages, and Renaissance.
14. Who wrote the standard of ethics that is still used today (in modified form)?
15. How did the ancient Greeks respond to the discovery that disease was often spread by poor sanitation?
16. Who was responsible for developing the first hospitals?
17. Describe how surgery has changed from the Middle Ages to the current era.
18. What were the first pharmacies called?
19. Who founded the American Red Cross?
20. Describe how the field of nursing changed from Florence Nightingale in 1860 to the present.
21. Who became nurses in the 1800’s, how were they trained, and how were they viewed by society?
22. Who is eligible to be treated at the Veteran’s Administration Hospitals?
23. Who is eligible for Medicare?
24. Who is eligible for Medicaid?
25. What is the term for having to provide a small payment at a doctor’s visit or when filling prescriptions?
26. Compare and contrast HMO’s and PPO’s.
27. What is the term for having to pay a percentage of the overall cost of medical services received?
28. Explain how the public attitude towards dissection of cadavers changed over time.
29. What governmental agency is responsible for regulating cosmetic safety?
30. What governmental agency is responsible for monitoring outbreaks and epidemics?
31. What governmental agency is responsible for monitoring workplace safety?
32. What governmental agency is the leading research support institute?
33. What governmental agency is responsible for monitoring bioterrorism?
34. Pick one of the countries described in class and discuss its health care system.
35. What does the root word ‘axillary’ mean?
36. What does the root word ‘infra’ mean?
37. What does the root word ‘para’ mean?
38. What does the root word ‘neo’ mean?
39. What does the root word ‘sep’ mean?
40. What does the root word ‘pedal’ mean?
41. What does the root word ‘bio’ mean?
42. What does the root word ‘lip’ mean?
43. What does the root word ‘cervical’ mean?
44. What does the root word ‘andro’ mean?
45. What does the root word ‘pan’ mean?
46. What does the root word ‘sub’ mean?
47. What does the root word ‘trans’ mean?
48. What does the root word ‘hemi’ mean?
49. What does the root word ‘extra’ mean?
50. What does the root word ‘iso’ mean?