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General info:
A soil pit is a clean hole that is used to see the layers of different types of soil
otherwise known as horizons.
There are 4 different horizons that we saw in East Woods: the O or A horizon, the
E horizon, the B horizon and the C horizon.
O horizon is the layer of organic matter that is usually a dark color,
there are three layers in the O horizons the first layer you can define the leaves,
the second layer you can see the leaves only partially, the last layer you cannot tell
a clear distinction of the leaves and other matter.
A horizon is a mixture of organic matter and parental material, this layer
doesn’t occur very often.
E horizon  is a gray color because the acids from decomposing organic
matter leeched the metals and minerals out into the layers below.
B horizon is an orange color that because of all of the minerals that were
leeched from the layers above.
C horizon is the parental material and is a lighter orange color.
We also used the Munsell Soil Color Chart to see what color the soil was exactly
and we used the page 10YR because it related to the soils in East Woods.