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Civics EOC Review
1. What were the purposes of the following colonial organizations:
joint stock company:
Illustrate the movement of goods and people in the triangular trade route.
Middle Passage
2. What role did slaves and indentured servants play in the colonies?
3. What is mercantilism? How did the practice of mercantilism cause colonists to feel about mother England?
4. Who landed at Plymouth and why did they leave England?
5. What did the Mayflower Compact create? How did it influence the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut?
6. Where was the first permanent English settlement in North America?
7. What was the Virginia House of Burgesses? What English tradition influenced its structure?
8. What two bodies made up the government of each of the 13 colonies?
9. How did the Magna Carta limit the power of the English king?
10. How did the English Bill of Rights limit the power of the government?
11. How did the Albany Plan of Union encourage self-government in the colonies?
12. What was salutary neglect? How will colonists’ feelings toward this practice change in 1763?
Match the Enlightenment Thinkers to their ideas and who was influenced by the idea
Social contract – idea that you have a bargain
with people you are ruling – when two sides can
no longer agree, government can be replaced
Thomas Jefferson – Declaration
of Independence
-Natural rights – life, liberty, property
-Govt. rules with the consent of the governed
Declaration of Independence
Separation of powers – no one group should have
Constitution’s creation of three
governmental branches
How did each of the following events lead to calls for independence by the colonists?
French and Indian WarTea Act-
Proclamation of 1763-
Boston Massacre (1770)-
Quartering Act-
Boston Tea Party (1773)-
Stamp Act (1765)-
Coercive Acts/Intolerable Acts-
First Continental Congress-
Stamp Act Congress-
Lexington and Concord-
Declaratory Act-
Common Sense-
Townshend Act-
Second Continental Congress-
13. How did boycotts play a role in colonial rebellion?
14. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? What was its purpose? Whose ideas influenced its content?
15. What did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 create?
16. How was the government structured under the Articles of Confederation? What were the weaknesses of
the Articles of Confederation?
- 2-
17. How did Shay’s Rebellion change people’s opinions about the Articles of Confederation? What issue
was at the center of the rebellion?
18. What was the purpose of the Constitutional Convention? How was the Convention conducted? Who is
called the “father of the Constitution?”
How did Constitutional Compromises resolve the following disputes?
New Jersey (small state) plan
Great (Connecticut) Compromise
Virginia (large state) plan
Electing the President
Compare the views of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists on government.
Notable figures
associated with
Who should
have power?
of the
19. What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers?
20. Explain the key principles included in the Constitution?
Separation of PowersPopular SovereigntyChecks and Balances-
Rule of Law21. When was the Constitution ratified? How are individual rights protected by the Constitution?
22. What was the purpose of the Bill of Rights? Who pushed for the inclusion of a bill of rights to the
- 3-
Bill of Rights
Amendments 11-27
23. How are the following types of governments run?
DemocracyRepresentative democracyDictatorship/TotalitarianTheocracyOligarchyMonarchy-
- 4-
Goal 2
1. What is stated in the Preamble?
2. What is “full faith and credit?”
3. How does the Constitution allow for flexibility?
4. What are implied powers? What clause of the Constitution allows for them to be used?
Powers of government
Federal (Enumerated/
5. How does the Constitution create a framework for the US government?
Article 1-Legislative
Article 5- Amendment process
Article 2-Executive
Article 6- Supremacy Clause
Article 3- Judicial
Article 7- says the Constitution becomes valid
(ratified) when 9 states agree to it
Article 4- Relation among States
6. What are the requirements to be a member of
The Senate?
The House of Representatives?
7. Who is the leader of the House of Representatives?
8. Who is the official leader of the Senate? What is their only official role in the Senate? Who is the leader of
the Senate in their absence?
9. How are legislative districts drawn?
- 5-
10. What are the non-legislative powers of Congress?
11. How are standing and select committee system used in Congress?
12. Explain the process of a bill becoming a law.
13. How can Congress override a presidential veto?
14. What tactic is used in the Senate to delay a vote on a bill so that it dies?
15. How can Congress limit the power of the President?
Explain the 7 roles of the President.
Chief Executive-
Party Leader-
Commander in Chief-
Legislative Leader-
Chief Diplomat-
Head of State-
Economic Leader16. How does the 25th amendment describe presidential succession?
17. How does the Presidential Succession Act describe presidential succession?
18. How can the president bypass the non-legislative powers of Congress?
19. Who makes up the US Supreme Court? Who appoints them? Who approves them?
Explain the significance of the following types of jurisdiction.
Original Jurisdiction
Appellate Jurisdiction
Concurrent Jurisdiction
Exclusive Jurisdiction
20. What limits on power does the Legislative branch have?
21. What limits on power does the Executive branch have?
22. What are the different ways in which the Constitution can be amended (changed)?
23. How can the Constitution be “informally” changed by the Supreme Court?
24. How have Constitutional amendments changed suffrage rights throughout US history?
25. Why have civil liberties been limited during times of crisis?
- 6-
Supreme Court Cases
Plessy v. Ferguson
Brown v. Board of Education
powers of the
Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg
Korematsu v. US
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US
Marbury v. Madison
McCulloch v. Maryland
Elastic Clause
Gibbons v. Ogden
Furman v. Georgia
Gregg v. Georgia
Gideon v. Wainwright
Regents of the University of
California v. Bakke
New Jersey v. TLO
Bethel School District v. Fraser
Tinker v. Des Moines
Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
Texas v. Johnson
Engel v. Vitale
Miranda v. Arizona
Mapp v. Ohio
In re Gault
- 7-
26. What are some services governments provide?
27. Define revenue:
28. What is the difference between a Progressive Tax and a Regressive Tax?
Type of tax
Progressive or Regressive?
Income tax
Sales tax
Payroll tax
Excise tax
Estate and gift taxes
Property tax
Customs duties
29. What is Medicare and how is it different from Medicaid?
30. What government agencies protect the safety of citizens?
Crime Control
31. What is a census? How often is it taken?
- 8-
Goal 3
1. How many constitutions has North Carolina had?
2. What is a charter? What role does the NC government play in the creation of local governments?
North Carolina
3. Where in the North Carolina Constitution do we find the rights of citizens?
4. How can the North Carolina constitution be changed?
5. Who rules on matters affecting the state’s constitution?
6. What is meant by “equal protection of the laws”?
7. How does the 14th amendment restrict the actions of states?
8. What power did the governor of North Carolina not have before 1996?
- 9-
9. What are the sources of tax money for the state of North Carolina and local governments?
10. What is the largest source of income for state and local governments?
11. Name ways that state and local governments can pay for major projects.
12. Give examples of services provided by state and local governments.
13. What is an appropriations bill?
14. Why does Union County Schools answer to the Union County Board of Commissioners?
15. What was the ruling in the Leandro case?
16. What was the ruling in State v. Mann?
17. What is the difference between a Strong Mayor system and Weak Mayor System?
18. What is the difference between a mayor-council plan and a council-manager plan?
- 10-
Goal 4
1. What is a political Party and what are the functions of Political Parties?
2. What party system do we have in the US? What are the major parties?
3. What are third parties? Why do they run for office even though they know they will not win?
4. How are parties in a multiparty system able to achieve their political agenda?
5. What are the requirements to vote in North Carolina?
Define each of the following:
Primary ElectionCaucusNominating Convention-
6. What are the various ways your opinion can be influenced?
7. What three levels of organization are there in political parties? What is the job/goal of each of these levels?
8. What is a precinct?
Compare/contrast the following terms.
- 11-
9. What are the differences between the five groups on the political spectrum?
10. What is the difference between an Initiative and Referendum?
Define and give examples of each.
11. What is a primary election?
12. Explain the job of the Electoral College?
13. What role do interest groups play in the political process?
14. What is the job of a lobbyist?
15. What is the purpose of having laws?
16. What are characteristics of good laws?
17. What are some consequences of not obeying the laws?
19. Examples of ways conflicts can be resolved.
- 12-
Goal 5
1. Explain and give an example of each of the following types of Conflict Resolution
2. What happens to a bill that is introduced in and passed by the House of Representatives?
3. What happens to a bill passed by the House with a slightly different version in the Senate?
4. What is jurisdiction?
5. What kinds of cases are handled by federal courts?
6. What is a Writ of Certiorari?
Define the following in regards to the United States Supreme Court.
Majority OpinionDissenting OpinionConcurrent Opinion-
7. What is the difference between a civil and criminal trial?
8. What are the steps in a civil trial?
9. What are the steps in a criminal trial?
10. What is the adversarial nature of the criminal justice system?
- 13-
Goal 6
1. What is common law and how did it lead to the development of laws in America?
Describe each of the following laws and how they became incorporated into the American system of laws:
Magna Carta
English Bill of Rights
Habeas Corpus
Code of Hammurabi
Justinian Codes
Napoleonic Code
The Ten Commandments
Iroquois Nation Constitution
Define each type of law and give examples.
Criminal Law
Civil Law
Constitutional Law
Administrative Law
Statutory Law
2. What role do the following play in the American legal system?
- 14-
3. What is the difference between a statute and an ordinance?
4. What is the job of the executive branch in the lawmaking process?
5. What role do executive agencies and independent regulatory agencies play concerning laws?
6. Why is it not acceptable for a person not to be aware of the laws he or she must follow?
7. How can citizens learn about the laws made at all levels?
Fill in the chart below using your knowledge of Federal Law Enforcement.
What it Does
Agencies Within Department
What roles does each of the following play in law enforcement?
City police
State trooper
State Highway Patrol
8. How is rehabilitation different from punishment?
9. What are the purposes of punishment?
10. It is the job of the __________________________ to decide innocence or guilt and the job of the
______________________to pass sentence.
- 15-
Fill in the chart below by explaining what the type of sentence is and when it would be used.
Long term/short term suspension-
Mental institutionsLong term/short term incarceration-
Death penalty-
Juvenile detention-
Community service-
House arrest-
Boot camp-
11. What problem has been created by the push for longer jail terms?
12. What is restitution?
13. What are the arguments for/against the “three strikes law?”
14. What is recidivism?
15. How can punishment for criminals act as a deterrent to other potential criminals?
- 16-
Goal 7
Fill in the chart regarding the four factors of production.
Factor of Production
Renewable resourcesLand
Non-renewable resources-
1. What is economics the study of?
2. What is the difference between a want and a need?
3. What are the three essential economic questions that all societies must answer?
4. How do businesses use their factors of production?
Define and give an example of each of the following economic terms
Trade offOpportunity costFixed costsVariable costsTotal costIncentive-
5. What is scarcity and why does scarcity exist?
6. Why is scarcity called the fundamental economic problem?
- 17-
Because of scarcity, producers must make __________________________________.
7. What happens to production costs and prices if resources are scarce or expensive?
8. What is a consumer?
9. How can specialization and the division of labor increase output?
10. What are capital goods? Give examples.
11. What is human capital? Why are businesses willing to invest time and money into the education of human
12. What are consumer goods? Give examples.
Describe the major components of each type of economic system
Market economy
Mixed economy
Traditional economy
Command economy
13. What important aspect of a free enterprise system was first talked about in Adam Smith’s Wealth of
14. What is fiscal policy?
- 18-
Goal 8
1. What is voluntary exchange?
2. How do productivity, specialization, and the division of labor ensure efficiency?
3. How does the 5th amendment protect property ownership? What are patents and copyrights?
Fill in the Circular Flow Model
4. What is economic interdependence? How does the circular flow model demonstrate economic
Describe the type of market listed below. What happens in these markets?
Produce Market-
Factor Market-
5. What is supply? What are the factors that would change supply?
6. What is demand? What are the factors that would change demand?
- 19-
When price goes up, supply goes ______ and demand goes _______
When price goes down, supply goes _______ and demand goes _______.
7. How do substitutes and complements affect supply and demand?
Label the graph of the supply and demand curve appropriately with the following.
Supply curve
Demand curve
Equilibrium price
8. What does a surplus in the market represent? What happens to prices to correct this?
9. What does a shortage in the market represent? What happens to prices to correct this?
When supply and demand are equal, we have an _______________________ price.
10. What are the ways the government can control prices? What are some examples of these types of price
11. What effect does inflation have on prices?
12. What effect does deflation have on prices?
13. Why is competition important in our economy? How do antitrust laws help maintain competition?
14. How do consumers benefit from competition in markets?
15. How does a monopoly hurt the consumer?
- 20-
16. What is the difference between a horizontal and vertical merger?
17. What are conglomerates?
Fill the following chart regarding types of businesses.
18. Who owns a corporation?
19. What is a labor union? What is the difference between craft unions and industrial unions?
20. When do business leaders and labor unions use collective bargaining?
21. What is the difference between arbitration and mediation?
22. What are ways labor unions and businesses attempt to get the other side to agree to their terms?
23. What did the Taft-Hartley Act do?
24. What created the FDIC and what does it do?
Describe the following types of financial
Commercial banks-
What are at least three functions that money
Savings and Loan Associations-
Credit Unions-
- 21-
Goal 9:
Describe what is shown on the graph.
1. What happens to prices and job during a recession? During expansion?
2. What is GDP? How is that different than real GDP?
3. How does GDP determine our standard of living?
4. What is the Consumer Price Index (CPI)? What are some examples of products that are included on this?
Service Industry = fasting growing industry in US
Migration = movement for job or movement of industry (usually to the south or “sun belt” from the north or
“Rust belt”)
5. How do technological advances impact consumers?
6. How does a war affect consumers and producers?
7. How has downsizing affected NC consumers and producers?
8. What happens when there are changes in the economy of one nation?
9. What role does the Fed play in the economy?
10. What is monetary policy?
- 22-
Explain the Fed’s tools of monetary policy and how it affects the money supply.
What it is
How it effects the money supply
Reserve requirements
Discount rate
Open market operations
Expand the money supply = increase the money supply= stimulate the economy
Contract the money supply = decreased the money supply = slow the economy
If the Federal Reserve raises the discount rate, they want to __________ the money supply and make interest rates
If the Federal Reserve lowers the discount rate, they want to __________ the money supply and make interest rates
If the Federal Reserve raises the reserve requirement, they want to __________ the money supply.
If the Federal Reserve lowers the reserve requirement, they want to __________ the money supply.
If the government sells bonds/bills on the open market, they want to __________ the money supply.
If the government buys bonds/bills on the open market, they want to __________ the money supply.
11. When talking about the stock market, what are a bull market and a bear market?
Goal 10
1. What are ways to give back to the community?
2. What are some legal responsibilities every American should do?
***3. What are characteristics of being a good citizen in a community?
4. What are some issues that are affecting today’s society?
(Pitoniak SVHS; Jones MRHS)
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