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Physics of the Earth CP Study Guide – Astronomy Part II
Final Exam Date:________
1. Describe the life cycle of a medium size star. (Our sun)
 10 % of a stars inner most mass react in nuclear fusion
 When H in core is gone, some left in outer layers
 Outer layers expand and cool; star becomes a Red Giant
 Red giants have low surface gravity, outer layers are driven
 Core becomes hot enough to produce Carbon (C)
 Star contracts to normal size when helium is used up
 Carbon core left over, White dwarf remains
2. What is the difference between a constellation, binary star, and a star
Binary Star
Group of stars that form Group of stars
Two stars that are
a pattern in the sky that gravitationally bound to gravitationally bound to
resembles an animal or each other
each other and orbit a
mythological character
common center of
Some are densely
mass (ex: Sirius)
Seen at different times packed (globular) and
of the year
some are loosely
Can appear to be one
packed (open)
star to the human eye
3. What is a neutron star?
 Neutron Star – Collapse dense core of a star that forms quickly
while its outer layers are falling inward
4. What is a Supernova?
 Supernova – Massive explosion that occurs when the outer
layer of a star are blown off
5. What is a black hole?
 Black Hole – Small, extremely dense remnant of a star whose
gravity is so immense that even light can not escape its gravity
6. Describe the life cycle of a large star.
 Massive stars undergo many reactions and produce
many elements
 Cannot support themselves and violently collapse on
 Neutron Star– Collapse dense core of a star that forms
quickly while its outer layers are falling inward
 Supernova– Massive explosion that occurs when
the outer layer of a star are blown off
 Black Hole– Small, extremely dense remnant of a star
whose gravity is so immense that even light can not escape its
gravity field
7. Describe how our solar system formed.
 The disk of dust and gas that formed the Sun and planets is
known as the solar nebula.
 Dense concentration at center became the Sun.
 Temperature differed, Hotter at center and cooler at edges
 Due to temp differences different compounds were able to
condense depending on distance from Sun
 Condensed material accumulated to from larger bodies.
 Planetismals – Space object built of solid particles that can
form planets through collisions and merges
 Overall result was the planets
8. How many planets are there in our solar system?
 There are 8 Planets in our Solar System.
 Inner Planets- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
 Outer Planets- Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
9. Which planets are more dense: outer or inner? Why?
 The Inner Planets are more dense because they are more
 Earth has the highest density.
10.Describe sunspots.
 Dark spots on surface of photosphere
 Appear darker because they are cooler
 Magnetic Field pokes through
 Hot gases can’t rise
11. Describe solar flares.
 Eruptions of particles and radiation
12. List the three layers of the sun’s atmosphere. When can each be seen?
Visible surface of the
–400km thick
–Average temp: 5800K
–Lowest layer, but most
Outside of photosphere
–2500km thick
–Visible during solar
Outermost layer of sun
–Low Density
–Dim, only seen in
–Temp: 1million K – 2
million K
13.What is the difference between a meteor, meteorite, and a meteoroid?
 Meteoroid – asteroid that begins to fall towards Earth
 Meteor – Meteoroid that begins to burn up in Earth’s
 Meteorite – A meteor that does not complete burn up in
atmosphere and strikes Earth’s surface Less than 100 m in
diameter Move at fast speeds
14.What are asteroids?
 Rocky remnants of the early solar system
 Most are less than 1 km in diameter, move slowly
C – Type (Carbon)
S – Type (Silica)
M - Type (Iron-Nickel)
15.Where are most asteroids located?
 Asteroid Belt
 (Between Mars and Jupiter)
16.What are comets?
 Small bodies of rock and ice that have highly eccentric orbits
 Coma- Extended volume of glowing gas
 Nucleus- Small solid core of the comet
 Tail- Comet tails ALWAYS point away from sun
17.What is special about a comets tail?
 Comet tails ALWAYS point away from sun
18.Define Cosmology.
 The study of the universe – its nature, origin and its evolution
19.Describe the Big Bang theory.
 Theory that the universe began as a point and has been
 expanding ever since
 About 13.7 billion years ago
 EXPANSION rather than an explosion
20. How would the Milky Way be classified?
 The Milky Way would be classified as a galaxy.
21. What is happening to the expansion rate of the universe?
 The expansion rate of the universe is speeding up.
22. How is energy produced in the sun? Describe the process.
 The sun produces energy largely from Fusion
 Fusion – combination of hydrogen atoms to make helium
 Energy is produced in core of sun
23. How is energy transported from the core of the sun to its surface?
 Energy near the core is transported through a radiation zone
 Near the surface energy is transported through convection
24. What units do I use to describe distance in space? List them from smallest
to largest.
 Astronomical Unit (AU)- A planets average distance to the
 Light Year (ly) – Distance light travels in one year
 Parsec (pc)- Unit of astronomical length based on the distance
from Earth at which stellar parallax is 1 second of arc
25. Which space program was the first to land on the moon?
 The Apollo 11 space flight landed the first humans on
Earth's Moon on July 20, 1969.
 The mission, carried out by the United States, is considered
major accomplishment in human exploration and
represented a victory by the U.S. in the Cold War Space
Race with the Soviet Union.