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Unit 2 Study Guide – U.S. History
Have you read Chapters 7 – 9?
Have you studied your Missouri Compromise Map?
II Do you know the significance of all of the following terms? Define each term FULLY.
National Road
Industrial Revolution
Interchangeable Parts
Yeoman Farmer
Task System
Gang System
Favorite Son
American System
Missouri Compromise
Corrupt Bargain
Spoils System
Benevolent Society Gradualism
Monroe Doctrine
2 Great Awakening
III Do you know the significance of all of the following people?
Politicians of the 1820s-1840s?
Inventors and innovators of the 1820s – 1840s?
Reformers, artists, and writers of the 1820s – 1840s?
The people listed to the right?
Manifest Destiny
Slave Code
Write three facts each for the people listed below._______________
John C. Calhoun
John Marshall
Kit Carson
Denmark Vessey
Nat Turner
Henry Clay Jim Bridger
Daniel Webster
Joseph Smith
American Colonization Society
Louis O’Sullivan
Andrew Jackson
James K. Polk
IV Can you answer the following questions?
 Do you know the f actors that contributed to growing sectionalism in the U.S. from 1815 to 1850?
 Do you know the inventions that led to the industrial revolution in the U.S. from 1815 to 1850?
 How was the society of the Southern States was divided into different levels?
 What were the provisions of the Missouri Compromise? How did the Compromise change the process for admitting states to the
Union? Why was the Compromise necessary? Do you know where the Missouri Compromise line is located on a map and how
the states were divided according to the Missouri Compromise?
 How was Andrew Jackson a different type of president than those that preceded him? How did he deal with the issues of the Tariff
Crisis of 1828 and the 2nd B.U.S.?
 How did party politics get restarted in the U.S. ending the Era of Good Feelings? How was the Democratic Party born? How were
the methods of the Democratic Party different from those of the Democratic-Republican Party?
 How did the Whig Party come to be created? How were they able to capture the presidency in 1840? What methods did they use?
 What were the major reforms in religion, literature, education, art, prisons, women, and abolition of the 1820s, 1830s, and 1840s?
 What was Manifest Destiny? What were the causes? What were the results of Manifest Destiny?
 Who were the people who traveled West? What were the trails and methods used to settle the west?