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Karl Marx
German economist and philosopher
Unlike Durkheim, who focused on the stability of society, Karl Marx stressed that history is _____________
He believed that _______________ – especially ______________________ – is necessary in order to
produce social change and a better society. For Marx, the most important changes were ______________.
What is class conflict?
The capitalist class or bourgeoisie is composed of ____________________________________________
The working class or proletariat is composed of ______________________________________________
According to Marx, how does the capitalist class control “the masses of struggling workers”?
Alienation is ___________________________________________________________________________.
Central to Marx’s views was the belief that
Marx believed that the primary form of oppression was rooted in _______________________. He believed
that divisions based on race and gender would disappear once divisions based on class were overcome.
Max Weber
German social scientist
Max Weber was concerned about the changes brought about by _________________________________.
Weber disagreed with Marx’s idea that ___________________ is the central force in social change, but he
acknowledged that it important in shaping human action.
Weber insisted that sociology should be “value free”. What is “value free” sociological research?
While he understood that sociologists cannot be totally value free, Weber believed that they should use
verstehen, or ______________, to see the world as others see it. This idea is part of what today we call
Weber believed that __________________________________, rather than class struggle, was the most
significant factor in determining the social relations among people in industrial societies.
Weber made significant contributions to modern sociology by emphasizing the goal of _________________
_________________ and the necessity of ___________________________________________________.
In his writings, Weber was more aware of _________________ issues than were many of the scholars of
his day.