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CPUSH Unit 3 #2B
Format of the Constitution of the United States of America
Article I:
Article II:
Article III:
Article IV:
Article V:
Article VI:
Article VII:
CPUSH Unit 3 #2B
Understanding the Constitution
Answer the following questions about the constitution in sentence form. Indicate which Article and
Section the item is found in.
1. What is the length of a term of office for members of the US House of Representatives?
2. Who has the power to propose a law to raise revenue (a tax law)?
3. What is the length of a term of office for members of the United States Senate?
4. Who must approve people like ambassadors, judges and cabinet members that the president appoints to
government positions?
5. Who has legislative (law-making) powers?
6. Who has the power to declare war?
7. Who has the power to propose amendments to the Constitution of the United States?
8. Who has the power to make treaties with foreign countries?
9. Who is the Commander-in-Chief of the US military forces?
10. What is the length of term of office for the Justices of the US Supreme Court?
11. Who has the power to settle disputes between different states?
12. Who presides over any impeachment trial of the president of the United States?