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Tiered Activity – 4th Grade Verbs and Knowing Your Nouns Exercise
State or District Content Standard: 4.W.2.2
Students can apply Standard English conventions in their writing.
Beginning Level Learners
Students will begin to
understand what verbs and
nouns are. The students will be
able to identify verbs and
common nouns orally. They
will also learn how to identify
both verbs and nouns in their
everyday tasks.
Students will sit in a circle on
the floor and roll a soccer ball
to a classmate. While rolling
the ball the student will be ask
to verbally tell everyone what
(Grade Level) Learners
Students will begin to
understand what verbs and
nouns are. They will also learn
how to identify both verbs and
nouns in their everyday tasks.
Students will be able to identify
verbs and common nouns in
writing and orally. They will be
able to write down three
sentences on what we did for
the activity and identify the
verbs and nouns on paper.
Students will sit in a circle on
the floor and roll a soccer ball
to a classmate. While rolling
the ball the student will be ask
to verbally tell everyone what
Advanced Learners
Students will begin to
understand what verbs and
nouns are. They will also learn
how to identify both verbs and
nouns in their everyday tasks.
Students will be able to identify
verbs and common nouns in
writing and orally. They will be
able to write down five
sentences on what we did for
the activity and identify the
verbs and nouns on paper.
Next, the students will be able
to construct five additional
sentences of their own with a
similar subject to our activity
and identify the verbs and
nouns on what they have
Students will sit in a circle on
the floor and roll a soccer ball
to a classmate. While rolling
the ball the student will be ask
to verbally tell everyone what
they are doing. “I am rolling
they are doing. “I am rolling
they are doing. “I am rolling
the ball.” The student catching the ball.” The student catching the ball.” The student catching
the ball will also have to
the ball will also have to
the ball will also have to
verbally state what they are
verbally state what they are
verbally state what they are
doing; “I am catching the
doing; “I am catching the
doing; “I am catching the
ball.” After the instructor briefs ball.” After the instructor briefs ball.” After the instructor briefs
the students on the definitions
the students on the definitions
the students on the definitions
of a verb and noun the students of a verb and noun the students of a verb and noun the students
will all be required to have the will all be required to have the will all be required to have the
ball at least once.
ball at least once. The students ball at least once. The students
will advance to standing
will advance to standing
positions and throwing the ball positions and throwing the ball
while following the same
while following the same
directions. The students will
directions. The students will
then write down three complete then write down five complete
sentences on the activity that
sentences on the activity that
we completed and identify a
we completed and identify a
verb and noun in each
verb and noun in each
sentence. The students will
further construct five more
sentences that are similar to the
activity completed and identify
both the verbs and nouns in
their own sentences.
The teacher will participate in
this activity and help students
in identifying the proper verbs
and nouns. The teacher will
further observe how long it
takes for the students to start to
The teacher will participate in
this activity and help students
in identifying the proper verbs
and nouns. The teacher will
further observe how long it
takes for the students to start to
The teacher will participate in
this activity and help students
in identifying the proper verbs
and nouns. The teacher will
further observe how long it
takes for the students to start to
understand the examples of
verbs and nouns in the activity.
Are they looking around the
room and searching for other
examples? Do the students
enjoy learning in this format? I
will ask every student to
identify another verb and noun
not in relation to our activity.
understand the examples of
verbs and nouns in the activity.
Are they looking around the
room and searching for other
examples? Do the students
enjoy learning in this format?
Complete sentences will be
checked for accuracy, graded,
and given back to the students
with corrections.
understand the examples of
verbs and nouns in the activity.
Are they looking around the
room and searching for other
examples? Do the students
enjoy learning in this format?
Complete sentences will be
checked for accuracy, graded,
and given back to the students
with corrections.
Developed by Miranda Greseth under the direction of Shannon Amiotte for Introduction to Exceptional Education Spring 2010