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Directions: Use the text below to fill in the graphic organizer and answer the
three questions.
The Maya
The ancient Maya civilization occupied the eastern third of Mesoamerica,
primarily the Yucatan Peninsula (modern day Mexico). The geography of
the area greatly varied from volcanic mountains, which made up the
highlands in the South, to a limestone shelf, known as the Lowlands, in the
central and northern regions. The southern portions of the Lowlands were
covered by a thick rain forest.
Mayan architects built large, elaborate palaces and pyramid shaped
temples. These buildings were decorated with a variety of paintings, and
carvings in wood and stone that depicted Mayan history. Mayan step
pyramids were the tallest man-made structures in the Americas until 1903.
Mayan civilization developed a writing system using hieroglyphics that has
only recently been deciphered. They also produced books made from bark,
of which few still exist. Mayan scientists developed a fairly accurate 365day a year calendar. They also used an advanced numbering system that
included the concept of zero
The ancient Mayans worshipped many natural God’s. Their chief deity was
the Sun God. Mayans believed that the sun God demanded Human
sacrifices. If the sun god was not appeased, the Mayans feared that the Sun
would vanish.
The Aztecs
The Aztec Civilization flourished from the late 1200's until the time of
European conquest. The Aztecs established an empire that consisted of most
of Mexico. They setup a strong, central government, and received tribute
payments from many of their subject peoples. Similar to earlier
Mesoamerican civilizations, the Aztecs were deeply religious. The practice
of their religion included the building of large temples where human
sacrifice took place.
Tenochtitlan was the capital city of the Aztec Empire. Before the city
was built the areas was covered with thick swamps and jungles. Much
the Aztec empire was covered with swampland
The Aztecs developed techniques to create a floating city. Huge areas of
swamp were drained in order to create land that a city could be built
on. Tenochtitlan floated in the middle of a massive of lake and was
connected to land by a series of floating bridges. Mexico city is built on
the ruins of Tenochtitlan.
Aztec scientists developed an accurate calendar similar to the Mayan.
Physicians were able to treat a variety of wounds and injuries, including
setting broken bones and filling cavities in teeth. The Aztec capital city,
Tenochtitlan, was well designed and constructed. It included a large
pyramid temple, aqueducts for water, and causeways for travel. Aztec
art consisted of large stone carvings and colorful paintings. The Aztecs
also setup schools for learning, and kept accurate records of their history.
The Inca
Between 1200 and 1535 AD, the Inca population lived in the part of South
America extending from the Equator to the Pacific coast of Chile. The
beginning of the Inca rule started with the conquest of the Mocha Culture in
Peru. The Inca were warriors with a strong and powerful army. Because of
the fierceness of their army and their hierarchical organization, they became
the largest Native American society.
Their cities and fortresses were mostly built on highlands and on the steep
slopes of the Andes Mountains. Living in the mountains limited the
availability of farmland. Using terracing the Incas developed sophisticated
agricultural systems. The high altitude of the mountains caused people to
become light headed and dizzy. To prevent and sooth these effects the Incan
people chewed coca leaves which helped ease the effects of the high altitude.
The architecture of the Inca cities still amazes and puzzles most scientists.
Stone steps lead up to the top of the cities, which consist of stone houses and
religious buildings. The blocks of stones weigh several tons and they are fit
together so tightly that not even a razor blade can fit through them.
Even though the Inca never had access to the wheel, they built a
sophisticated road system to connect the villages. The roads were paved with
flat stones and barriers to protect the messengers, from falling down the
The highest point in an Inca village was reserved for religious purposes. This
point was the closest to the sun, which represented their major god, the Sun
God. Inca had shamans who believed in animal spirits living on earth.
The Mayans
The Aztecs
The Incas
1. How were the religions of the Maya, Aztecs and Incas similar?
2. How were the religions of the Latin American civilizations similar to
They were both monotheistic
Both religions began in India
Both religions were polytheistic
Hinduism followed the Koran
3. Which term bets describes the religions of the Latin American
Eight Fold Path