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You and your child are in charge of his or her trip!! Your student will have the
opportunity to raise enough money to pay for their entire trip!!! All your student has
to do is be willing to work hard and consistently.
We will have two categories of fundraising: Group and Individual. Students must
“qualify” to get a share of the group fundraising and have the option of participating in
the individual.
The reason for doing this is to hold each student accountable for paying their own way.
There is no counting on another student to do all the work.
Limited financial assistance is also available through the World Strides Organization.
Now let’s get down to business:
General Rules:
a. If for any reason your student does not attend the trip (i.e.: fighting at school,
grades etc), the money is forfeited and is donated to the trip fund managed by
Gary Glass to be distributed among students traveling.
b. If your student raises enough money to pay for their own trip, you may choose
to continue fundraising to help other students having difficulty.
c. Fundraising money will be paid directly to the World Strides Organization in
APRIL. After you register and pay the non-refundable deposit, you may
choose to make payments or wait until fundraising has been distributed. In
cases where you have paid more than you owe, reimbursements will be issued
after the final payment is due to the company. If the student’s trip is not paid
in full by the first of May, they could be removed from the trip. Any questions
regarding this see Gary Glass.
d. If for any reason a student fails to be responsible with the fundraising (i.e. not
turning in full amounts of money due for a fundraising event, losing sales
products, missing deadlines, or misrepresenting the fundraising activities),
they will be barred from further fundraising and any expenses incurred will be
removed from their trip balance.
e. Families are not allowed to fundraise “on their own”. If you have a personal
project you would like to do to raise money for your child, please see Mr.
Glass about restrictions you must adhere to. Failure to do so or failure to
comply with these restrictions could result in your child being withdrawn
from the trip.
This category includes raffles and product sales that require individual effort. Mr. Glass
screens this type of fundraiser for certain criteria:
NO RISK/(or extremely low risk)
At least 40% Profit…preferably 50% or greater
A good profit to effort ratio
Products of decent quality
Students work for themselves and earn money that is earmarked for their personal trip.
For example, if your student sells 10 dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts and has $100.00 in
total sales, the profit toward the trip would be as follows:
Total Sales:
$100.00 (total money turned in)
Krispy Kreme Cost: $50.00 (to pay for the doughnuts)
Student Profit:
$50.00 (goes into an account for your student)
This category includes Concessions and Supermarket Receipt Drive. Profits will be
equally divided between students that qualify. If your student does not qualify, then they
will not get a share of the group fundraisers profits, no questions asked.
Turning in grocery receipts is highly encouraged each week! Kelly’s and Main Street
Market return 1% of purchases to our students to help fund this trip! Shop locally and
turn in your receipts!! This is an extremely easy fundraiser to do and has earned the same
amount as doing a second TMS Track Meet Concession Day. All receipts donated get
evenly divided between students and parents that qualify by working their required
concession shifts. Families do not get a larger share of receipt profits because they turn
in more receipts, although the more that get turned in the higher the profits will be for
To qualify for splits from the concessions AND receipt drive:
Students MUST work 3 FULL SHIFTS at TMS Events
Parents MUST work 1 FULL SHIFT at TMS Events
o Concession rules: Each concession must have 3 students and 1 parent.
Each concession is 1 – 1.5 hours long. Students and parents working
concessions are expected to be at the concessions tables…NOT watching
the game.
o Students/parents that have SERIOUS conflicts with working concessions
will be able to “buy out” missed shifts with the following schedule:
 1 Shift Buy Out = $15
 2 Shift Buy Out = $45
 3 Shift buy Out = $100
I have read and understand the requirements of fundraising for the 2016 - 17
year. If the student is not able to attend the DC Trip, all funds earned will be
distributed evenly to other students traveling based on need and eligibility to
receive group fundraising splits.
_________________________ Student
Date ________________________
_________________________ Parent