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Form A
The Age of Exploration Test
Multiple Choice: Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question
Read ALLanswer choices carefully before choosing!
How did the Renaissance contribute to the Age of Exploration?
A) by emphasizing the importance of converting people to Buddhism
B) by awakening a spirit of discovery and innovation in Europe
C) by fostering a belief in the importance of working as a group
D) by persuading Europeans that the pursuit of wealth was all-important
Which European country was the first to send out Explorers?
A) Spain
B) France
Who started a school in Portugal for sailing, mapmaking, and navigation?
A) John Cabot
B) Christopher Columbus
C) Hernan Cortes
D) Prince Henry “the Navigator”
The ultimate goal of the early Portuguese explorers was to…
A) find a water route around Africa to India.
B) discover new lands.
C) explore the coast of Africa.
D) spread Christianity.
Christopher Columbus set sail to...
A) Find a new, faster trade route to Asia.
B) Find gold in new lands.
C) Spread Christianity.
D) All of the above
With Spanish dominance in the Southern North America and the Atlantic, at the beginning of the Age of Exploration, France and England
sought a…
A) Land route to Asia.
C) A Northwest Passage
B) A route around the tip of Africa.
D) France and England were not exploring North America.
John Cabot was a(n)…
A) King of England during the Age of Exploration.
B) Explorer working for England who explored North America.
C) Explorer working for Portugal who explored North America.
D) Explorer working for Spain who explored North America.
The goals of the Age of Exploration were…
A) To expand world view.
B) To acquire goods.
C) To Spread Christianity.
D) All of the above.
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan is credited with…
A) First person to circumnavigate the world.
B) Being the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.
Finding a Northwest Passage.
Rounding the tip of Africa and making it to India.
10. Which of the following were obstacles faced by the explorers?
A) Fear of the unknown.
B) Disease and starvation.
Poor maps and navigational tools.
All of the above.
11. The expeditions of Conquistadors Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro resulted in the…
A) Destruction of the Aztec and Inca empires.
C) Colonization of North America by Portugal.
B) Capture of Brazil by Portugal.
D) Exploration of the East Indies.
12. Portugal claimed which region of South America…
A) The Andes Mountains, where the Inca Empire lived.
B) What is, today, Brazil.
C) The tip of South America.
D) None of the above.
Form A
13. Which route on the map above represents Christopher Columbus’s first voyage most accurately?
14. Which route on the map above represents John Cabot’s last voyage most accurately?
15. Which route on the map above represents Vasco da Gama’s voyage most accurately?
16. Which route on the map above represents Magellan’s voyage most accurately?
17. What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?
A) The treaty to help end the 100 Years’ War.
B) The name given for the route to North America.
C) Treaty between Spain and Portugal, giving Spain all land to the West, and Portugal all discovered land to the East.
D) The name of Christopher Columbus’ ship at the time of his Atlantic Crossing
18. Silver, during the Age of Exploration was…
A) Used as money.
B) Used to make navigational tools.
Mined in colonized regions of America.
Both A. and C.
19. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe the life of African slaves in the Americas?
A) Slaves were usually given new names of European origin.
B) Slaves often actively resisted enslavement, either through rebellions or through more minor actions like having their own side-businesses
to earn money for themselves.
C) Slaves were often treated like animals—they were not seen by Europeans as being fully human.
D) Slaves were usually taught to read and write so they could participate in church services.
20. Planters in the Americas began to use African slaves for labor because…
A) Aztecs refused to work on plantations.
B) they believed Native Americans were not human.
C) disease had killed millions of Native Americans.
D) African slaves were less expensive than Native American slaves.
21. The Spanish used captive Africans mostly as…
A) domestic servants.
B) sugar plantation workers.
C) skilled craft workers.
D) ship hands.
Form A
22. According to the map titled “The Slave Trade,” where were most slave forts located?
A) The Cape of Good Hope
C) The Middle Passage
B) The west coast of Africa
D) Brazil
23. According to the map titled “The Slave Trade,” the British imported approximately how many slaves to their colonies?
A) 1.7 million
C) 3.6 million
B) 2.1 million
D) 9 million
24. According to the map titled “The Slave Trade,” the greatest number of African slaves were taken to…
A) British North America
C) The British West Indies
B) Brazil
D) The French West Indies
25. Which of the following best describes Mercantilism?
A) Mercantilism is an economic belief that said countries should stockpile money by importing little and exporting a lot.
B) Mercantilism was the economic belief of merchants who travelled the silk road.
C) Mercantilism is an economic system in which countries bought most of their goods from overseas in order to allow their citizens more
D) Mercantilism is an economic system in which most people work directly for the government in order to support voyages of exploration.
26. Which of the following was the leader of the Aztecs at the time of Cortes’ arrival?
A) Atahualpa
C) Hiawatha
B) Pizarro
D) Moctezuma II
27. The Spanish colonial economy was based largely on…
A) exports of Native American weaving and pottery
B) tobacco farming
C) the mining of gold and silver
D) fur and fish trading
28. French exploration in North America:
A) remained, for the most part, along the interior of the continent.
Form A
B) explored up and down the Mississippi River.
C) explored up and down the St. Lawrence River.
D) all of the above
29. Before the era of exploration, how did Europeans get goods from Asia?
A) Before the explorers, there was no way to get Asian goods in Europe.
B) The Ottoman Empire was made up mostly of Chinese and Indian people living in Turkey, so it was easy to get goods.
C) Chinese merchants regularly traveled to Europe by traveling through Africa and sailing across the Mediterranean to reach Europe.
D) Merchants traveled by horse or camel to Asia and traded with Muslims and Asian territories.
30. What was the main goal of early Spanish settlement in the Americas?
A) the Spanish mostly sent priests to spread Christianity and didn’t do much else at first.
B) the Spanish sought to extract resources from the Americas, especially silver and gold.
C) the Spanish mostly used the Americas as a stop between Spain and Indian.
D) the Spanish grew a lot of grain in their first colonies.
31. Which of the following areas had huge silver mines which enriched Europeans?
A) Peru
B) Canada
C) The Caribbean
D) United States
32. What was the Columbian Exchange?
A) when the Spanish conquistadors traded their Incan hostages for gold on the border between Columbia and Peru.
B) the exchange of plants, animals and disease between the Old World and the New World.
C) when Columbus made the first trade of glass beads for gold with the Native Americans.
D) the trading of information between European nations after their various voyages of exploration.
33. Which was not a factor behind exploration?
A) the invention of the printing press
B) spread of religion
C) competition with Asian countries for new land
D) rise of nation-states
Choose the best description that matches was each explorer did…
Christopher Columbus John Cabot
Ferdinand Magellan
Prince Henry
Amerigo Vespucci
Hernando Cortes
Vasco Da Gama
Francisco Pizarro
34. Was given credit as the first explorer to circumnavigate the world.
35. Spanish explorer who sailed to the east coast of South America and the Caribbean.
36. Spanish explorer who conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico.
37. First explorer to discover “new land” west of Europe and Africa.
38. Set up a navigation school for Portugal.
39. English explorer who discovered the North West Passage.
40. First explorer to find a sea route to Asia by traveling around the coastline of Africa.
41. Spanish explorer who conquered the Incan Empire in South America.