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Unit 2: Revolution
Essential Questions:
1. How has the role of government evolved over time?
2. To what extent can philosophical and scientific theories impact human activity?
3. To what extent is revolutionary action necessary to promote change?
4. How does economic activity impact people and nations?
Days 1 & 2
Topic: Scientific Revolution
Format: - Learning Stations Activity
- “Short” Reading packet, The Scientific Revolution
- Video: Biography of the Millennium, Scientists
Days 3 & 4
To prepare: Read “short” overview of the Enlightenment
Topic: The Enlightenment
Format: - Chart of Enlightenment Thinkers & Ideas
- Video: Biography of the Millennium, Enlightenment Thinkers
- Primary Source Readings: Locke’s Second Treatise of Government; Frederick’s Essay on Government
Day 5 – Quiz
Days 6 -10
Topic: French Revolution
Format: - Simulation Activity, The French Revolution: A Drama in 4 Acts. Event will be divided into 4 parts.
Students will be assigned to groups based upon the old regime: royals, nobility, etc. One act at a time, teacher
will set the stage of the event for the day, with background information and visuals. Students will then discuss
the event as a group, answer questions, and make predictions. Then, class discussion. Then, relevant clips from
French Revolution documentary. Finally, students will take notes from the board.
- Primary source, Declaration of the Rights of Man. Analysis and interpretation of select provisions.
Students rewrite each provision in their own words and indicate agreement or disagreement.
- “Short” Readings and activities as closure and review
Day 11
- Essay: How should the French Revolution be remembered?
Days 12 & 13
To prepare: Read World History Short, “The Industrial Revolution.”
Topic: The Industrial Revolution
Format: - PowerPoint presentation, combined with video clips from Mankind: The Story of All of Us
- Documents: The Principles of Socialism; The Principles of Communism
Days 13 & 14
- Industrial Revolution DBQ: students will analyze documents from the Industrial Revolution and
evaluate its positive and negative effects
Day 15 - Quiz
Day 16
To prepare: Read World History Short, “Changes in Russia.”
Topic: Marxism and the Russian Revolution
Format: - Class discussion
- Biography Video - Lenin
Day 17
To prepare: Read World History Short, “Communism Comes to China.”
Topic: Marxism and the Chinese Revolution
Format: - Class discussion
- Biography Video - Mao