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US History & Government
Sectionalism & Causes of the Civil War
Introduction: Until the Civil War (1861-1865), the Constitution had protected slavery, however as the nation
expanded westward, the question of slavery grew more controversial as Americans began to
question if the new western territories should permit slavery or not. The debate over the future
of slavery in the West was first addressed with compromises, but by the 1850’s events had
created a bitter divide in the nation. Below are these key events that lead to the Civil War.
1820 Missouri Compromise
Louisiana Territory
1850 Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slaves
Popular Sovereignty
1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act
How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act overturn the Missouri Compromise?
The Rise of the Republican Party
What did the Republicans mean by the phrase “Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men”?
Who became the famous leader of the Republican Party? _____________________________________
1857 The Dred Scott Case
Who was Dred Scott? __________________________________________________________________
What did Dred Scott want?______________________________________________________________
Was he successful? ____________________________________________________________________
What was the outcome of the case (hint: Missouri Compromise)________________________________
1859 John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry
What did John Brown try to do?
What happened to John Brown?
1860 Presidential Election of 1860
Identify which political party the candidates belong to in the
election of 1860? Circle “R” (Republican) or “D” (Democrat)
180 electoral votes
72 electoral votes
12 electoral votes
39 electoral votes
Based upon the map above, why did Lincoln win the election of 1860?
What happened to the Democratic Party?
US History & Government
Sectionalism & Causes of the Civil War
1820 Missouri Compromise
Louisiana Territory
Missouri entered the Union as a slave state
Maine entered the Union as a free state
Divided: Land above the 36’30” was to be free and land below that line was to
be slave territory
1850 Compromise of 1850
Fugitive Slaves
Popular Sovereignty
California entered the Union as a free state
A strict fugitive slave law would force northerners to send slaves back to the
People in the New Mexico and Utah territories would vote to decide if slavery
would be legal or not
1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act
How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act overturn the Missouri Compromise? The Kansas Nebraska Act
allowed for popular sovereignty in the territory. It was supposed to be free territory according to the
Missouri Compromise
The Rise of the Republican Party
What did the Republicans mean by the phrase “Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men”? They did not want to
see an extension of slavery into the territories
Who became the famous leader of the Republican Party? Abraham Lincoln
1857 The Dred Scott Case (Scott v. Sanford)
Who was Dred Scott?
What did Dred Scott want?
Was he successful?
A slave brought into free territory.
He sued for his freedom because he was in free territory
No. The Supreme Court stated that property could not be taken away
without just cause (5th amendment). So, Dred Scott was to be returned
to his owner
What was the outcome of the case (hint: Missouri Compromise) The Missouri Compromise was
declared unconstitutional, because slaves could now be brought into any territory. Therefore the
term free territory was meaningless.
1859 John Brown’s Raid at Harper’s Ferry
What did John Brown try to do?
What happened to John Brown?
Lead an armed slave uprising
He was captured, put on trial and executed
1860 Presidential Election of 1860
Identify which political party the candidates belong to in the election of 1860? Circle “R” (Republican) or “D”
180 electoral votes
Breckinridge 72 electoral votes
12 electoral votes
39 electoral votes
Based upon the map above, why did Lincoln win the election of 1860? The Democrats were divided between
three candidates and the Republicans were united and won the northern states.
What happened to the Democratic Party? The Democratic Party divided into competing factions did not enter
the election united.