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To prepare for your final exam, you should review/be able to do the following:
Chapter 35: The Nervous System
35-1 Human Body Systems
1. What are the different levels of organization of the human body? 891
2. What are the four types of tissue in the human body? 894
3. What is homeostasis? 895
4. What is feedback inhibition? 895
35-2 The Nervous System
1. What is a neuron? 897
2. What are is the function of the different parts of the neuron (dendrite, axon, cell
body, myelin sheath, synapse) 897-898
3. What is a neurotransmitter? 900
4. What is an impulse? How is it transmitted? 898-899
35-3 Divisions of the Nervous System
1. What do the following parts of the brain control: cerebrum, cerebellum, brain
stem, thalamus and hypothalamus? 902-903
2. What is the difference between the central nervous system and the peripheral
nervous system? 901-903
3. What is the difference between the somatic nervous system and the autonomic
nervous system? 903-904
35-4 The Senses
1. What are the five types of sensory receptors? 906
2. What are rods and cones? 907
3. What do the semi-circular canals and the cochlea of the ear do? 908
Chapter 36: Skeletal, Muscular, and Integumentary Systems
36-1: The Skeletal System
1. What are the major functions of your skeleton? 921
2. What is a periosteum? 922
3. What is the difference between red and yellow bone marrow? 922
4. What is the difference between bone and cartilage? 922-923
5. What is a joint? 924
6. What is the difference between an immoveable joint, slightly moveable joint, and
freely moveable joint? 924
7. What is the difference between a ligament and a tendon? 925 & 930
36-2: The Muscular System
1. What are the three different types of muscle tissue? 927
2. What are actin and myosin? 928
3. How does a muscle contract? 928
36-3: The Integumentary System
1. What are some functions of the skin? 933
2. What are the two main layers of the skin? 934
3. What is keratin? 934
4. What is melanin? 934
5. What are the functions of the sweat and oil glands? 935
6. What are some things you can do to avoid skin cancer? 936
Chapter 37: Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
37-1 The Circulatory System
1. What are the major parts of the circulatory system? 943
2. What is the difference between pulmonary and systemic circulation? 945
3. What is the function of valves in the circulatory system? 945
4. What is the heart’s pacemaker? Where is it located? 946
5. What are the differences between arteries, veins, and capillaries? 946-947
6. What is the difference between systolic and diastolic pressure? 948
7. What is atherosclerosis? 949
37-2: Blood and the Lymphatic System
1. What is plasma? What is the make-up of plasma? 951
2. What is the function of red blood cells? What is hemoglobin? 952
3. What is the function of white blood cells? 952
4. What is the function of your platelets? 953
5. What is the function of your lymph system? 954
6. How are your lymph vessels like veins? 955
7. What are some lymphoid organs? How do they help the body? 955
37-3: The Respiratory System
1. What is the function of the respiratory system? 957
2. What structures does air pass through on its way to the lungs? 957-958
3. What is the function of cilia and mucus? 957
4. What happens in the aveoli? 958
5. What does your diaphragm do? 959
Chapter 38: Digestive and Excretory Systems
38-1: Food and Nutrition
1. What is a Calorie? 971
2. What are the functions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in our diets? 972-973
3. Why do we need iron in our diet? 975
38-2: The Process of Digestion
1. What is the function of your digestive system? 978
2. What are the structures/organs involved in the digestive system? 978-979
3. What is amylase? Where do we find it? 979
4. What is peristalsis? 980
5. What is the difference between a bolus and chyme? 980-981
6. What are differences between the functioning of the small intestine and the large
intestine? 981-984
7. How do the liver and pancreas help with digestion? 981-982
8. What do the enzymes trypsin, pepsin, and lipase do? 982
38-3: The Excretory System
1. How do the kidneys help with homeostasis? 985
2. What are the different parts of the nephron structure? 986
3. What is the connection between the kidneys, ureter, bladder, and urethra? 986
4. What is dialysis? 989