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Journal: Due Friday, April 8
In order to earn an A you need to have the following:
1. Plural and Possessive notes 1/12
2. Noun Review
3. Verb Notes
4. Response to Lit Notes
5. D.O.L.
6. Adjective Notes
7. Adverb Notes
8. Adverb Review
9. Conjunction/Interjection Notes 2/16
10. Preposition Review
11. Pronoun Notes
2 pts.
6 pts
3 pts.
6 pts.
5 pts.
2 pts.
6 pts.
5 pts.
2 pts.
5 pts.
4 pts.
5 pts.
2 pts.
All entries must be numbered, titled, and organized correctly to earn full credit.
No other work besides the journal entries should be in your journal folder.
#1 Plural and Possessive Notes 6 pts.
Nouns: _____person_______, _______place_______ , ____thing__, or idea
Common nouns: a general person, place, thing or idea
Proper noun: a specific person, place, thing or idea
Singular noun: one person, place, thing, or idea
Plural noun: more than one person, place, thing or idea
Basic rules to create plural nouns
1. For most nouns just add an s
2. If the noun ends in s, sh, ch, x, z, add –es
3. When the noun ends in an o add an -s or -es
4. If the singular noun ends in y with a consonant before it, change y to i and add es.
ends with a y and has an vowel before it – just add an -s.
If it
5. If the noun ends in f add either a -s or change the f to v and add es
6. Some nouns remain the same in both singular and plural forms.
7. Some plural are formed in unique ways.
Rules to Create Possessive Nouns
Possessive noun: shows ownership by using an apostrophe, There can be singular possessive
nouns or plural possessive nouns.
Three ways to do possessives
1. with singular nouns, add an ‘s
(look at the first word)
ie. Lion’s paw,
2. plural nouns that end in s add ‘ after the word
3. plural nouns don’t end in s – add a ‘s
Mike’s video game, Chris’s wish
candles’ wax, sisters’ toys,
geese’s flight, women’s team
#2 Noun Review - 3 points
Write the nouns from each sentence.
1.His stomach rumbled from hunger, so he got a cheese sandwich.
2. The wild monkey threw bananas at the passing tourists.
Write whether the underlined words are common or proper. Then change the common
nouns to proper nouns and the proper nouns to common nouns.
3. A dog came to Murrieta. He walked up
Washington Street toward a grocery store.
Create plural nouns from the following singular nouns:
4. preliminary
5. dispatch
6. crisis
7. hoax 9. quality
8. hangar
1/19/11 #3 Verb Notes 6 pts.
Verb is a word that shows action, links the subject, or states a fact.
Two types of verbs
Action verb Linking Verb - Links the subject with that describes it in the predicate, expresses a state
Of being
My skates are fast. are = linking verb
Common linking verbs - am, are, were, being, be, been, is was
Action or Linking Test?
Substitute a linking verb in place of main verb
The skates looked new.
Ricardo looked at the skates
Subject/Verb Agreement
Verb must agree with the subject in number
# 4 Response to Literature Notes 5 pts
Thesis: point you are trying to prove in your essay,
includes subject and opinion, answer the prompt question.
In the introduction
Concrete detail: in body paragraph – facts or examples from the story – proves the thesis
Commentary: in body paragraph - opinion or explanation of the concrete detail
Body Paragraph format
Topic Sentence
Concrete Detail
Concrete Detail
Concluding Sentence
2 pts.
1. weve wore the same outfits for all games shoes jeans and white sweaters
2. the class therefore will travel to Chicago to see the musical the king and i
#6 Adjective Notes 6 pts.
Adjectives: definition – an adjective describes or modifies a noun
The brown furry dog ran toward the bright red car.
brown furry modifies dog
bright red modifies car
Proper adjectives: proper noun describe another noun June day, Friday night
Predicate adjectives: adjective that follows a linking verb and describes the subject
The sky looks stormy.
The wind is strong.
Special adjectives called articles –
the, a an, am
Demonstrative adjectives: this that these, those 2/7 #7 Adverbs notes 5 pts.
Adverb - a word that modifies a verb, and adjective or another adverb.
Many adverbs end in -ly , answers question where? When? In what way? To what extent?
Examples with Verbs
1. The student worked carefully on her book report adv = carefully describes worked
2. The track star raced quickly to the finish line.
quickly describes raced
Can also modify adjectives or adverbs
I was not hungry after my workout. not describes hungry
She was very upset over her grade. very describes upset
She moved very quickly.
quickly describes moved, very describes quickly
#8 Adverb Review
2 pts.
1. Nathan stamped his feet angrily.
2. Neil slowly placed a card on the card house.
3. My father snored loudly on the couch.
4. The movie was very boring, and I fell asleep.
5. Sam accidentally slipped on the ice.
6. Yesterday, they played a game.
7. The tour guide walked quickly through the museum.
8. Often, I travel out of the country on business.
9. The truck grumbled loudly.
10. Proudly, the mother spoke of her son’s accomplishments.
#9 Conjunction / Interjection Notes 5 pts.
Conjunction - a word that connects words or phrases or sentences
Ex. but
and nor
The pen and paper contained fingerprints
It is a fascinating yet difficult procedure.
Interjections – is a exclamation - word or phrase that expresses feelings or emotion
Wow! Whew! Uh
Sure, I can do it
#10 Preposition Review 4 pts
Preposition Notes
A preposition relates the noun or pronoun following it to another word in the sentence.
Words that show direction or location – examples: above, across, after, behind, beyond, off, on,
Object of preposition – is the noun or pronoun following the preposition
Prepositional phrases: group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with its object.
The parade passed behind City Hall.
behind = preposition City Hall = object of prep
The moon has strong influence on Earth. on = preposition
Earth = object of prep.
The first fire departments were started in ancient Rome. in = preposition ancient Rome =
object of prep
Write the preposition first and then write the object of the preposition in each
The speed boat traveled through the water.
No one under 48 inches tall is allowed to ride the roller coaster.
The pilgrims came from England in 1620.
3. I don't want to show you my report card until tomorrow
4. The tiny boy walked into the elevator carrying a huge stuffed animal.
5. Zachary put the envelopes in the mailbox.
6. Everyone was invited but I couldn’t go, because I will not be home on that day.
7. Taylor put the little white table beside her bed.
8. Savannah left her homework near the door.
9. I put my alarm clock by my bed, so it would wake me in the morning.
Pronoun Notes
5 pts
Pronoun notes: #1 in journal worth 7 pts.
Write Cornell note style
Definition of pronoun - word takes place of a noun.
The firefighters described how they did their jobs. .
The rescue worker reappeared. She smiled.
Personal pronouns – can be singular or plural - can be used in the subject or predicate
Examples: First person: I, me, my, we, us, our, ours
Second person you, your, yours
Third person he, him, she,
Antecedent : The noun the pronoun refers to
Suzie took the bus to visit her grandmother her = pronoun Suzie = antecedent