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“Azerbaijan theatre: Yesterday, to day, tomorrow” electron base
Mammadov Tariyel
“Azerbaijan theatre: Yesterday, to day, tomorrow” electron base have been prepared by
``Musigi dunyasi`` journal electron prints centre. “Azerbaijan theatre: Yesterday, to day,
tomorrow” electron base surrounds Azerbaijan theatre. Base prepared in Azerbaijan, Russian and
English languages consists of 16 parts and rubruc.
There are rich materials such as ``State theatres``, ``Dramaturgy and theatre``, ``Painter
and theatre``, ``Music and theatre``, ``Theatre literature``, ``Photo archive``, ``Video``,
``Audio``, ``Theatre study``, ``Intellectual games``, ``Live sounds``, ``Electron books``, ``
Chronicle``, ``Sound lectures`` in electron base. In Video part you can find theatre spectacles of
minor Russian, Georgia, Lezgian, Ingloy groups. In electron base deaf and dumb people have
been not forgotten, a number of materials have been adapted for their usage.
There are information about theatre in Baku and in other regions of Azerbaijan in ``State
theatres`` part.
There are information about actors, producers, theatre critics in ``Theatre figures`` part,
examples of Azerbaijan and world dramaturgy - plays in Azerbaijan and Russian languages,
information about dramatists in ``Dramaturgy and theatre`` part. One of the interesting part of
portal is ``Painter and theatre``. You can get information about theatre painters, décor and
costume sketches, portrait and photos.
It is necessary especially to emphasize ``Music and theatre`` part. There are information
about composers, conductors, music composed for spectacles and note base in this part.
``Photo archive`` part of base is enough rich. There are spectacle photos, posters,
negatives, historical photos in this part. In photo archive part has been encirclement all theatres.
``Video archive`` is one of the unequal and valuable part of electron base. here you can
get information about theatre and TV spectacles, videos about theatre history - The lay down
foundations ceremony of the building of the national Dramatic theatre, anniversary of Alesger
Alekberov, theatre active of Jafar Jabbarly, scenarios dedicated to Abbas Mirze Shariphzade and
Live sounds, sound lectures, radio spectacles, interviews in ``Audio`` part are elected
with originality.
Books about theatre, newspapers and journals have gathered in ``Theatre literature`` part.
Education of Azerbaijan theatre history, information about Art and Culture university of
Azerbaijan, texts of theatre subjects have gathered in ``Theatre study`` part.
One of the rousing special interest part is ``Intellectual games`` - connecting functions of
entertainment and enlightenment such as puzzle, crossword, audio and video tests.
Electron theatre encyclopedia is one of the luckiest parts of the base. This is the first
encyclopedia prepared in Azerbaijan in multimedia format and there are very wide materials
about theatre - exposition in 3 D format, virtual tour, siteography and epistolary heritage.
Humanity elaborated definite rules of existence in environment within millenniums. It
includes observance of morality norms, presuming existence of socio. Due to adherence to
principles, they could use acquired experience, which was personified in national cultures and
transmitted as traditional and cultural knowledge (theatre, cinema, manuscript and etc.).
1. To create ONLINE database of Azerbaijan national theatre in Azerbaijan and English
considering multidirectional aims, namely: legal; cognitive, communicational, memorial,
educational, valuable, pedagogical, scientific, informational, tutorial, esthetic.
2. To discover, depict and disseminate around the world the phenomenon of rich and multiform
appearance of Azerbaijan national theatre, and provide a copyright of Azerbaijan population
for its cultural heritage.
3. To evoke interest among governors, private business, and population in preservation of
natural and cultural resources in Azerbaijan, and to provide civil-legal bases for it.
4. To use the database of the “Azerbaijan national theatre” to create intercultural exchanges
between native population and tourism, East-West intercultural dialog, which will contribute
to promote economical and social development of Azerbaijan in globalization epoch.
5. To protect Azerbaijan’s national property, using all methods, including legal ones.
Timeframe - 24 months
“Azerbaijan theatre: Yesterday, to day, tomorrow” electron base would assist to the following:
to extend knowledge on infrastructure of Azerbaijan national theatre;
to associate people, living in various points of the world space;
to solve actual legal, civil, educational, and other problems related to historical heritage of
Azerbaijan national theatre;
to humanitarian education and self-education of youth;
to increase care on conservation of natural and cultural values among local population and
to develop methods and theatrical management’s technique;
to strengthen copyrights of Azerbaijan national theatre for native traditional music culture.
The project is aimed to collect, classify, preserve, and present the unique artifacts of Azerbaijan
national theatre as intellectual property, belonging to various nations and ethnic minorities
populated in the whole area of democratic state and forming ethnical consolidation – Azerbaijan
theatre – to future generations.