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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Key Ideas and
Parts 5 and 6
Production of Writing
Part 7
Adherence to Task
Parts 1 and 2
Construct Viable
Arguments & Critique
the Reasoning of
Others &
c Modeling
Parts 3 and 4
Generic Common Core Task Rubric
1 Emerging
2 Satisfactory
3 Proficient
Cites no textual evidence
Cites minimal to limited Cites textual evidence to
to support analysis of what
textual evidence to
support analysis of what
the text says explicitly. 0-1 support analysis of what
the text says explicitly.
textual examples used. No the text says explicitly. 12-3 textual examples
content vocabulary used.
2 textual examples used.
used. Content
Minimal content
vocabulary is used
vocabulary used with
correctly and effectively.
uneven success.
Produces writing in which
the organization and style
are not evident or not
appropriate to task,
purpose, and audience.
Many errors in grammar,
spelling, or word choice.
(5 or more errors per
All aspects of the task are
minimally completed.
Arguments support claims
using little to no reasoning
and evidence.
Fails to model, formulate,
and analyze a geometric,
graphical, algebraic, or
statistical model to draw
conclusions. Many
mathematical errors are
4 Exemplary
Cites strong and thorough textual
evidence to support analysis of
what the text says explicitly. 3 or
more textual examples used.
Exceptional use of content
Produces writing in
Produces clear writing in
Produces clear and coherent
which the organization
which the organization
writing in which the
and style are evident but and style are appropriate
development, organization, and
are not fully appropriate
to task, purpose, and
style are appropriate to task,
to task, purpose, and
audience. Few errors in purpose, and audience. No errors
audience. Some errors in
grammar, spelling, or
in grammar, spelling, or word
grammar, spelling, or
word choice.
word choice.
(1-2 errors per
(No errors)
(3-4 errors per
All aspects of the task are All aspects of the task are
All aspects of the task are
attempted. Arguments
completed. Arguments
thoroughly completed.
support claims using
support claims using
Arguments support claims using
basic reasoning and basic
logical reasoning and
valid reasoning and relevant and
evidence to arrive at the sufficient evidence to arrive at the
correct answer.
correct answer.
Models, formulates, or
Models, formulates, and Correctly models, formulates, and
analyzes a geometric,
analyzes a geometric,
analyzes a geometric, graphical,
graphical, algebraic, or
graphical, algebraic, or
algebraic, or statistical model to
statistical model to draw statistical model to draw
draw valid conclusions. No
conclusions. Some
conclusions. Few
mathematical errors are present.
mathematical errors are
mathematical errors are
present and lead to
present but do not detract
incorrect response.
from correct response.
Project for MP2 (A2T & PC)
Name _________________________________
NOTE: All work including writing formulas, substitution, and arithmetic must be shown for full credit.
SET UP: The radius of a cylinder can be found using the equation
where r is the radius, V is the volume, and h is the height. Let π = 3.14159 (or the value in the calculator).
1. Find and include a picture of a cylinder (you may also draw it). It can be a soda can, soup can, etc. It must have the number of
ounces or fluid ounces on the container.
2. Find the number of cubic inches (volume) using the conversion:
1 fl oz (US) = 1.80468 in³
3. As accurately as possible (nearest eighth or sixteenth of an inch) measure:
the height _________________ and the radius ______________________
4. Using the formula above for radius, use the height from part 3 and the volume from
part 2 (in cubic inches) to find the radius (three decimal places).
5. Compare your answers for the radius that you got in parts 3 and 4.
6. Find the percent error (research formula and include it in your answer).
7. In one paragraph (6-8 sentences) explain the purpose of this task and how it connects to our current topic (radical equations)
in mathematics class, and how this project connects to the topics you are studying in forensics and Spanish.