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Theater Masters
Ten Minute Plays Category
For students in grades 7-12
The winner(s) will be announced on December 13,2013
Honorable mentions may be awarded
The 2013 Aspiring Playwrights Competition winning play (s) will be presented along with
winning plays chosen from Theater Masters’ competition for MFA students. Brown, Carnegie
Mellon, Columbia, NYU—Tisch School of the Arts, Northwestern, the University of Iowa, UCLA,
the University of Texas—Austin, and Yale were invited to participate with one play chosen from
each. This theatrical event called Take Ten will be presented at Aspen High School’s
Black Box Theatre on
Sunday, January 26, 2014, Monday, January 27, 2014, and Tuesday, January 28, 2014.
Awards and Opportunities
The first place winner will receive:
Critique by a distinguished theatre professional
Production of the winning play
Professional direction
The guidance of the director or of a dramaturge to help prepare the winning script(s) for
And ALSO this year…
The top entries from EACH school (as determined by the first readers) will be staged
as readings during the school day in December 2013 or January 2014. Readings will
be performed by professional actors with professional direction.
Criteria for Script Submissions
One (1) original play of any style (comedy, drama, mystery, etc.) with two to five characters
Up to ten minutes in length
Logistics and Eligibility for Script Submissions
This is a juried event.
Competition is open to students in grades 7-12
Scripts must be typed on one side only, indented format, stapled/bound and submitted by
October 31, 2013 to be considered by the adjudicators.
The student (s) winning the competition must be ready and willing to take full
advantage of this professional opportunity by attending a read-thru on January 18,
dinner at The Aspen Institute on January 25, and rehearsals/work with the director
the week of January 19th.
COVER PAGES On the upper right hand corner of two (2) 8 ½ by 11 cover pages, please print:
Your name
Mailing address
Play title
Email address
Phone number
Cell phone number
Name of school
Cover pages should NOT be attached to the script.
FIRST PAGE OF SCRIPT On the upper right hand corner of the first page of your script , please print:
The title of your play
Please send four (4) complete copies of your script, with two (2) 8 ½ x 11 cover pages to
Chip Winn Wells, Literary Manager, Box 2616, Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 or arrange for
pick-up by phoning (970) 379-5940.
Theater Masters Aspiring Playwrights Ten Minute Plays Competition is a juried event. Each script
submitted for consideration will be read by a preliminary panel of adjudicators who will rate each play and
choose up to ten(10) finalists. These finalist selections will then be read and the winner(s) chosen by a
nationally known theatre professional, the lead director for Take Ten, and by the founder of Theater Masters,
Julia Hansen.
First Round Adjudicators
Tom Cochran is a professor emeritus of Theatre at Colorado Mountain College. He holds an
MFA in theatre from Florida State University and has been directing, designing, and acting for
over 35 years in professional and college theatre. Tom is directing Disney’s Beauty and the Beast
for Defiance Community Players this fall.
Sheri Wright has been an actor/educator in Chicago, Seattle, and throughout Colorado for
many years. She has taught for the Arvada Center and performed new works in showcases at
The Denver Center for the Performing Arts and Curious Theatre. Sheri will be directing Grey
Gardens for Denver’s Vintage Theatre Company this season.
Suzanne Foster is an experienced actor, vocalist, coach, and educator who has encouraged
many to study the performing arts and to share her love of theatre. Suzanne has studied in
North Dakota, Colorado, and England and resides in Granby, Colorado.
Finalist Readers
A NATIONALLY KNOWN THEATRE ARTIST will be joined by Naomi McDougall Jones*
Director and Artistic Associate for Take Ten and the MFA Playwriting Program, and Julia
Hansen** Artistic Director of Theater Masters.
What is Theater Masters and who is involved ?
Theater Masters, a non-profit arts organization based in Colorado, seeks to enhance audience
understanding of theatre and to nurture artists for the American Theatre. It sponsors lectures,
performances, writing contests, new play development, classes, and brings distinguished theatre
professionals to the Roaring Fork Valley.
Julia Hansen** conceived, founded, and administrated the Directors Project, a national training project for young
directors, for the New York Drama League, where she served as President and Executive Director. She has taught
for the Yale School of Drama and served on the governing boards of The Acting Company, The American Academy of
Dramatic Arts, and the Lincoln Center Theatre. Julia is the founder of Theater Masters.
Naomi McDougall Jones * (bio forthcoming)
Richard Digby Day, the Artistic Director of The London Academy of Drama, was a scholarship student at the Royal
Academy of Dramatic Art, London, and their first student of direction. He has been director of five major regional
theatres in the UK as well as the Open Air Theatre in Regents Park and the National Theatre Institute at the O’Neill
Center, Waterford, CT. He currently heads the drama abroad program for Fordham University.
Laurie Sales is a professional director and theatre educator who has created programs for the McCarter Theatre,
Princeton University, Williamstown Theatre Festival, The Women’s Project, and SUNY Purchase. She was a Fellow at
the Williamstown Theatre Festival assisting director, Moises Kaufman. This Drama League of New York alum serves
as Education Outreach Director for Theater Masters.
Pesha Rudnick* holds an MFA in Theatre from NYU. Currently a free lance director, she has directed at the
Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. , served as Associate Director of Education for Cornerstone Theatre in Los
Angeles, and is the Artistic Associate for Take Ten and the MFA Playwriting Program. She resides in Boulder.
Andrew Leynse has recently completed his fifth season as Artistic Director at Primary Stages in New York City. He
has produced, managed, and directed in the New York theatre community for over 19 years. A graduate of Carnegie
Mellon’s directing program he serves as Artistis Advisor for Theater Masters.
Wesley Savick has served as artistic director of the internationally acclaimed experimental company, Theatre X in
Milwaukee, interim Artistic Director of the Drama League of New York’s Director’s Project, Artistic Associate of
Chicago’s Organic Theatre, and has directed over 65 professional productions. He is an Associate Professor of
Theatre at Suffolk University in Boston.
Chip Winn Wells received her education from the University of Illinois and is a veteran actor and educator. In
1992, she was awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities fellowship to study Shakespeare in performance
with The Shakespeare Institute, The Shakespeare Centre, and the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford-uponAvon. In addition to being Literary Manager for Theater Masters, she is a working actor and dramaturg.
Theater Masters is a 501C3, Not-for-Profit Organization
Theater Masters
P.O.Box 899
Aspen, CO 81612
Phone: 970 948-9484
Email: [email protected]