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Human Body Unit Review
Chapter 1- Introduction to the Human Body
1. Describe how cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems are related
2. Name and describe the four types of tissues
3. Explain what homeostasis is and give a few examples
4. Explain how organ systems work together (Discuss at least 2 examples)
Chapter 2- Integumentary
5. Briefly describe the structure of the two layers of skin and their function
6. Explain the role of melanin
7. Explain the role of hair
Chapter 3- Skeletal
8. Describe four functions of bones
9. Describe three types of joints and include a diagram of each
Chapter 4- Muscular
10. List three kinds of muscle tissue & an example of where each can be found in the body
11. Describe how skeletal muscles move bones
Chapter 5- Digestive System
12. Explain the function of the small and large intestine
13. Explain the relationship between the digestive system and the cardiovascular system.
Chapter 6– Cardiovascular/Circulation
14. Name the main organ and 3 types of blood vessels – explain the structure and function of each
15. Describe the two types of circulation of blood in the body
Chapter 7- Respiratory System
16. Name the parts of the respiratory system and describe the system’s role for the body
17. Discuss the relationship between the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system
Chapter 8 – Excretory System
18. Explain the function of the Excretory and Urinary Systems
19. Explain the various functions of the kidneys
Chapter 9 – Nervous System and Senses
20. What is the smallest part of the nervous system? – draw and label the structures
21. Explain how messages travel from neuron to neuron
22. Explain the role of the Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System (include sensory division and
motor division)
23. Explain how light travels through the eye and an image is created in the brain.
Chapter 10- Endocrine System
24. Explain the function of the endocrine system
25. Explain the relationship between the nervous system and the endocrine system. Include the structure that links
the two together.
Chapters 11 and 12– Disease and the Body’s Defenses
26. Define pathogen and explain the 4 types (include an example of how each can be spread) that can cause
infectious diseases
Type of
Example of a disease it causes
How is it spread?
27. Explain the role of antibiotics
28. Explain the cause of main type of noninfectious diseases: Cancer, Diabetes, and Allergies
29. Explain the 3 types of first line defense: Physical Barriers, Chemical Barriers, and Biological Barriers
30. Explain the 3 types of second line defenses: Inflammation, Phagocytosis, and Fever
31. Describe the role of both B Cells and T Cells
32. Explain how vaccines work