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Practice Test III
1. The function of the alveolar Type II cells is:
a. To secrete surfactant
b. To trap dust and other debris
c. To replace mucus in the alveoli
d. To protect the lung from bacterial invasion
e. None of the above
2. After the tertiary bronchus, the next smaller branch of the respiratory passageway
is (are) the:
a. Terminal bronchiole
b. Respiratory bronchiole
c. Atrium
d. Alveolar duct
e. Secondary Bronchus
3. The pleurae are vital to the integrity of the lungs because;
a. They contain cilia that protect the lungs
b. They control the volume of the lungs
c. They maintain the proper temperature of the lungs during sleep
d. They produce a lubricating serous secretion, allowing the lungs to glide
over the thorax wall during breathing
e. All of the above
4. Intrapulmonary pressure is:
a. Pressure within the pleural cavity
b. Pressure within the alveoli of the lungs
c. Negative pressure in the intrapleural space
d. Difference between the atmospheric pressure and respiratory pressure
e. Difference between the pressure in the pleural cavity and the alveoli
5. The relationship between the pressure and volume of gases is given by:
a. Boyle’s law
b. Henry’s law
c. Charles’ law
d. Dalton’s law
e. None of the above
6. For gas exchange to be efficient, the respiratory membrane must be:
a. At least 3 meters thick
b. Between 5 and 6 micrometers thick
c. 0.5 to 1 micrometer thick
d. The thickness of the membrane is not important in the efficacy of gas
e. More than one answer is correct
7. With the Bohr effect, more oxygen is released because:
a. A decrease in pH (acidosis) strengthens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond
b. A decrease in pH (acidosis) weakens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond
c. An increase in pH (alkalosis) strengthens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond
d. An increase in pH (alkalosis) weakens the hemoglobin-oxygen bond
e. None of the above
8. Which of the following does NOT diminish lung compliance?
a. Fibrosis of lung tissue
b. Factors that influence the flexibility of the thoracic cage
c. Factors that reduce the natural resilience of the lungs
d. Factors that decrease the surface tension of the fluid film of the alveoli
e. All of the above
9. Which respiratory-associated muscle would contract if air is forcefully blown into
a balloon?
a. Diaphragm would contract, external intercostals would relax
b. Internal intercostals and abdominal muscles would contract
c. External intercostals would contract and the diaphragm would relax
d. Diaphragm contracts, internal intercostals would relax
e. Scalene and pectoralis minor would contract
10. Tidal volume is air:
a. Remaining in the lungs after forced expiration
b. Exchanged during normal breathing
c. Inhaled after normal inspiration
d. Forcibly expelled after normal expiration
e. None of the above
11. Residual volume is the amount of air that remains in the lungs even after maximal
a. True
b. False
12. Which of the following has the most powerful effect on the respiratory
components of the medulla?
a. Decreased O2
b. Increased H+
c. Decreased CO2
d. Increased pH
e. Decreased HCO3-
13. Which of the following protects the lungs from excessive inflation?
a. Deflation reflex
b. Irritant reflex
c. Hering-Breuer reflex
d. Reflexes from the aortic and carotid sinus baroreceptors
e. All of the above
14. Which of the following is also called the inspiratory center?
a. Dorsal respiratory group
b. Ventral respiratory group
c. Carotid and aortic bodies
d. Pneumotaxic center
e. Stretch receptors in the lungs
15. Which of the following is a form of lung cancer?
a. Adenocarcinoma
b. Small cell carcinoma
c. Squamous cell carcinoma
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
16. Select the correct statement about the neural mechanisms of respiratory control.
a. The pontine respiratory centers is thought to be instrumental in the smooth
transition from inspiration to expiration
b. The ventral respiratory group neurons depolarize in a rhythmic way to
establish the pattern of breathing
c. The pneumotaxic center continuously stimulates the medulla to provide
inspiratory drive
d. The dorsal respiratory group is located within the pons
e. All the statements above are incorrect
17. Which of the following will occur when body cells are unable to use oxygen?
a. Anemic hypoxia
b. Ischemic hypoxia
c. Histotoxic hypoxia
d. Hypoxemic hypoxia
e. None of the above
18. Which of the following will result from hyperventilaton?
a. Rise is blood pH
b. Carbon dioxide retention
c. Fall in blood pH
d. Acidosis
e. All of the above
19. Which of the following will be observed if PCO2 is abnormally low?
i. Hypoventilation
ii. Hyperventilation
iii. Apnea
a. I only
b. II only
c. III only
d. I and III only
e. I, II, and III
20. The respiratory system adapts to a drop in arterial pH by increasing the rate and
depth of respiration in response to activation of peripheral chemoreceptors.
a. True
b. False
21. ________________ and __________________ are together called COPD.
a. Emphysema / Asthma
b. Bronchitis / emphysema
c. Asthma / bronchitis
d. Emphysema / tuberculosis
e. Bronchitis / tuberculosis
22. As one ages,
a. Lung compliance decrease
b. Chest wall compliance decrease
c. Vital capacity decrease
d. Elastic tissue deteriorate
e. All of the above
23. For a given respiratory rate, increasing tidal volume decreases alveolar
a. True
b. False
24. 100 % of oxygen in the system is transported combined with hemoglobin.
a. True
b. False
25. Carbon dioxide is transported:
a. Bound to hemoglobin
b. Dissolved in plasma
c. As bicarbonate
d. All of the above
e. None of the above