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“Those Three Wishes”
 Students will evaluate the plot’s structure and development and the way conflicts
are resolved.
Part I: Before reading “Those Three Wishes,” define the following terms and give an
example from one of the following stories: “The Wise Old Woman,” “Flowers for Algernon,”
“Broken Chain,” “The Monkey’s Paw,” “The Landlady,” or “The Tell-Tale Heart.” The page
numbers listed either help define the term or provide a page that references an example.
1. ExpositionDefinition:
2. Conflict-pages 2, 16, and 64
3. Subplot-pages 3 and 32
Part I: Before reading “Those Three Wishes,” define the following terms and give an
example from one of the following stories: “The Wise Old Woman,” “Flowers for Algernon,”
“Broken Chain,” “The Monkey’s Paw” or “The Tell-Tale Heart.” The page numbers listed
either define the term or provide a page that references an example.
4. Parallel Episodes-pages 3, 32, 64, and 123
5. Climax-page 2
6. Resolution-pages 2 and 125
Part II: Choose one person to read and one person to write. While reading the passage,
answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1-Exposition: Who is the main character?
2-Exposition: The main character can best be described as
a. clever and cruel
c. lethargic and impartial
b. indecisive and gracious
d. vivacious and melancholy
Part II: Choose one person to read and one person to write. While reading the passage,
answer the following questions in complete sentences.
3-Rising Action: What is the main conflict?
4-Rising Action: What is Melinda’s plan as she walks to school? What interrupts Melinda’s
6-Parallel Episode: What are the three parallel episodes in this plot?
7-Climax: In some short stories, like this one, the climax ends the story and the
resolution is left to the reader’s imagination.
What is the climax (when the outcome of the conflict is decided)?
Can you think of another short story we read that leaves the resolution to the reader’s
Part III: Answer the following questions. Make sure to justify your answers by providing
evidence from the text.
Example: The writer leaves no doubt about what Melinda Alice is like.
Which word does not describe her?
a. clever
b. pretty
c. nice
d. cruel
Evidence from the text: page # 122
The first paragraph clearly states that Melinda is not nice.
Part III: Answer the following questions. Make sure to justify your answers by providing
evidence from the text.
9. Which word best describes what Melinda Alice wants?
a. Love
b. Friends
c. Knowledge
d. Power
Evidence from the text: page #__________
10. Melinda Alice’s wishes form parallel episodes in this short story. How many wishes
does she make?
a. a thousand
b. three
c. four
d. ten
Evidence from the text: page #__________