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World History – Fall Semester Final Exam Study Guide
Unit One – Influences on the Development of Western Society
Textbook: Prologue Pages 5-15, 18-20; Chapter 1 pages 54-67
Types of democracies (Republic, Direct, Const. Monarchy)
Government (role of branches, types)
Ancient Greece: understand how Ancient Athens influenced western society including
similarities and differences (direct democracy, branches of govt, juries, reforms of Solon)
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle: What were their views on government and people? Understand
their writings: Plato’s Republic, Aristotle’s Politics.
Ancient Rome: Republic/representative democracy. How did Roman society influence
western society?
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: What influences do they have on western society?
The Magna Carta: Why was it signed, what influence did it have on western legal system?
The Reformation: Why did Martin Luther lead the reformation?
Unit Two – The English Civil War, Glorious Revolution & Absolute Monarchs.
Textbook: Prologue pages 20-23, Chapter 5 pages 180-183; Chapter 5 155-157, 160-161, 162-179.
Absolutism & Divine Right. What were they?
The English Civil War: Who fought it and why did it happen? Charles I v. Parliament
Oliver Cromwell’s Protectorate and the Restoration of the Monarchy (Charles II)
James II and William & Mary’s Glorious Revolution (Constitutional Monarchy)
Absolute Monarch: Philip II of Spain
Absolute Monarch: Louis XIV (Sun King) and Cardinal Richelieu in France
Unit Three –The Enlightenment, and American Revolution
Textbook: Chapter 6 pages 189-205, 206-211.
The Scientific Revolution: Galileo, Newton, and Copernicus
The Enlightenment: What did Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, Beccaria, Voltaire, Montesquieu,
and Wollstonecraft believe in?
How did Locke, Rousseau, Beccaria, Voltaire, and Montesquieu contribute to the US
Constitution and Bill of Rights?
Who fought in the American Revolution, why did it happen, who won, and why?
How does America’s victory influence other countries?
Unit Four – The French Revolution, Rise of Napoleon, and Congress of Vienna
Textbook: Chapter 7 pages 217-241
Who were the three estates in France? Who had the most privilege?
What was the role of Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette in France and why they were executed?
How & why did the French Revolution occur? (Bastille, Tennis Court Oaths).
Results of French Revolution (National Assembly, Declaration of Rights of Man)
Who were the Jacobins and Robespierre (The Reign of Terror)?
How did Napoleon come to power, how did he create an empire, and how did that empire
What happened at the Congress of Vienna and what was the Concert of Europe?
Unit Five – Nationalism & Revolutions
Textbook: Chapter 8 pages 247-268
What issues were happening in Latin America? (rights, class system, slavery)
How did Latin America win independence and what were the roles of Toussaint (Haiti),
Bolivar & San Martin (S. America), Hidalgo (Mexico) and Dom Pedro (Brazil)?
What is nationalism? What characteristics makeup a nation-state? (pie chart)
The weakening of the Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Ottoman Empire – why does it happen?
Louis-Napoleon (Napoleon III) in France. How does he come to power?
Otto von Bismarck & the Unification of Germany
Di Cavour, Garibaldi, and the unification of Italy
Revolution in the Arts: Romanticism (Music-Beethoven, Literature, Art)
Unit Six – The Industrial Revolution & Reforming the Industrial World
Textbook: Chapter 9 pages 281-307, Chapter 20, Section 4
What was the role of the Agricultural Revolution? (Enclosure Movement, people to cities)
Why was Britain the first to industrialize?
The rise of factories, textiles industry, and railroads. The role of writers like Charles Dickens
and what life was like in the cities.
What were working conditions like in the factories for both adults & children?
Why industrialization spread to the United States, Germany, Belgium, and other parts of
Europe? What were obstacles to industrialization for some countries?
Reform movements like Utilitarianism and Utopianism
Capitalism vs. Communism. Who started each, what does each believe in?
I.R. effects abolition of slavery, rise of the unions and settlement housing
Inventions during the Industrial Revolution
Unit Seven – Imperialism
Textbook: Chapter 11 pages 339-351, 357-365; Chapter 12 pages 371-379, 382-387
What is imperialism, why does it happen, what are its forms and methods of control?
The Scramble for Africa: why and how it happened?
Resistance to Imperialism (Ethiopia and Siam)
British Imperialism in India: why did it happen, how did they keep control?
Imperialism in China (The Opium Wars)
Imperialism in the Middle East
Imperialism in Southeast Asia (British, French, Dutch)
American Imperialism in the Philippines & Hawai’i
American Imperialism in Latin America: why & how did it happen in each region?
(Cuba/Spanish-American War)
Imperialism with Suez & Panama Canal building
Modernization and the rise of Japan
Good luck! Focus on your notes and textbook. Assignments will also be helpful; especially the
reading guides & guided reading assignments.
Be sure to utilize the class website and e-mail me for missing notes!
Format: 100 multiple choice scantron questions (200pts), 35 matching and map questions (70points),
10 Reverse ID’s (30pts), (plus an additional two for extra credit = up to 6 points extra), The final will
be a total of 300 points!