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1. When does water change from one phase to another?
a. when water molecules are held stationary
b. when evaporation occurs
c. when heat energy is absorbed or released
d. when molecules are in a crystalline arrangement
2. When liquid water absorbs energy, it changes to
a. a gas.
b. a liquid.
c. crystals.
d. a solid.
3. When liquid water evaporates, the water
a. releases energy into the atmosphere.
b. condenses into water vapor.
c. starts to flow more rapidly.
d. absorbs energy from the environment.
4. During the condensation of water, latent heat
a. is released into the water.
b. disappears.
c. is released into the surrounding air. d. is absorbed by the water.
5. Through what process does most water enter the atmosphere?
a. evaporation
b. absorption
c. condensation
d. release
6. Where on Earth does most evaporation take place? _____________________________________________
7. Name four other important sources of water vapor in the atmosphere.
a. _______________________________
b. ___________________________________
c. _____________________)__________
d. ___________________________________
8. The measure of the actual amount of water vapor in the air is called the ____________________________.
9. _________________________ refers to the mass of water vapor in a unit of air relative to the mass of dry air.
10. What can make the relative humidity increase if the moisture in the air remains the same?
11. What happens to the relative humidity if the temperature increases as the moisture in the air remains
constant? __________________________________________________________________________
12. What is the name of the condensation that forms during the night? __________________
13. What is the form of condensation that forms if the dew point falls below the freezing temperature of water?
14. As relative humidity increases, what happens to hair? ___________________________________________
15. A cloud that forms near or on Earth’s surface is _____________________________.
16. Suspended particles that provide a surface for water vapor to condense are called
a. water molecules.
b. salt molecules.
c. condensation nuclei.
d. saturated air.
17. What happens when water molecules collect on condensation nuclei?
a. The rate of condensation decreases.
b. Water droplets form.
c. The air temperature reaches the dew point.
d. The rate of evaporation decreases
18. What two features are used to classify clouds? ___________________
19. Name the three basic forms of clouds.
20. What are the three altitude groups of clouds and their heights?
21. stratus clouds
a. feathery clouds composed of ice crystals
22. cumulus clouds
b. billowy, low-altitude clouds
23. cirrus clouds
c. clouds with a flat base forming at very low altitudes
24. What does cumulus mean? ________________________________________________
25. Any form of water that falls to Earth’s surface from the clouds is called ____________________________ .
26. Name four major types of moisture that fall from the air to Earth.
_____ 27. rain
a. precipitation consisting of ice particles
_____ 28. snow
b. solid precipitation in the form of lumps of ice
_____ 29. sleet
c. a thick layer of ice on a surface
_____ 30. glaze ice
d. clear ice pellets formed when rain falls through a layer of freezing air
_____ 31. ice storm
e. liquid precipitation
_____ 32. hail
f. rain consisting of drops smaller than 0.5 mm in diameter
g. the condition which produces glaze ice
33. What is the most common form of solid precipitation? _____________________
34. Why is hail potentially harmful? ____________________________________________________________
35. What must happen in order for a cloud droplet to fall as precipitation?
a. It must freeze.
b. It must decrease in size.
c. It must increase in size.
d. It must warm up.
36. What does Doppler radar measure? _________________________________________________________
37. Name three things meteorologists can determine with Doppler radar. ______________________________
38. How does Doppler radar save lives? _______________________________________________________
39. What are two ways in which cloud seeding could help people? ____________________________________
40. What is an air mass? ____________________________________________________________________
41. Air masses are categorized according to their _________________________________________________.
42. Cold air masses come from _________________________________________ and are
______________________________ and __________________________________
43. Warm air masses come from _____________________________________________________________ .
44. What are air masses that form over the ocean called? _________________________________________
45. Air masses that form over the land are called ___________________________________ _____________
46. What weather conditions do continental air masses generally bring when they move into a region?
47. How do air masses that form over the ocean differ from continental air masses?
Average Seasonal Rainfall (cm)
Los Angeles
48. When do these cities receive the most rainfall?
a. Spring and summer
b. Spring and fall
c. Fall and winter
d. Winter and spring
49. Where does the warm air of a Maritime Tropical Pacific air mass originate?
a. Alaska
b. Hawaii
c. Mexico
d. Japan
50. When two unlike air masses meet, what usually keeps them separate?
a. temperature differences b. moisture differences c. differences in density d. differences in pressure
51. The boundary that forms between two air masses when they meet is called a
a. front.
b. storm line.
c. squall line.
d. bumper car track.
_____ 52. cold front
a. a front of air masses that moves either very slowly or not at all
_____ 53. warm front
b. the front edge of a moving mass of cold air that pushes beneath a
_____ 54. stationary front
warmer air mass like a wedge
_____ 55. occluded front
c. the front edge of an advancing warm air mass that replaces colder air with
warmer air
d. a front that forms when a cold air mass over-takes a warm air mass and lifts
the warm air mass off the ground and over another air mass
56. Describe the storms that form along a cold front. _______________________________________________
57. What kind of weather does a warm front generally produce? ______________________________________
58. Compare the weather produced by a stationary front to the weather produced by a warm front.
_____ 59. thunderstorm
a. electricity that is discharged during a thunderstorm
_____ 60. lightning
b. an effect created when electricity heats the air, and the air expands rapidly
_____ 61. thunder
c. a usually brief, heavy storm that consists of rain, strong winds, lightning, and thunder
62. A severe storm that develops over tropical oceans and whose winds of more than 120 km/h spiral in toward
the intensely low-pressure storm center is called a(n) ________________________________.
63. Winds increase toward the calm, clear _____________ of the storm and may reach speeds of 275 km/h.
64. The most dangerous aspect of a hurricane is a rising sea level and large waves, called ________________.
65. Every hurricane is categorized on the ___________________________________ by using several factors,
including central pressure, wind speed, and storm surge.
66. When and where do most tornadoes occur? __________________________________________________
67. What makes a tornado so destructive? _______________________________________________________
24.3 WEATHER INSTRUMENTS – please just read
68. What do meteorologists use to communicate data on a weather map that can be understood around the
world? a. words and colors
b. words and numbers
c. symbols and letters
d. symbols and colors
69 . A pattern of meteorological symbols that represents the weather at a particular observing station and that is
recorded on a weather map is
a. a station model.
b. a station report.
c. the station forecast. d. the station weather.
70. Lines that connect points of equal temperature on a weather map are called
a. isolines.
b. isotherms.
c. thermal lines.
d. isobars.
71. Lines on a weather map that connect points of equal atmospheric pressure are
a. isopressures.
b. isotherms.
c. pressure lines.
d. isobars.
72. Isobars that form circles on a weather map are marked with an H or an L and indicate centers of
a. heat and light.
b. high pressure and low pressure.
c. high temperature and low temperature.
d. high clouds and low clouds.
73. On a weather map, what identifies a cold front? _______________________________________________
a. predict weather accurately 3 to 7 days ahead
_____ 74. daily forecasts
b. predict weather over monthly and seasonal periods
_____ 75. extended forecasts
c. predict weather for a 48-hour period
_____ 76. medium-range forecasts
d. predict weather 8 to 14 days ahead using computer analysis of
_____ 77. long-range forecasts
slowly changing large- scale movements of air
_____ 78. watch
e. issued when severe weather has been spotted or is expected within
_____ 79. warning
24 hours
f. issued when the conditions are ideal for severe weather