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When nicotine reaches a
person's nervous system, it
causes the nervous
system to become more
sensitive and stimulated.
This leads to an increase
in blood pressure and
heart rate, faster
respiration and
constriction of the
arteries. These are all
short-term effects of
smoking, but they're the
effects people notice
most. However, the longterm effects of smoking
on the nervous system are
quite dangerous. The
nervous system can be
damaged by long-term
exposure to nicotine,
making a person more
susceptible to conditions
such as muscular sclerosis.
If a person already has a
nervous system disorder,
smoking can aggravate
that disease and possibly
make it worse
Tobacco smoke gets into
your lungs and can affect
your circulatory system in
a number of ways. It can
raise both your blood
pressure and your heart
rate as well as tighten
your blood vessels. The
tightening or constricting
of your blood vessels in
particular can result in a
loss of overall skin
temperature. An
important job of your
circulatory system is to
carry oxygen all over the
body by your blood.
Smoking can result in less
oxygen getting into your
blood which will
ultimately result in less
oxygen getting to
important parts of your
Mental: People that
smoke often have
physiological problem
and smoking can make
that worse depending on
the person. They also are
more apt to get angry
without reason.
Physical: It can give you
all kinds of health
problems. Like cancer,
Social: you can be
socially alienated, in other
words people don’t really
want to be around you.
You also can have a very
bad smell.
Ok, start by doing 10 to 15 jumping
Then get a coffee or cocktail
straw, put that in your month, plug
your nose, (DON’T CHEAT!!!) and
do 10 to 15 one armed jumping
jacks. Notice anything? It should
have been much harder to
breath. This is what it is like
breathing as a smoker.