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Chapter 17: The Tide of War Turns (1863-1865)
Name ________KEY______
Date __________________
Hour __________________
Read p. 501, “Interact with History.”
List the motivations for soldiers who fought in the Civil War:
__SAVE THE UNION___________________________________
__SAVE THE CONFEDERACY____________________________
__END SLAVERY______________________________________
__SAVE SLAVERY_____________________________________
What Union general is pictured here, and where are they marching? ___________________
__General William Tecumseh Sherman marching thru Georgia (Sherman’s March)_________
See Timeline, p. 501.
What period of time is represented here? __1863____________ to ___1866__________
Put the following events into the correct sequence: Lincoln is re-elected, Battle of
Gettysburg, Emancipation Proclamation, Lee surrenders at Appomattox Ct. House
1. _Emancipation Proclamation is issued ____________
2. _Battle of Gettysburg__________________________
3. _Lincoln is re-elected__________________________
4. _Lee surrenders at Appomattox Courthouse________
Read pg. 502 “Previewing the Theme.”
1. What is the theme for this chapter?” __Impact of the Individual_____________________
2. What four leaders during the Civil War era are listed here? What did each do?
__Robert E. Lee___________
_led the Confederate Army___
__Abraham Lincoln________
_great president of U.S.______
__Jefferson Davis_________
_Confederate president; had to
_keep the South united______
__Ulysses S. Grant_________ _took charge of Union armies _
_in March, 1864____________
Chapter 17: The Tide of War Turns (1863-1865)
Section 1: The Emancipation Proclamation
Main Idea: The war changes its course after Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamation in
Why it matters now: The Emancipation Proclamation was an important step in ending slavery.
One American’s Story
What did Frederick Douglas say about the Confederate war effort? _______________________
____For both practical and moral reasons, Lincoln should free the slaves___________________
A. Calls for Emancipation
1. Why hadn’t Lincoln abolished slavery?
a. He didn’t think he had the power under the Constitution to abolish slavery where it already _
_was legal (Executive branch enforces laws; Legislative Branch makes laws)______________
b. Didn’t want to anger the border states____________________________________________
c. Political reasons—most Northern Democrats & many Republicans were against emancipating
the slaves_________________________________________________________________
2. As president of the U.S., what was Lincoln’s first priority? _preserve the Union______________
B. The Emancipation Proclamation
1. What slaves were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation? ____________________________
_____all slaves in the Confederate territory__________________________________________
2. What slaves were not freed by the Emancipation Proclamation? __slaves in border states______
3. Why did Lincoln only free slaves in the South? _freeing slaves would weaken the Confederacy, _
__therefore it could be considered a military action since we were at war with them __________
C. Response to the Proclamation
After the Emancipation Proclamation, what did the slaves in the Deep South do (areas outside the
reach of the Northern armies)? _many slaves ran away to the Union lines to get freedom _
Chapter 17: The Tide of War Turns (1863-1865)
D. African American Soldiers
What was life like for the African American soldiers?
1. __segregated into all-black units_________________________________________________
2. _led by white officers_________________________________________________________
3. __given the worst jobs_________________________________________________________
4. __paid less than white soldiers (some wouldn’t accept pay)___________________________
5. __showed great courage on battlefield____________________________________________
6. __wore uniforms with pride_____________________________________________________
E. The 54th Massachusetts
7. List the significant fact regarding the 54th Massachusetts
One of the first African
American regiments
in the North
most famous regiment of
the Civil War
led heroic attack on
Ft. Wagner in S.C.
54th Massachusetts Regiment
2 sons of Frederick
Douglas belonged to
the 54th
fought w/o accepting
pay (would not be
paid less than white
African American
Chapter 17: The Tide of War Turns (1863-1865)
8. What did Confederate soldiers do to captured African American soldiers? ___________________
______shot them or returned them into slavery rather than capturing them as P.O.W.’s
9. Now and Then: African Americans in the Military. African Americans were segregated and
denied equal rights from _the Civil War________________ thru __WWII_________________.
What president ended segregation in the armed forces? __Harry Truman__________________
Year? __1948_______________